Table of Contents

  • P_value
    • explain p-value to non-tech people
  • Power of a test / statistical power
  • Standard Error
  • What are covariance and correlation? How are they related?
  • What is the law of large numbers?
  • Q: What is the Central Limit Theorem? Explain it. Why is it important?
  • CTR / CTP
  • What's the major drawback of A/B testing?


  • P value means the probability of obtaining the observed results of a test.
  • The smaller the P value, the less likely we can get the observed results in a test based on what our current hypothesis.
  • And in statistics, our current hypothesis is null hypothesis, and a p-value smaller than 0.05 means that we should reject this null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis.

explain p-value to non-tech people

Let’s say your p-value < 0.05, how would you explain p-value to someone who doesn’t understand statistics?

  • P value means how likely the results were so unusual that they appeared just by chance.
  • The smaller the P value, the more likely that the results were so extreme that they can just appeared by chance.

(P value means the probability of obtaining the observed results of a test.
The smaller the P value, the less likely we can get the observed results in a test based on what our current hypothesis.)

  • We typically set 0.05 as a threshold to determine if the results are unusual or not. If p-value is smaller than 0.05, then we consider it is very likely that the results appeared by chance.

(And in statistics, our current hypothesis is null hypothesis, and a p-value smaller than 0.05 means that we should reject this null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis.)

Power of a test / statistical power


  • The statistical power of a binary hypothesis test is the probability that the test correctly rejects the null hypothesis when a specific alternative hypothesis is true. It is commonly denoted by 1−β1-\beta1−β ,

  • Statistical power ranges from 0 to 1, and as the power of a test increases, the probability β\betaβ of making a type II error by wrongly failing to reject the null hypothesis decreases.

  • ‘Statistical power’ refers to the power of a binary hypothesis, which is the probability that the test rejects the null hypothesis given that the alternative hypothesis is true.

Standard Error


The standard error (SE) of a statistic (usually an estimate of a parameter) is the standard deviation of its sampling distribution or an estimate of that standard deviation. If the statistic is the sample mean, it is called the standard error of the mean (SEM).

What are covariance and correlation? How are they related?

  • Covariance is a quantitative measure of the extent to which the deviation of one variable from its mean matches the deviation of the other from its mean.
  • Correlation is a measurement of the relationship between two variables. It is the covariance of the two variables, normalized by the variance of each variable.

What is the law of large numbers?

  • The Law of Large Numbers is a theory that states that as the number of trials increases, the average of the result will become closer to the expected value.
  • Eg. flipping heads from fair coin 100,000 times should be closer to 0.5 than 100 times.

Q: What is the Central Limit Theorem? Explain it. Why is it important?

  • The central limit theorem states that the sampling distribution of the sample mean approaches a normal distribution as the sample size gets larger no matter what the shape of the population distribution.
  • The central limit theorem is important because it is used in hypothesis testing and also to calculate confidence intervals.


  • The difference is CTR cares about clicks and CTP cares about visitors. A visitor may click and view page multiple times. In general, a rate is used to measure the usability and a probability is used to measure the impact. For example, use rate to answer how often a user finds a specific button on a web page with many buttons; use probability to answer how many users progress to the next page.
  • For CTR, engineers modify the website to capture a page view event and a click event.
  • For CTP, need to further match each page view with all of the child clicks, so that you count, at most, one child click per page view

What’s the major drawback of A/B testing?

  • The fact that A/B test results are not telling you in absolute terms which version is better. They are telling you which version is better given your current user base, which is the data you use to test.

  • Can take lots of time and resources

A/B testing can take a lot longer to set up than other forms of testing. Setting up the A/B system can be a resource and time hog, although third-party services can help. Depending on the company size, there may be endless meetings about which variables to include in the tests. Once a set of variables have been agreed, designers and coders will need to effectively work on double the amount of information. In addition, in order to get conclusive results, tests can take weeks and months for low-traffic sites.

  • A/B testing can make you forget about the big picture

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