Our introduction this quarter covers the topic of personal growth. As you know, each of us is responsible for our own personal growth. So let me ask you, what are you doing to ensure your growth?

Do you have a personal plan for growth?

People don’t grow automatically; it takes intentional planning and action. Working hard and putting in long hours does not ensure growth.
The secret to your success is within your daily agenda. If you do something intentional to grow every day, you will move closer to your ultimate potential. If you don’t, your potential may slowly slip away.
In today’s fast paced world of business, finding time to grow can be a challenge. Clearly, no one will be assigning you reading material, enrolling you in classes or testing your understanding of business concepts. This puts the ownership of our growth on each one of US. This means WE need to make it a priority and not something that gets continually blown off.
The one thing, more than any other, that will determine the growth of an organization is the growth of the people in the organization. IBM’s greatest asset is its people. Therefore, continued success of our company is directly related to our continual personal growth.

What kind of attitude do you have when it comes to learning? Most people fall into one of these three zones:

* The Challenge Zone: “I attempt to do what I haven’t done before.”
    * The Comfort Zone: “I do what I already know I can do.”
    * The Coasting Zone: “I don’t even do what I’ve done before.”

Do you have the "Destination" disease?
If you think you have "arrived", or someday will arrive, by achieving a certain position, acquiring a particular degree or credentials, or earning a certain level of income, then you are in danger of finding yourself in either the comfort or coasting zone. Make sure your long term personal goals are growth oriented instead of destination oriented. Successful people don’t see learning or achievement as a fixed destination to head for, they know it is a never ending journey. The greatest obstacle to discovery isn’t ignorance or lack of intelligence. It’s the illusion of knowledge.
Remember, one of the great dangers of life is believing that you have arrived. If that happens to you, you’re done growing.

It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts. – John Wooden

One of the requirements of successful growth is a positive environment. A growth environment is one in which learning and growing is encouraged and expected. A growth environment is a place where the following things occur:

* Others are ahead of you. (this means you are growing)
    * You are continually challenged.
    * Your focus is forward. (on the future, not past mistakes)
    * The atmosphere is affirming.
    * You are often out of your comfort zone. (but not your strength zone)
    * You wake up excited. (you are excited about coming to work)
    * Failure is not your enemy. (you are allowed to take risks)
    * Others are growing. (everyone places a high value on growth)
    * People desire change.
    * Growth is modeled and expected. (by you and others)

We have the great fortune of working in a growth environment here at IBM. The knowledge, expertise, tools, and environment are here. We only need to make the personal commitment to growth and then follow thru.

So, what is your plan? What will you do this week, this month, and this year to actively grow?
Try these:

* Capitalize on think Fridays.
    * Read a growth oriented book each month.
    * Read trade journals to stay abreast of technology advancements.
    * Listen to a growth oriented CD or tape each month.
    * Schedule yourself for an annual conference.
    * Enroll in a class
    * Attend the weekly brown bag education sessions.
    * Keep trying new things you’ve never done.
    * Push yourself outside your comfort zone. A place where you’re not the expert.

Spend some time thinking about your goals. Are you on track to achieve them?

1. Draft a personal growth plan for yourself. If you write it down, it is much more likely to happen.
   2. Review it with your valued colleagues, mentors and subject matter experts.
   3. Finalize your plan and use it to guide you and keep you on track to accomplishing your goals.
   4. Copy your plan into your IDP so your management team can assist you in achieving your goals.

Remember the words of Ray Kroc: “As long as you’re green, you’re growing. As soon as you’re ripe, you start to rot.”

Successful people know that what got them their success doesn’t keep them successful. If you have been successful in the past, beware.
If what you did yesterday still looks big to you, you haven’t done much today.


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