/// <summary>/// 图形细化/// </summary>/// <param name="srcImg"></param>/// <returns></returns>public unsafe Bitmap ToThinner(Bitmap srcImg){int iw = srcImg.Width;int ih = srcImg.Height;bool bModified;     //二值图像修改标志            bool bCondition1;   //细化条件1标志            bool bCondition2;   //细化条件2标志            bool bCondition3;   //细化条件3标志            bool bCondition4;   //细化条件4标志int nCount;//5X5像素块            byte[,] neighbour = new byte[5, 5];//新建临时存储图像            Bitmap NImg = new Bitmap(iw, ih, srcImg.PixelFormat);bModified = true;//细化修改标志, 用作循环条件BitmapData dstData = srcImg.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, iw, ih), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, srcImg.PixelFormat);byte* data = (byte*)(dstData.Scan0);//将图像转换为0,1二值得图像; int step = dstData.Stride;for (int i = 0; i < dstData.Height; i++){for (int j = 0; j < dstData.Width * 3; j += 3){if (data[i * step + j] > 128)//如果是白线条,只要将0改成1,将1改成0data[i * step + j]= data[i * step + j + 1]= data[i * step + j + 2]= 0;elsedata[i * step + j]= data[i * step + j + 1]= data[i * step + j + 2]= 1;}}BitmapData dstData1 = NImg.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, iw, ih), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, NImg.PixelFormat);byte* data1 = (byte*)(dstData1.Scan0);int step1 = dstData1.Stride;//细化循环开始           while (bModified){bModified = false;//初始化临时二值图像NImg                for (int i = 0; i < dstData1.Height; i++){for (int j = 0; j < dstData1.Width * 3; j++){data1[i * step1 + j] = 0;}}for (int i = 2; i < ih - 2; i++){for (int j = 6; j < iw * 3 - 6; j += 3){bCondition1 = false;bCondition2 = false;bCondition3 = false;bCondition4 = false;if (data[i * step + j] == 0)//若图像的当前点为白色,则跳过                           continue;for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++){//取以当前点为中心的5X5块                           for (int l = 0; l < 5; l++){//1代表黑色, 0代表白色                             //neighbour[k, l] = bw[i + k - 2, j + l - 2];         //neighbour[k, l] = data[(i + k - 2) * step + (j + l - 2)];neighbour[k, l] = data[(i + k - 2) * step + (j + l * 3 - 6)];}}//(1)判断条件2<=n(p)<=6          nCount = neighbour[1, 1] + neighbour[1, 2] + neighbour[1, 3] + neighbour[2, 1] + neighbour[2, 3] + neighbour[3, 1] + neighbour[3, 2] + neighbour[3, 3];if (nCount >= 2 && nCount <= 6)bCondition1 = true;else{data1[i * step1 + j] = 1;continue;//跳过, 加快速度
                        }//(2)判断s(p)=1                      nCount = 0;if (neighbour[2, 3] == 0 && neighbour[1, 3] == 1)nCount++;if (neighbour[1, 3] == 0 && neighbour[1, 2] == 1)nCount++;if (neighbour[1, 2] == 0 && neighbour[1, 1] == 1)nCount++;if (neighbour[1, 1] == 0 && neighbour[2, 1] == 1)nCount++;if (neighbour[2, 1] == 0 && neighbour[3, 1] == 1)nCount++;if (neighbour[3, 1] == 0 && neighbour[3, 2] == 1)nCount++;if (neighbour[3, 2] == 0 && neighbour[3, 3] == 1)nCount++;if (neighbour[3, 3] == 0 && neighbour[2, 3] == 1)nCount++;if (nCount == 1)bCondition2 = true;else{data1[i * step1 + j] = 1;continue;}//(3)判断p0*p2*p4=0 or s(p2)!=1   if (neighbour[2, 3] * neighbour[1, 2] * neighbour[2, 1] == 0)bCondition3 = true;else{nCount = 0;if (neighbour[0, 2] == 0 && neighbour[0, 1] == 1)nCount++;if (neighbour[0, 1] == 0 && neighbour[1, 1] == 1)nCount++;if (neighbour[1, 1] == 0 && neighbour[2, 1] == 1)nCount++;if (neighbour[2, 1] == 0 && neighbour[2, 2] == 1)nCount++;if (neighbour[2, 2] == 0 && neighbour[2, 3] == 1)nCount++;if (neighbour[2, 3] == 0 && neighbour[1, 3] == 1)nCount++;if (neighbour[1, 3] == 0 && neighbour[0, 3] == 1)nCount++;if (neighbour[0, 3] == 0 && neighbour[0, 2] == 1)nCount++;if (nCount != 1)//s(p2)!=1                              bCondition3 = true;else{data1[i * step1 + j] = 1;continue;}}//(4)判断p2*p4*p6=0 or s(p4)!=1    if (neighbour[1, 2] * neighbour[2, 1] * neighbour[3, 2] == 0)bCondition4 = true;else{nCount = 0;if (neighbour[1, 1] == 0 && neighbour[1, 0] == 1)nCount++;if (neighbour[1, 0] == 0 && neighbour[2, 0] == 1)nCount++;if (neighbour[2, 0] == 0 && neighbour[3, 0] == 1)nCount++;if (neighbour[3, 0] == 0 && neighbour[3, 1] == 1)nCount++;if (neighbour[3, 1] == 0 && neighbour[3, 2] == 1)nCount++;if (neighbour[3, 2] == 0 && neighbour[2, 2] == 1)nCount++;if (neighbour[2, 2] == 0 && neighbour[1, 2] == 1)nCount++;if (neighbour[1, 2] == 0 && neighbour[1, 1] == 1)nCount++;if (nCount != 1)//s(p4)!=1       bCondition4 = true;}if (bCondition1 && bCondition2 && bCondition3 && bCondition4){data1[i * step1 + j] = 0;bModified = true;}else{data1[i * step1 + j] = 1;}}}// 将细化了的临时图像bw_tem[w,h]copy到bw[w,h],完成一次细化   for (int i = 2; i < ih - 2; i++)for (int j = 2; j < iw * 3 - 2; j++)data[i * step + j] = data1[i * step1 + j];}for (int i = 2; i < ih - 2; i++){for (int j = 6; j < iw * 3 - 6; j += 3){if (data[i * step + j] == 1)data[i * step + j]= data[i * step + j + 1]= data[i * step + j + 2]= 0;elsedata[i * step + j]= data[i * step + j + 1]= data[i * step + j + 2]= 255;}}srcImg.UnlockBits(dstData);NImg.UnlockBits(dstData1);return (srcImg);}


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