
Advertising and public relations are very important in business activities.They can effectively improve company’s profits.The main difference between advertising and public relations is that public relations is usually much cheaper.So let’s talk about how to do a good job in public relations today.

2. How to make public relations plan

  1. Positioning:what makes your company different from others?
    We need to find out the advantages of our products,the more the better.These are the things we are best at.Of course ,our goal is to make money.Besides,what can we do to help others with the advantages of our products?I think that is where we are.

  2. Objectives:what do you want public relations to achieve?
    They are specific indicators,such as the specified time,amount etc.We need to set the target、time、amount and task to be completed.

  3. Target customers:Men or Women?Old or young?Living where?
    We need to figure out who our target customers are and where they are.So we know how to sell our products.

  4. Target media:Its function is to transfer product information to target customers.We can choose TV,radio,daily newspaper and even leaflets as our target media.

  5. Story:Now,we need a story to tell our target customers about our products.Let they feel that they really need our products.

  6. The pitch:It is time to find a place,we have chosen method in the above step, to tell our story.

For example,We can find a credible local media,and invite them to visit our production base and products,and let them write a report.

Thank you! That’s all!

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