1. As they speak Helena conceives a plan that she hopes will gain her the hand of Bertram.


2. Miss Bertram seemed, by her amiable qualities and accomplishments, the best adapted to make him happy


3. Miss Bertram seemed, by her amiable qualities and accomplishment s, the best adapted to make him happy


4. The Countess'husband has also recently died, and her son Count Bertram, a brave, handsome, but callow young man, is sent to serve the King of France, his liege lord.


5. You know that boat you used to have, that Bertram?


6. danci.911cha.com

6. As he departs for the King's Court, she banters with Parolles, an unsavory character who has managed to gain Bertram's ear despite being a liar and a coward.

当他启程前往国王的法院,她banters与 Parolles ,一个臭名昭著的性质谁设法获得贝塔姆的耳朵尽管是一个骗子和一个懦夫。

7. But her fixation on Bertram, while determined, will come to seem almost monomaniacal--it is her defining character trait, in the end.


8. " I was afraid it would be too much for her, " said Lady Bertram;


9. Chastened, Bertram consents to be a good husband to her, and there is general rejoicing.


10. Bertram is working as a researcher for a large chemical company.


11. Selfishly dear as she had long been to Lady Bertram, she could not be parted with willingly by_her_.


12. She absented herself as little as possible from Lady Bertram, kept away from the East room, and took no solitary walk in the shrubbery, in her caution to avoid any sudden attack.


13. Helena is in love with Bertram, but hopelessly, since he is a nobleman and she a commoner.


14. Bertram

14. Bertram: It is. I've had the sword of Damocles hanging over me for months, and now I can finally relax.


15. Being now in her twenty-first year, Maria Bertram was beginning to think matrimony a duty;


16. Rushworth being obliged to yield to Lady Bertram's staying at home, could only be sorry.


17. She is niece to Sir Thomas Bertram; that will be enough for the world.


18. danci.911cha.com

18. Sir Thomas Bertram's son is somebody; and now he is in their own line.


19. " I hope she will not tease my poor pug, " said Lady Bertram; " I have but just got Julia to leave it alone. "


20. If your miss Bertram doesn't like to break her heart, let her avoid henry.




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