这篇博客简单介绍一些python性能分析的常用工具, 性能分析主要是代码运行的时间和内存分析,希望能给大家提供帮助


import time
def test(num_iterations):a = 1for i in range(num_iterations):a *= -1return anum_iterations = 1_000_000_0
t1 = time.time()
res = test(num_iterations)
t2 = time.time()
print(t2 - t1)

这可能是最常用的方法, 我们可以用这个方法测试某一行代码或者某一个函数的运行时间


def time_wrapper(func):def measure_time(*args, **kwargs):t1 = time.time()result = func(*args, **kwargs)t2 = time.time()print(f"{func.__name__} took {t2 - t1} seconds")return resultreturn measure_time
def test(num_iterations):a = 1for i in range(num_iterations):a *= -1return ares = test(num_iterations)
# test took 0.4167180061340332 seconds

通过装饰器time_wrapper, 我们可以在任意的函数上加上@time_wrapper,非常方便



# 循环次数(-n 2)和重复次数(-r 2)
# timeit会对语句循环执行n次并计算平均值作为一个结果,重复r次选择最好的那个
%timeit -n 2 -r 2 test(num_iterations)
test took 0.4153749942779541 seconds
test took 0.4038848876953125 seconds
test took 0.40583109855651855 seconds
test took 0.40905189514160156 seconds
409 ms ± 1.09 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 2 runs, 2 loops each)


$python -m timeit -n 2 -r 2 -s "import numpy as np" "np.array(10)"# 2 loops, best of 2: 2.52 usec per loop

使用unix time命令进行简单的计时

%usr/bin/time -p python test.py
  • real记录了整体的耗时
  • user记录了CPU花在任务上的时间,不包括内核函数耗费的时间
  • sys记录了内核函数耗费的时间



def test1(value, num_iterations):res = 1for i in range(num_iterations):res += res * 2 % 10return valuedef test2(num_iterations):res = 0for i in range(num_iterations):res += i*i % 10test1(1, num_iterations)return resif __name__ == '__main__':#-s cumulative对每个函数累计花费时间进行排序"""python -m cProfile -s cumulative test_cprofiler.py"""# 生成一个统计文件"""python -m cProfile -o profile.stats test_cprofiler.py"""print('hello world')num_iterations = 1_000_000_0res1 = test1(1, num_iterations)res2 = test2(num_iterations)"""
<pstats.Stats object at 0x1115f29d0>
Sun May 10 19:30:19 2020    profile.stats5 function calls in 2.221 secondsOrdered by: cumulative timencalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)1    0.000    0.000    2.221    2.221 {built-in method builtins.exec}1    0.000    0.000    2.221    2.221 test_cprofiler.py:1(<module>)1    1.303    1.303    1.303    1.303 test_cprofiler.py:8(test2)1    0.918    0.918    0.918    0.918 test_cprofiler.py:1(test1)1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'disable' of '_lsprof.Profiler' objects}<pstats.Stats at 0x1115f29d0>
  • for the total time spent in the given function (and excluding time made in calls to sub-functions)
  • cumulative time spent in this and all subfunctions (from invocation till exit). This figure is accurate even for recursive functions.


line_profiler是调查CPU密集型问题的最强大工具, 它可以对函数进行逐行的分析。可以先用cProfiler找到需要分析的函数,然后用line_profiler对函数进行分析

def test1(value, num_iterations):res = 1for i in range(num_iterations):res += res * 2 % 10return value@profile
def test2(num_iterations):res = 0for i in range(num_iterations):res += i*i % 10return resif __name__ == '__main__':# 用装饰器@profile标记选中的函数,用kernprof.py来运行代码# -l代表逐行分析,-v用于显示输出"""kernprof -l -v test_lineprofiler.py"""num_iterations = 1_000_000_0res1 = test1(1, num_iterations)res2 = test2(num_iterations)"""
Wrote profile results to test_lineprofiler.py.lprof
Timer unit: 1e-06 sTotal time: 6.1838 s
File: test_lineprofiler.py
Function: test2 at line 7Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
==============================================================7                                           @profile8                                           def test2(num_iterations):9         1        231.0    231.0      0.0    res = 010  10000001    2488600.0      0.2     40.2    for i in range(num_iterations):11  10000000    3694972.0      0.4     59.8      res += i*i % 1012         1          1.0      1.0      0.0    return res
  • Timer unit: 1e-06 s:时间单位;
  • Total time: 0.004891 s:总时间;
  • Hit:代码运行次数;
  • %Time:代码占了它所在函数的消耗的时间百分比,通常直接看这一列。


memory_profiler的操作和line_profiler十分类似, 但是运行速度要慢的多. 内存分析可以轻易让你的代码慢上10倍到100倍。所以实际操作可能只是偶尔使用memory_profiler而更多的使用line_profiler来进行CPU分析

import numpy as np
from memory_profiler import profile@profile
def test2(num_iterations):res = 0for i in range(num_iterations):res += i*i % 10b = np.random.rand(1000, 1000)a = [0] * 1000000return res, b, aif __name__ == '__main__':# 在函数前添加 @profile"""python -m memory_profiler test_memoryprofiler.py"""num_iterations = 1_000res2 = test2(num_iterations)"""
Line #    Mem usage    Increment   Line Contents
================================================5     55.6 MiB     55.6 MiB   @profile6                             def test2(num_iterations):7     55.6 MiB      0.0 MiB     res = 08     55.6 MiB      0.0 MiB     for i in range(num_iterations):9     55.6 MiB      0.0 MiB       res += i*i % 1010     63.2 MiB      7.7 MiB     b = np.random.rand(1000, 1000)11     70.9 MiB      7.6 MiB     a = [0] * 100000012     70.9 MiB      0.0 MiB     return res, b, a
  • Mem usage : 运行到当前位置使用内存
  • Increment : 运行当前代码后,增加的内存


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