

1. mkfs

该命令用来在特定的分区创建linux文件系统,常见的文件系统有ext2,ext3,vfat等,执行mkfs命令其实是在调用:mkfs.ext3 | mkfs.reiserfs |mkfs.ext2 | mkdosfs | mkfs.msdos | mkfs.vfat ......


mkfs - build a Linux filesystem


mkfs [options] [-t type] [fs-options] device [size]


This  mkfs  frontend  is  deprecated  in  favour of filesystem specific

mkfs.<type> utils.

mkfs is used to build a Linux filesystem on a device,  usually  a  hard

disk  partition.   The  device argument is either the device name (e.g.

/dev/hda1, /dev/sdb2),  or  a  regular  file  that  shall  contain  the

filesystem.   The  size argument is the number of blocks to be used for

the filesystem.

In actuality, mkfs is simply a front-end  for  the  various  filesystem

builders  (mkfs.fstype) available under Linux.  The filesystem-specific

builder is searched for via your PATH environment setting only.  Please

see the filesystem-specific builder manual pages for further details.

baoli@ubuntu:~$ mkfs -h


mkfs [options] [-t <type>] [fs-options] <device> [<size>]

Make a Linux filesystem.


-t, --type=<type>  filesystem type; when unspecified, ext2 is used

fs-options     parameters for the real filesystem builder

<device>       path to the device to be used

<size>         number of blocks to be used on the device

-V, --verbose      explain what is being done;

specifying -V more than once will cause a dry-run

-h, --help         display this help

-V, --version      display version


mfks -t ext4  /dev/sda61

2. mke2fs




mke2fs - create an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem


mke2fs  [ -c | -l filename ] [ -b block-size ] [ -C cluster-size ] [ -d

root-directory ] [ -D ] [ -g blocks-per-group ] [ -G number-of-groups ]

[  -i bytes-per-inode ] [ -I inode-size ] [ -j ] [ -J journal-options ]

[ -N number-of-inodes ] [ -n ] [ -m reserved-blocks-percentage ]  [  -o

creator-os ] [ -O [^]feature[,...]  ] [ -q ] [ -r fs-revision-level ] [

-E extended-options ] [ -v ] [ -F ] [ -L  volume-label  ]  [  -M  last-

mounted-directory ] [ -S ] [ -t fs-type ] [ -T usage-type ] [ -U UUID ]

[ -V ] [ -e errors-behavior ] [ -z undo_file ] device [ fs-size ]

mke2fs -O journal_dev [ -b block-size ] [ -L volume-label ] [ -n ] [ -q

] [ -v ] external-journal [ fs-size ]


mke2fs  is used to create an ext2, ext3, or ext4 filesystem, usually in

a disk partition (or file) named by device.

The file system size is specified by fs-size.  If fs-size does not have

a  suffix,  it  is interpreted as power-of-two kilobytes, unless the -b

blocksize option is specified, in which case fs-size is interpreted  as

the  number  of  blocksize blocks.   If the fs-size is suffixed by 'k',

'm', 'g', 't' (either upper-case or lower-case), then it is interpreted

in  power-of-two  kilobytes,  megabytes, gigabytes, terabytes, etc.  If

fs-size is omitted, mke2fs will create the file  system  based  on  the

device size.

If mke2fs is run as mkfs.XXX (i.e., mkfs.ext2, mkfs.ext3, or mkfs.ext4)

the option -t XXX is implied; so mkfs.ext3 will create  a  file  system

for  use  with  ext3,  mkfs.ext4 will create a file system for use with

ext4, and so on.

The defaults of the parameters for the newly created filesystem, if not

overridden   by  the  options  listed  below,  are  controlled  by  the

/etc/mke2fs.conf configuration file.   See  the  mke2fs.conf(5)  manual

page for more details.

创建ext2 fs:

mke2fs /dev/sdb1

3. mkxxfs

mkntfs, the same as mkfs.ntfs








4. mkfs.xxx

mkfs.cramfs  mkfs.ext3    mkfs.fat     mkfs.msdos   mkfs.vfat

mkfs.bfs     mkfs.ext2    mkfs.ext4    mkfs.minix   mkfs.ntfs

4.1 mkfs.ext4

$ mkfs.ext4 -h

mkfs.ext4: invalid option -- 'h'

Usage: mkfs.ext4 [-c|-l filename] [-b block-size] [-C cluster-size]

[-i bytes-per-inode] [-I inode-size] [-J journal-options]

[-G flex-group-size] [-N number-of-inodes] [-d root-directory]

[-m reserved-blocks-percentage] [-o creator-os]

[-g blocks-per-group] [-L volume-label] [-M last-mounted-directory]

[-O feature[,...]] [-r fs-revision] [-E extended-option[,...]]

[-t fs-type] [-T usage-type ] [-U UUID] [-e errors_behavior][-z undo_file]

[-jnqvDFSV] device [blocks-count]

4.2 mkfs.vfat mkfs.fat

这个命令是格式化U盘的,vfat是文件系统类型,linux叫vfat, windows下叫FAT32 、 这样格完后,windows linux 默认都都能认识了。

vFAT与FAT向后兼容,但允许文件具有更长的名称, mkfs.vfat并且mkfs.fat是相同的工具。


mkfs.fat - create an MS-DOS filesystem under Linux




mkfs.fat is used to create an MS-DOS filesystem under Linux on a device

(usually a disk partition).  DEVICE is the special  file  corresponding

to the device (e.g. /dev/sdXX).  BLOCK-COUNT is the number of blocks on

the device.  If omitted, mkfs.fat automatically determines the filesys‐

tem size.

$ mkfs.vfat --help

mkfs.fat 4.1 (2017-01-24)

Usage: mkfs.fat [-a][-A][-c][-C][-v][-I][-l bad-block-file][-b backup-boot-sector]

[-m boot-msg-file][-n volume-name][-i volume-id]

[-s sectors-per-cluster][-S logical-sector-size][-f number-of-FATs]

[-h hidden-sectors][-F fat-size][-r root-dir-entries][-R reserved-sectors]

[-M FAT-media-byte][-D drive_number]



/dev/name [blocks]


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