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(function($){$.fn.colorTip = function(settings){var defaultSettings = {color        : 'yellow',//默认颜色timeout        : 500}var supportedColors = ['red','green','blue','white','yellow','black'];//总共有6种主题的颜色/* Combining the default settings object with the supplied one */settings = $.extend(defaultSettings,settings);/**    Looping through all the elements and returning them afterwards.*    This will add chainability to the plugin.*/return this.each(function(){var elem = $(this);// If the title attribute is empty, continue with the next elementif(!elem.attr('title')) return true;// Creating new eventScheduler and Tip objects for this element.// (See the class definition at the bottom).var scheduleEvent = new eventScheduler();var tip = new Tip(elem.attr('title'));// Adding the tooltip markup to the element and// applying a special class:
            elem.append(tip.generate()).addClass('colorTipContainer');// Checking to see whether a supported color has been// set as a classname on the element.var hasClass = false;for(var i=0;i<supportedColors.length;i++){if(elem.hasClass(supportedColors[i])){hasClass = true;break;}}// If it has been set, it will override the default colorif(!hasClass){elem.addClass(settings.color);}// On mouseenter, show the tip, on mouseleave set the// tip to be hidden in half a second.
            elem.hover(function(){tip.show();// If the user moves away and hovers over the tip again,// clear the previously set event:
                scheduleEvent.clear();},function(){// Schedule event actualy sets a timeout (as you can// see from the class definition below).
                scheduleEvent.set(function(){tip.hide();},settings.timeout);});// Removing the title attribute, so the regular OS titles are// not shown along with the tooltips.
            elem.removeAttr('title');});}/*/    Event Scheduler Class Definition*/function eventScheduler(){}eventScheduler.prototype = {set    : function (func,timeout){// The set method takes a function and a time period (ms) as// parameters, and sets a timeoutthis.timer = setTimeout(func,timeout);},clear: function(){// The clear method clears the timeout
            clearTimeout(this.timer);}}/*/    Tip Class Definition*/function Tip(txt){this.content = txt;this.shown = false;}Tip.prototype = {generate: function(){// The generate method returns either a previously generated element// stored in the tip variable, or generates it and saves it in tip for// later use, after which returns it.return this.tip || (this.tip = $('<span class="colorTip">'+this.content+'<span class="pointyTipShadow"></span><span class="pointyTip"></span></span>'));//显示的消息提示框是一个span标签
        },show: function(){if(this.shown) return;// Center the tip and start a fadeIn animationthis.tip.css('margin-left',-this.tip.outerWidth()/2).fadeIn('fast');this.shown = true;},hide: function(){this.tip.fadeOut();this.shown = false;}}})(jQuery);






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