


  • Lemmings1
  • Lemmings2
  • Lemmings3
  • Lemmings4



The game Lemmings involves critters with fairly simple brains. So simple that we are going to model it using a finite state machine.
In the Lemmings’ 2D world, Lemmings can be in one of two states: walking left or walking right. It will switch directions if it hits an obstacle. In particular, if a Lemming is bumped on the left, it will walk right. If it’s bumped on the right, it will walk left. If it’s bumped on both sides at the same time, it will still switch directions.
Implement a Moore state machine with two states, two inputs, and one output that models this behaviour.


需要注意的是,题中说明If it’s bumped on both sides at the same time, it will still switch directions.
即{bump_left,bump_right} = 2’b11时,旅鼠仍需转换运动方向。


module top_module(input clk,input areset,    // Freshly brainwashed Lemmings walk left.input bump_left,input bump_right,output walk_left,output walk_right); //  parameter LEFT=0, RIGHT=1;reg state, next_state;always @(*) begin// State transition logiccase({bump_left,bump_right})2'b01: next_state = LEFT;2'b10: next_state = RIGHT; 2'b11: begincase(state)LEFT: next_state = RIGHT;RIGHT: next_state = LEFT;endcaseenddefault: next_state = state;endcaseendalways @(posedge clk, posedge areset) begin// State flip-flops with asynchronous resetif(areset)state <= LEFT;elsestate <= next_state;end// Output logicassign walk_left = (state == LEFT);assign walk_right = ~walk_left;endmodule





In addition to walking left and right, Lemmings will fall (and presumably go “aaah!”) if the ground disappears underneath them.
In addition to walking left and right and changing direction when bumped, when ground=0, the Lemming will fall and say “aaah!”. When the ground reappears (ground=1), the Lemming will resume walking in the same direction as before the fall. Being bumped while falling does not affect the walking direction, and being bumped in the same cycle as ground disappears (but not yet falling), or when the ground reappears while still falling, also does not affect the walking direction.
Build a finite state machine that models this behaviour.



针对难点1,引入reg变量old_state记录之前的运动方向,但需要注意的是,必须在时序逻辑里面进行记录,只有时序逻辑里面的状态更新才是必然会发生的状态。组合逻辑里面更新的next_state是不一定会发生的。如果在组合逻辑里面记录,那么记录的将是还未发生的状态,如果下一状态为FALL,那么将出现记录错误。坠落结束后延续运动方向时也会发生错误。如下图所示,Mismatch=1处发生了测试错误,该代码即是在组合逻辑里面记录旧状态。可以看到,错误处并没有成功延续之前的运动方向,而是因为t=1100时刻{bump_left,bump_right} = 2’b11 改变了之前的运动方向。但实际上,t=1100时刻正好处于坠落结束后(aaah刚好置零),所以这里应该延续walk_left。


同样,next_state = old_state这句话也只能放在组合逻辑中的状态判断块外面,因为如果放在里面,那么可能会被坠落开始前的{bump_left,bump_right}信号覆盖,就无法延续之前的状态了。例如,下图t=1080时刻的bump_left置高,会将next_state置位RIGHT,但是,这个状态还没来得及发生,就进入了FALL状态,所以FALL结束后,仍应延续LEFT而不是RIGHT。而如果放在外面,t=1080时刻next_state仍会被置为RIGHT,但是,后续在FALL的时段内,通过next_state=old_state又可以将其置为已经发生的LEFT。

针对难点2,在组合逻辑处给出了判断条件if(state != FALL)。

针对难点3,在时序逻辑里利用 if(!ground) 提高FALL的优先级。



module top_module(input clk,input areset,    // Freshly brainwashed Lemmings walk left.input bump_left,input bump_right,input ground,output walk_left,output walk_right,output aaah ); parameter LEFT=3'b000, RIGHT=3'b010, FALL=3'b100;reg [2:0] state, next_state, old_state;always @(*) begin// State transition logicnext_state = old_state;if(state != FALL) begin            case({bump_left,bump_right})2'b01: next_state = LEFT;2'b10: next_state = RIGHT; 2'b11: begincase(state)LEFT: next_state = RIGHT;RIGHT: next_state = LEFT;endcaseenddefault: next_state = state;endcase            end        endalways @(posedge clk, posedge areset) begin// State flip-flops with asynchronous resetif(areset) beginstate <= LEFT;endelse beginaaah <= ~ground;if(!ground)state <= FALL;else beginstate <= next_state;old_state <= next_state; //必须在时序逻辑里面进行记录endendend// Output logicassign walk_left = (state == LEFT);assign walk_right = (state == RIGHT);




In addition to walking and falling, Lemmings can sometimes be told to do useful things, like dig (it starts digging when dig=1). A Lemming can dig if it is currently walking on ground (ground=1 and not falling), and will continue digging until it reaches the other side (ground=0). At that point, since there is no ground, it will fall (aaah!), then continue walking in its original direction once it hits ground again. As with falling, being bumped while digging has no effect, and being told to dig when falling or when there is no ground is ignored.
(In other words, a walking Lemming can fall, dig, or switch directions. If more than one of these conditions are satisfied, fall has higher precedence than dig, which has higher precedence than switching directions.)
Extend your finite state machine to model this behaviour.


