


body {

background-color: MidnightBlue;


.sun {

position: absolute;

left: 30%;

top: 150px;


.sun > * {

position: absolute;

top: 0;

left: 0;


.sun .ball {

width: 40px;

min-height: 40px;

height: 40px;

border-radius: 20px;

background-color: Goldenrod;


.sun .ray {

background-color: OrangeRed;

border-radius: 3px;

width: 40px;

min-height: 40px;


.sun .ray:first-of-type {

-webkit-animation: sunShineRotatedRay 8s 0s linear infinite both;

animation: sunShineRotatedRay 8s 0s linear infinite both;


.sun .ray:nth-child(2) {

-webkit-animation: sunShineRegularRay 8s 0s linear infinite both;

animation: sunShineRegularRay 8s 0s linear infinite both;


@-webkit-keyframes sunShineRegularRay {

to {

-webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);

transform: rotate(360deg);



@keyframes sunShineRegularRay {

to {

-webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);

transform: rotate(360deg);



@-webkit-keyframes sunShineRotatedRay {

from {

-webkit-transform: rotate(45deg);

transform: rotate(45deg);


to {

-webkit-transform: rotate(405deg);

transform: rotate(405deg);



@keyframes sunShineRotatedRay {

from {

-webkit-transform: rotate(45deg);

transform: rotate(45deg);


to {

-webkit-transform: rotate(405deg);

transform: rotate(405deg);




.home {

position: absolute;

top: 0;

left: 0;

width: 100%;

min-height: 100%;


.stars {

background-color: MidnightBlue;


.star {

background-color: White;

position: absolute;

-webkit-animation: starTwinkle 25s 0s ease infinite both;

animation: starTwinkle 25s 0s ease infinite both;


.small-star {

width: 2px;

min-height: 2px;

height: 2px;

border-radius: 1px;


.big-star {

width: 4px;

min-height: 4px;

height: 4px;

border-radius: 2px;


.home {

background-color: transparent;

display: -webkit-box;

display: -webkit-flex;

display: -ms-flexbox;

display: flex;

-webkit-box-align: center;

-webkit-align-items: center;

-ms-flex-align: center;

align-items: center;

-webkit-box-pack: center;

-webkit-justify-content: center;

-ms-flex-pack: center;

justify-content: center;


.earth {

width: 100px;

min-height: 100px;

height: 100px;

border-radius: 50px;

background: Teal;

position: static;


.moon {

width: 20px;

min-height: 20px;

height: 20px;

border-radius: 10px;

background-color: LightSlateGray;

-webkit-animation: moonOrbit 5s 0s infinite linear;

animation: moonOrbit 5s 0s infinite linear;

-webkit-transform-origin: 100px 50%;

-ms-transform-origin: 100px 50%;

transform-origin: 100px 50%;

margin-right: 30px;


.moon .crater {

background-color: DimGray;

position: absolute;


.crater.big-crater {

width: 6px;

min-height: 6px;

height: 6px;

border-radius: 3px;

top: 2px;

left: 8px;


.crater.small-crater {

width: 3px;

min-height: 3px;

height: 3px;

border-radius: 1.5px;

top: 12px;

left: 2px;


@-webkit-keyframes starTwinkle {

0% {

opacity: .5;


50% {

opacity: .2;


100% {

opacity: .6;



@keyframes starTwinkle {

0% {

opacity: .5;


50% {

opacity: .2;


100% {

opacity: .6;



@-webkit-keyframes moonOrbit {

from {

-webkit-transform: rotateZ(0deg);

transform: rotateZ(0deg);


to {

-webkit-transform: rotateZ(360deg);

transform: rotateZ(360deg);



@keyframes moonOrbit {

from {

-webkit-transform: rotateZ(0deg);

transform: rotateZ(0deg);


to {

-webkit-transform: rotateZ(360deg);

transform: rotateZ(360deg);



html中怎么制作太阳月亮交替,CSS3 简单的地球/太阳/月亮动画相关推荐

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