由于香港中文大学多媒体实验室在深度学习时代发表论文的数量以及质量都是值得称赞的,故此对于算法工程师好好学习下https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection是很有必要的。这篇论文主要是引入了新的loss解决物体检测中positive example和negative example的问题以及easy example和hard example的问题。首先先贴出mmdetection中关于GHM loss的代码:

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as Ffrom ..registry import LOSSESdef _expand_binary_labels(labels, label_weights, label_channels):bin_labels = labels.new_full((labels.size(0), label_channels), 0)inds = torch.nonzero(labels >= 1).squeeze()if inds.numel() > 0:bin_labels[inds, labels[inds] - 1] = 1bin_label_weights = label_weights.view(-1, 1).expand(label_weights.size(0), label_channels)return bin_labels, bin_label_weights# TODO: code refactoring to make it consistent with other losses
class GHMC(nn.Module):"""GHM Classification Loss.Details of the theorem can be viewed in the paper"Gradient Harmonized Single-stage Detector".https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.05181Args:bins (int): Number of the unit regions for distribution calculation.momentum (float): The parameter for moving average.use_sigmoid (bool): Can only be true for BCE based loss now.loss_weight (float): The weight of the total GHM-C loss."""def __init__(self, bins=10, momentum=0, use_sigmoid=True, loss_weight=1.0):super(GHMC, self).__init__()self.bins = binsself.momentum = momentumself.edges = torch.arange(bins + 1).float().cuda() / binsself.edges[-1] += 1e-6if momentum > 0:self.acc_sum = torch.zeros(bins).cuda()self.use_sigmoid = use_sigmoidif not self.use_sigmoid:raise NotImplementedErrorself.loss_weight = loss_weightdef forward(self, pred, target, label_weight, *args, **kwargs):"""Calculate the GHM-C loss.Args:pred (float tensor of size [batch_num, class_num]):The direct prediction of classification fc layer.target (float tensor of size [batch_num, class_num]):Binary class target for each sample.label_weight (float tensor of size [batch_num, class_num]):the value is 1 if the sample is valid and 0 if ignored.Returns:The gradient harmonized loss."""# the target should be binary class labelif pred.dim() != target.dim():target, label_weight = _expand_binary_labels(target, label_weight, pred.size(-1))target, label_weight = target.float(), label_weight.float()edges = self.edgesmmt = self.momentumweights = torch.zeros_like(pred)# gradient lengthg = torch.abs(pred.sigmoid().detach() - target)valid = label_weight > 0tot = max(valid.float().sum().item(), 1.0)n = 0  # n valid binsfor i in range(self.bins):inds = (g >= edges[i]) & (g < edges[i + 1]) & validnum_in_bin = inds.sum().item()if num_in_bin > 0:if mmt > 0:self.acc_sum[i] = mmt * self.acc_sum[i] \+ (1 - mmt) * num_in_binweights[inds] = tot / self.acc_sum[i]else:weights[inds] = tot / num_in_binn += 1if n > 0:weights = weights / nloss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(pred, target, weights, reduction='sum') / totreturn loss * self.loss_weight# TODO: code refactoring to make it consistent with other losses
class GHMR(nn.Module):"""GHM Regression Loss.Details of the theorem can be viewed in the paper"Gradient Harmonized Single-stage Detector"https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.05181Args:mu (float): The parameter for the Authentic Smooth L1 loss.bins (int): Number of the unit regions for distribution calculation.momentum (float): The parameter for moving average.loss_weight (float): The weight of the total GHM-R loss."""def __init__(self, mu=0.02, bins=10, momentum=0, loss_weight=1.0):super(GHMR, self).__init__()self.mu = muself.bins = binsself.edges = torch.arange(bins + 1).float().cuda() / binsself.edges[-1] = 1e3self.momentum = momentumif momentum > 0:self.acc_sum = torch.zeros(bins).cuda()self.loss_weight = loss_weight# TODO: support reduction parameterdef forward(self, pred, target, label_weight, avg_factor=None):"""Calculate the GHM-R loss.Args:pred (float tensor of size [batch_num, 4 (* class_num)]):The prediction of box regression layer. Channel number can be 4or 4 * class_num depending on whether it is class-agnostic.target (float tensor of size [batch_num, 4 (* class_num)]):The target regression values with the same size of pred.label_weight (float tensor of size [batch_num, 4 (* class_num)]):The weight of each sample, 0 if ignored.Returns:The gradient harmonized loss."""mu = self.muedges = self.edgesmmt = self.momentum# ASL1 lossdiff = pred - targetloss = torch.sqrt(diff * diff + mu * mu) - mu# gradient lengthg = torch.abs(diff / torch.sqrt(mu * mu + diff * diff)).detach()weights = torch.zeros_like(g)valid = label_weight > 0tot = max(label_weight.float().sum().item(), 1.0)n = 0  # n: valid binsfor i in range(self.bins):inds = (g >= edges[i]) & (g < edges[i + 1]) & validnum_in_bin = inds.sum().item()if num_in_bin > 0:n += 1if mmt > 0:self.acc_sum[i] = mmt * self.acc_sum[i] \+ (1 - mmt) * num_in_binweights[inds] = tot / self.acc_sum[i]else:weights[inds] = tot / num_in_binif n > 0:weights /= nloss = loss * weightsloss = loss.sum() / totreturn loss * self.loss_weight

to be continue

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