针对难点1,在组合逻辑中的if判断中引入state != DIG。

针对难点2,在时序逻辑中引入判断if(!ground)和if(dig && state != FALL)。


module top_module(input clk,input areset,    // Freshly brainwashed Lemmings walk left.input bump_left,input bump_right,input ground,input dig,output walk_left,output walk_right,output aaah,output digging ); parameter LEFT=4'b0000, RIGHT=4'b0010, FALL=4'b0100, DIG=4'b1000;reg [3:0] state, next_state, old_state;always @(*) begin// State transition logicnext_state = old_state;if(state != FALL && state != DIG) begin            case({bump_left,bump_right})2'b01: next_state = LEFT;2'b10: next_state = RIGHT; 2'b11: begincase(state)LEFT: next_state = RIGHT;RIGHT: next_state = LEFT;endcaseenddefault: next_state = state;endcase            end        endalways @(posedge clk, posedge areset) begin// State flip-flops with asynchronous resetif(areset) beginstate <= LEFT;endelse beginaaah <= ~ground;            if(!ground)state <= FALL;else if(dig && state != FALL)state <= DIG;else if(state != DIG) beginstate <= next_state;old_state <= next_state; //必须在时序逻辑里面进行记录endendend// Output logicassign walk_left = (state == LEFT);assign walk_right = (state == RIGHT);assign digging = (state == DIG);endmodule






module top_module(input clk,input areset,    // Freshly brainwashed Lemmings walk left.input bump_left,input bump_right,input ground,input dig,output walk_left,output walk_right,output aaah,output digging ); parameter LEFT=3'b000, RIGHT=3'b001, FALL_L=3'b010, FALL_R=3'b011, DIG_L=3'b100, DIG_R=3'b101;reg [2:0] state, next_state;always @(*) begin// State transition logiccase(state)LEFT: next_state = ground ? (dig ? DIG_L : (bump_left ? RIGHT : LEFT)) : FALL_L;RIGHT: next_state = ground ? (dig ? DIG_R : (bump_right ? LEFT : RIGHT)) : FALL_R;DIG_L: next_state = ground ? DIG_L : FALL_L;DIG_R: next_state = ground ? DIG_R : FALL_R;FALL_L: next_state = ground ? LEFT : FALL_L;FALL_R: next_state = ground ? RIGHT : FALL_R;endcase            end    always @(posedge clk, posedge areset) begin// State flip-flops with asynchronous resetif(areset) beginstate <= LEFT;endelse state <= next_state;end// Output logicassign walk_left = (state == LEFT);assign walk_right = (state == RIGHT);assign aaah = (state == FALL_L || state == FALL_R);assign digging = (state == DIG_L || state == DIG_R);endmodule





Although Lemmings can walk, fall, and dig, Lemmings aren’t invulnerable. If a Lemming falls for too long then hits the ground, it can splatter. In particular, if a Lemming falls for more than 20 clock cycles then hits the ground, it will splatter and cease walking, falling, or digging (all 4 outputs become 0), forever (Or until the FSM gets reset). There is no upper limit on how far a Lemming can fall before hitting the ground. Lemmings only splatter when hitting the ground; they do not splatter in mid-air.

Extend your finite state machine to model this behaviour.




module top_module(input clk,input areset,    // Freshly brainwashed Lemmings walk left.input bump_left,input bump_right,input ground,input dig,output walk_left,output walk_right,output aaah,output digging ); parameter LEFT=3'b000, RIGHT=3'b001, FALL_L=3'b010, FALL_R=3'b011, DIG_L=3'b100, DIG_R=3'b101, SPLATTER=3'b110;reg [2:0] state, next_state;reg [7:0] count;always @(*) begin// State transition logiccase(state)LEFT: next_state = ground ? (dig ? DIG_L : (bump_left ? RIGHT : LEFT)) : FALL_L;RIGHT: next_state = ground ? (dig ? DIG_R : (bump_right ? LEFT : RIGHT)) : FALL_R;DIG_L: next_state = ground ? DIG_L : FALL_L;DIG_R: next_state = ground ? DIG_R : FALL_R;FALL_L: next_state = ground ? (count > 8'd20 ? SPLATTER: LEFT) : FALL_L;FALL_R: next_state = ground ? (count > 8'd20 ? SPLATTER: RIGHT) : FALL_R;SPLATTER: next_state = SPLATTER;endcase            end    always @(posedge clk, posedge areset) begin// State flip-flops with asynchronous resetif(areset) beginstate <= LEFT;count <= 8'd0;endelse beginstate <= next_state;count <= (next_state == FALL_L | next_state == FALL_R) ? count + 8'd1 : 8'd0;                endend// Output logicassign walk_left = (state == LEFT);assign walk_right = (state == RIGHT);assign aaah = (state == FALL_L || state == FALL_R);assign digging = (state == DIG_L ||  state == DIG_R);endmodule

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