
By now you should have a working templatized safe array class from the midterm and safematrix project. Build upon the templatized safe array (1- dimensional NOT the safe “matrix”) add an iterator and the other necessary typedefs required to make the templatized safearray an STL compatible container, refer back to the class videos to see examples of this. Once you add the necessary code to use STL make sure to test your code by using STL find on your templatized safe array. Your safe array will be graded on being properly templatized, having working constructors and operators based on the original example, and being compatible with STL using the STL find as a test.





#include <cstdlib>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
template <class T>
class SA;//一维矩阵
template <class T>
class SM;//一维矩阵二维矩阵
template <class T>
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, SA<T> s);
template <class T>//输入输出函数
ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, SM<T> s);
template < class T > class SA {private:int low, high;//一维数组有效的下标范围T* p;//数组的首地址
public:SA() {//无参构造low = 0;high = -1;p = NULL;}SA(int l, int h) {//有参构造,两个参数代表有效下标位置if ((h - l + 1) <= 0) {//判断下表值是否合法cout << "constructor bounds error" << endl;exit(1);}low = l;high = h;p = new T[h - l + 1];}SA(int i) {//有参构造,下表从零开始low = 0;high = i - 1;p = new T[i];}SA(const SA& s) {//拷贝构造函数int size = s.high - s.low + 1;p = new T[size];for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)p[i] = s.p[i];low = s.low;high = s.high;}// destructor~SA() {//析构delete[]p;}T& operator[](int i) {//重载[]运算符,可以访问其中的元素if (i < low || i > high) {cout << "index " << i << " out of range" << endl;exit(1);}return p[i - low];}SA& operator=(const SA& s) {//=重载,相当于拷贝赋值if (this == &s)return *this;delete[]p;int size = s.high - s.low + 1;p = new T[size];for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)p[i] = s.p[i];low = s.low;high = s.high;return *this;}
class iterator{//类中类实现迭代器friend class SA;//友元保证迭代器能被对应容器访问
private:T* it;//迭代器本质上是对指针的管理,其核心数据是指针
public:iterator(T* p){//带参数构造函数it=p;}~iterator(){}、、析构没写,应该进行内存释放bool operator>(iterator i){//比较运算符重载if(this->it > i.it)return true;return false;}bool operator<(iterator i){if(this->it < i.it)return true;return false;}bool operator==(iterator i){if(this->it == i->it)return true;return false;}bool operator!=(iterator i){if(this->it != i.it)return true;return false;}//重载递增符号前缀和后缀不同iterator operator++(int){T* res= ++this->it;return iterator(res);}T operator*(){//本职工作——指针return *(this->it);}int operator-(iterator i){//做差return (this->it - i.it);}
};iterator operator+(int i) {if(i<=high)return iterator(&p[low + i]);return iterator(nullptr);}iterator begin() {return iterator(&p[low]);}iterator end() {return iterator(&p[high + 1]);}iterator find(iterator it1, iterator it2, T v) {if (it1 > it2)return end();if (it1.it < &p[low])return end();if (it1.it > &p[high])return end();for (it1;  it1 < it2; it1++) {if (*it1 == v) return it1;}return end();}friend ostream& operator<< <T>(ostream& os, SA<T> s);
};template <class T>
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, SA < T > s) {int size = s.high - s.low + 1;for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)os << s.p[i] << endl;return os;
}template < class T > class SM {private:int row_low;int row_high;int col_low;int col_high;SA < SA < T > > matrix;public:SM(int rows, int cols) {if (rows <= 0 || cols <= 0) {cout << "Please enter a valid row and columns size" << endl;exit(1);}row_low = 0;row_high = rows - 1;col_low = 0;col_high = cols - 1;matrix = SA < SA < T > >(rows);for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++)matrix[j] = SA < T >(cols);}SM() {}SM(int row_min, int row_max, int col_min, int col_max) {if ((row_max - row_min + 1) <= 0) {cerr << "constructor error in Matrix bounds definition" << endl;exit(1);}row_low = row_min;row_high = row_max;col_low = col_min;col_high = col_max;matrix = SA < SA < T > >(row_min, row_max);for (int i = row_min; i <= (row_max); i++)matrix[i] = SA < T >(col_min, col_max);}SM(int square_size) {row_low = 0;row_high = square_size - 1;col_low = 0;col_high = square_size - 1;matrix = SA < SA < T > >(square_size);for (int j = 0; j < square_size; j++)matrix[j] = SA < T >(square_size);}//destructor~SM() {}SA < T >& operator[](int i) {if (i < row_low || i > row_high) {cout << "index " << i << " out of range in Matrix" << endl;exit(1);}return matrix[i];}/*Matrix Multiplication*/SM < T > operator*(SM& s) {if ((col_high - col_low + 1) != (s.row_high - s.row_low + 1)) {return 0;}int rows = (row_high - row_low + 1);int cols = (s.col_high - s.col_low + 1);SM < int >result(rows, cols);for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++) {for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) {result[r][c] = 0;}}for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++) {for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) {for (int i = 0; i < (s.row_high - s.row_low + 1); i++) {result[r][c] += ((*this)[r + row_low][i + col_low]) * (s[i + s.row_low][c + s.col_low]);}}}return result;}friend ostream& operator<< <T>(ostream& os, SM<T> s);};
template <class T>
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, SM < T > s) {for (int i = s.row_low; i <= s.row_high; i++) {for (int j = s.col_low; j <= s.col_high; j++) {os << s.matrix[i][j] << " ";}os << endl;}return os;
int main() {int n = 6;SA<double> a(n);//SA<int> b(3, 5);//SM<int> m1(3, 3);//SM<int> m2(3, 3);for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {a[i] = (double)i+0.5;}cout << a;double  number = 0.0;while (number != -1){cout << "enter num (-1) to end";cin >> number;if (number != -1){SA<double>::iterator position = a.find(a.begin(), a.end(), number);if (position != a.end()){cout << "found at position " << (position - a.begin()) << endl;}else{cout << number << " not found." << endl;}}}return 0;



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