
File types

去掉 .pdf 是一个 shell 脚本,运行时用到了 uudecode,需要 sudo apt install sharutils


┌──(sparks㉿LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types]
└─$ file Flag
Flag: current ar archive┌──(sparks㉿LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types]
└─$ ar -p Flag > flag1┌──(sparks㉿LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types]
└─$ file flag1
flag1: cpio archive┌──(sparks㉿LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types]
└─$ cpio -idmv < flag1
2 blocks┌──(sparks㉿LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types]
└─$ file flag
flag: bzip2 compressed data, block size = 900k┌──(sparks㉿LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types]
└─$ bunzip2 flag
bunzip2: Can't guess original name for flag -- using flag.out┌──(sparks㉿LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types]
└─$ file flag.out
flag.out: gzip compressed data, was "flag", last modified: Tue Mar 15 06:50:49 2022, from Unix, original size modulo 2^32 326┌──(sparks㉿LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types]
└─$ gzip -d flag.out┌──(sparks㉿LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types]
└─$ file flag.out
flag.out: lzip compressed data, version: 1┌──(sparks㉿LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types]
└─$ unzip flag.out┌──(sparks㉿LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types]
└─$ file flag
flag: LZ4 compressed data (v1.4+)┌──(sparks㉿LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types]
└─$ lz4 -d flag.lz4
Decoding file flag
flag.lz4             : decoded 263 bytes┌──(sparks㉿LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types]
└─$ file flag
flag: LZMA compressed data, non-streamed, size 252┌──(sparks㉿LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types]
└─$ lzma -d flag.lzma┌──(sparks㉿LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types]
└─$ file flag
flag: lzop compressed data - version 1.040, LZO1X-1, os: Unix┌──(sparks㉿LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types]
└─$ lzop -dv flag.lzo
decompressing flag.lzo into flag┌──(sparks㉿LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types]
└─$ file flag
flag: lzip compressed data, version: 1┌──(sparks㉿LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types]
└─$ unzip flag.out┌──(sparks㉿LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types]
└─$ file flag
flag: XZ compressed data, checksum CRC64┌──(sparks㉿LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types]
└─$ xz -d flag.xz┌──(sparks㉿LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types]
└─$ file flag
flag: ASCII text┌──(sparks㉿LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types]
└─$ cat flag
6630725f3062326375723137795f37353137353362307d0a┌──(sparks㉿LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/File types]
└─$ cat flag | hex --decode

Lookey here

Packets Primer

Redaction gone wrong

Sleuthkit Intro

┌──(sparks㉿LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/Sleuthkit Intro]
└─$ mmls -B disk.img
DOS Partition Table
Offset Sector: 0
Units are in 512-byte sectorsSlot      Start        End          Length       Size    Description
000:  Meta      0000000000   0000000000   0000000001   0512B   Primary Table (#0)
001:  -------   0000000000   0000002047   0000002048   1024K   Unallocated
002:  000:000   0000002048   0000204799   0000202752   0099M   Linux (0x83)┌──(sparks㉿LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/Sleuthkit Intro]
└─$ nc saturn.picoctf.net 52279
What is the size of the Linux partition in the given disk image?
Length in sectors: 202752
Great work!

Sleuthkit Apprentice

取证题,搞半天,用了 AXIOM Process


└─$ openssl des3 -d -salt -in file.des3 -out file.txt -k supersecretpassword123
*** WARNING : deprecated key derivation used.
Using -iter or -pbkdf2 would be better.┌──(sparks㉿LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/CTF/pico2022/Misc/Eavesdrop]
└─$ cat file.txt

Operation Oni

先提取出.ssh 文件


└─$ ssh -i key_file -p 57455 ctf-player@saturn.picoctf.net
Warning: Identity file key_file not accessible: No such file or directory.
Permissions 0644 for '/home/sparks/.ssh/id_ed25519' are too open.
It is required that your private key files are NOT accessible by others.
This private key will be ignored.
Load key "/home/sparks/.ssh/id_ed25519": bad permissions
ctf-player@saturn.picoctf.net's password:


└─$ sudo chmod 600 id_ed25519┌──(sparks㉿LAPTOP-Sparks)-[~/.ssh]
└─$ sudo chmod 600 id_ed25519.pub┌──(sparks㉿LAPTOP-Sparks)-[~/.ssh]
└─$ ssh -i key_file -p 57455 ctf-player@saturn.picoctf.net
Warning: Identity file key_file not accessible: No such file or directory.
Welcome to Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.13.0-1017-aws x86_64)* Documentation:  https://help.ubuntu.com* Management:     https://landscape.canonical.com* Support:        https://ubuntu.com/advantageThis system has been minimized by removing packages and content that are
not required on a system that users do not log into.To restore this content, you can run the 'unminimize' command.The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by
applicable law.ctf-player@challenge:~$ ll
-bash: ll: command not found
ctf-player@challenge:~$ ls
ctf-player@challenge:~$ cat flag.txt

补充一下 mnt 下的不能改权限

┌──(root㉿LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/pico2022/Misc/Operation Oni/已保存文件]
└─# sudo chmod 600 id_ed25519.pub┌──(root㉿LAPTOP-Sparks)-[/mnt/…/pico2022/Misc/Operation Oni/已保存文件]
└─# ll
total 0
-rwxrwxrwx 1 sparks sparks 111 Mar 27 22:02 id_ed25519.pub

-i 参数应该后面接私钥文件的,之前是歪打正着了


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