
  • scaled_laplacian函数:
  • cheb_poly_approx函数:
  • first_approx()函数:
  • weight_matrix()函数:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigs


def scaled_laplacian(W):'''Normalized graph Laplacian function. 标准化拉普拉斯矩阵:param W: np.ndarray, [n_route, n_route], weighted adjacency matrix of G.:return: np.matrix, [n_route, n_route].'''# d ->  diagonal degree matrix 度矩阵n, d = np.shape(W)[0], np.sum(W, axis=1)      #1.取出矩阵W的维度 2.将矩阵W的列向量相加’‘’举例:c = np.array([[0, 2, 1], [3, 5, 6], [0, 1, 1]])print c.sum()print c.sum(axis=0)print c.sum(axis=1)结果分别是:19, [3 8 8], [ 3 14  2]‘’‘# L -> graph LaplacianL = -WL[np.diag_indices_from(L)] = d  #返回索引以访问n维数组L的主对角线for i in range(n):for j in range(n):if (d[i] > 0) and (d[j] > 0):L[i, j] = L[i, j] / np.sqrt(d[i] * d[j])# lambda_max \approx(大约) 2.0, the largest eigenvalues(特征值) of L.lambda_max = eigs(L, k=1, which='LR')[0][0].real  # 1. k:int, 可选参数所需的特征值和特征向量的数量。 2.‘LR’:largest real part 3. x.real取得xd的实部#eigs()全称为scipy.sparse.linalg.eigs()用于求平方矩阵A的k个特征值和特征向量。return np.mat(2 * L / lambda_max - np.identity(n))     #np.identity(n)生成一个n行n列的单位矩阵



def cheb_poly_approx(L, Ks, n):'''Chebyshev(切比雪夫) polynomials(多项式) approximation(逼近、近似) function.:param L: np.matrix, [n_route, n_route], graph Laplacian(拉普拉斯算子).:param Ks: int, kernel size of spatial convolution(空间卷积核大小).:param n: int, number of routes / size of graph.(图的大小):return: np.ndarray, [n_route, Ks*n_route]. 返回一个np.ndarray的多维数组'''L0, L1 = np.mat(np.identity(n)), np.mat(np.copy(L))   #np.copy():返回给定对象的数组副本if Ks > 1:L_list = [np.copy(L0), np.copy(L1)]for i in range(Ks - 2):Ln = np.mat(2 * L * L1 - L0)L_list.append(np.copy(Ln))L0, L1 = np.matrix(np.copy(L1)), np.matrix(np.copy(Ln))# L_lsit [Ks, n*n], Lk [n, Ks*n]return np.concatenate(L_list, axis=-1)elif Ks == 1:return np.asarray(L0)    #将输入转换为数组else:raise ValueError(f'ERROR: the size of spatial kernel must be greater than 1, but received "{Ks}".')



def first_approx(W, n):'''1st-order approximation function.:param W: np.ndarray, [n_route, n_route], weighted adjacency matrix of G.:param n: int, number of routes / size of graph.:return: np.ndarray, [n_route, n_route].'''A = W + np.identity(n)d = np.sum(A, axis=1)sinvD = np.sqrt(np.mat(np.diag(d)).I)# refer to Eq.5return np.mat(np.identity(n) + sinvD * A * sinvD)


def weight_matrix(file_path, sigma2=0.1, epsilon=0.5, scaling=True):'''Load weight matrix function.:param file_path: str, the path of saved weight matrix file.:param sigma2: float, scalar of matrix W.:param epsilon: float, thresholds to control the sparsity of matrix W.:param scaling: bool, whether applies numerical scaling on W.:return: np.ndarray, [n_route, n_route].'''try:W = pd.read_csv(file_path, header=None).valuesexcept FileNotFoundError:print(f'ERROR: input file was not found in {file_path}.')# check whether W is a 0/1 matrix.if set(np.unique(W)) == {0, 1}:print('The input graph is a 0/1 matrix; set "scaling" to False.')scaling = Falseif scaling:n = W.shape[0]W = W / 10000.W2, W_mask = W * W, np.ones([n, n]) - np.identity(n)# refer to Eq.10return np.exp(-W2 / sigma2) * (np.exp(-W2 / sigma2) >= epsilon) * W_maskelse:return W


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