ASP.NET MVC 使用视图与模型绑定的方式,查询是常用的需求,今天总结了三种解决方案!


public class Employee{public string EmployeeId { set; get; }public string EmployeeName { set; get; }public string Dept { set; get; }public string Role { set; get; }public string Email { set; get; }public string Phone { set; get; }}


public class ViewModels{public static IEnumerable<Employee> Employees = new List<Employee>{new Employee(){ EmployeeId = "1", EmployeeName = "justin", Dept = "T", Role = "A", Email = "", Phone = "110"},new Employee(){ EmployeeId = "2", EmployeeName = "justin", Dept = "T", Role = "A", Email = "", Phone = "110"},new Employee(){ EmployeeId = "3", EmployeeName = "justin", Dept = "D", Role = "A", Email = "", Phone = "110"},new Employee(){ EmployeeId = "4", EmployeeName = "justin", Dept = "D", Role = "A", Email = "", Phone = "110"},new Employee(){ EmployeeId = "5", EmployeeName = "justin", Dept = "D", Role = "A", Email = "", Phone = "110"},new Employee(){ EmployeeId = "6", EmployeeName = "justin", Dept = "F", Role = "B", Email = "", Phone = "110"},};}


public class DefaultController : Controller{private readonly IEnumerable<SelectListItem> _depts =(from p in ViewModels.Employeesselectnew SelectListItem{Text = p.Dept,Value = p.Dept}).DistinctBy(p => p.Text);// GET: Defaultpublic ActionResult Index(){ViewData["dept"] = _depts;return View(ViewModels.Employees);}[HttpPost]public ActionResult Search(FormCollection formCollection){ViewData["dept"] = _depts;var employees = ViewModels.Employees;string dept = formCollection["dept"];string role = formCollection["role"];if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dept)){employees = employees.Where(x => x.Dept == dept.Trim());}if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(role)){employees = employees.Where(x => x.Role == role.Trim());}return View("Index", employees);}}


@{Layout = null;
}@model IEnumerable<AspNetMvcCRUD_Demo.Models.Employee><!DOCTYPE html><html>
<head><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" /><title>Index</title>
<div><p>@using (Html.BeginForm("Search", "Default", FormMethod.Post)){<p>部门:@Html.DropDownList("dept", "All")角色:@Html.TextBox("role")<input type="submit" value="查询"/></p>}</p><table>@foreach (var item in @Model){<tr><td>@item.EmployeeId</td><td>@item.EmployeeName</td><td>@item.Dept</td><td>@item.Role</td><td>@item.Email</td><td>@item.Phone</td></tr>}</table>




public ActionResult Search(string dept, string role){ViewData["dept"] = _depts;var employees = ViewModels.Employees;if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dept)){employees = employees.Where(x => x.Dept == dept.Trim());}if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(role)){employees = employees.Where(x => x.Role == role.Trim());}return View("Index", employees);}


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