

1.1 什么是matplotlib

  1. 能将数据进行可视化,更直观的呈现

  2. 使数据更加客观,更有说服力


1.2 plt.plot()函数详细介绍

format_string 由颜色字符、风格字符、标记字符组成

  • 颜色字符

    • 'b' 蓝色 'm' 洋红色 magenta
    • 'g' 绿色 'y' 黄色
    • 'r' 红色 'k' 黑色
    • 'w' 白色 'c' 青绿色 cyan
    • '#008000' RGB某颜色 '0.8' 灰度值字符串
    • 多条曲线不指定颜色时,会自动选择不同颜色
  • 风格字符

    • '‐' 实线
    • '‐‐' 破折线
    • '‐.' 点划线
    • ':' 虚线
    • '' ' ' 无线条
  • 标记字符

    • '.' 点标记

    • ',' 像素标记(极小点)

    • 'o' 实心圈标记

    • 'v' 倒三角标记

    • '^' 上三角标记

    • '>' 右三角标记

    • '<' 左三角标记…等等

1.3 直线图


from matplotlib import pyplot as plt# figure图形图标的意思,在这里指的是我们要画的图
# 通过实例化一个figure并且传递参数,能够在后台自动使用该figure实例
# 在图形模糊的时候可以传入dpi参数,让图片更加清晰
# 设置图片大小
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,8),dpi=80)x = range(2,26,2)
y = [15,13,14.5,17,20,25,26,26,27,22,18,15]# 绘图
plt.plot(x,y)# 设置x轴的刻度
_xtick_lables = [i/2 for i in range(2,49)]
# ::3 代表步长
plt.yticks(range(min(y),max(y)+1))# 保存在本地
# 可以保存为svg这种矢量图格式,放大后不会有锯齿
# plt.savefig("./t1.png")# 展示图形


# _*_ coding : utf-8 _*_
# @Time : 2022/7/22
# @Author : 代浩楠
# @File : 02_matplotlib_绘制10点到12点的气温
# @Project : PycharmSpacefrom matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import random
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import font_manager# font = {#     'family': 'MicroSoft YaHei',
#     'weight': 'bold',
#     'size': 'larger'
# }
# matplotlib.rc("font",**font)
# matplotlib.rc("font",family=font.get('family'),weight=font.get('weight'))# 设置字体
my_font = font_manager.FontProperties(fname='C:/Windows/Fonts/msyh.ttc')x = range(0, 120)
y = [random.randint(20, 35) for i in range(120)]plt.figure(figsize=(20, 8), dpi=80)plt.plot(x, y)# 调整x轴的刻度
_x = list(x)
_xtick_lables = ["10点{}分".format(i) for i in range(60)]
_xtick_lables += ["11点{}分".format(i) for i in range(60)]
# 第一个参数:代表着x坐标轴120个刻度,步长为三
# 第二个参数:根据第一个参数来写出lable值
# rotation表示旋转的度数
plt.xticks(_x[::3], _xtick_lables[::3], rotation=45,fontproperties=my_font)# 添加描述信息
plt.ylabel("温度 单位(℃)",fontproperties=my_font)


# _*_ coding : utf-8 _*_
# @Time : 2022/7/22
# @Author : 代浩楠
# @File : 03_matplotlib_分析数据
# @Project : PycharmSpacefrom matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import random
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import font_manager#   假设大家在30岁的时候,根据自己的实际情况,统计出来了你和你同桌各自从11岁到30岁每年交的女(男)朋友的数量如列表a
# 和b,请在一个图中绘制出该数据的折线图,以便比较自己和同桌20年间的差异,同时分析每年交女(男)朋友的数量走势my_font = font_manager.FontProperties(fname='C:/Windows/Fonts/msyh.ttc')
y_1 = [1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 3, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1]
y_2 = [1, 0, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
x = range(11, 31)plt.figure(figsize=(30,8),dpi=80)# color表示线条颜色 linestyle表示线条形式 : 表示虚线,linewidth线条的粗细
plt.plot(x,y_2,label='同桌',color='g')# 设置x格式
_xticks_lables = ["{}岁".format(i) for i in range(11,31)]
plt.xticks(x,_xticks_lables,fontproperties=my_font)# 绘制网格
plt.grid(alpha=0.4)  # alpha表示透明度  网格中也可以指定线条的形状# 添加图例
plt.legend(prop=my_font, loc=0)  # 那条先表示什么,跟上面label一起用,prop=my_font显示中文,loc代表位置,根据自己和同桌来分离数据


1.4 散点图

例1 假设通过爬虫你获取到了北京2016年3,10月份每天白天的最高气温(分别位于列表a,b),那么此时如何寻找出气温和随时间(天)变化的某种规律?

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import font_manager# 假设通过爬虫你获取到了北京2016年3,10月份每天白天的最高气温(分别位于列表a,b),那么此时如何寻找出气温和随时间(天)变化的某种规律?my_font = font_manager.FontProperties(fname='C:/Windows/Fonts/msyh.ttc')
y_3 = [11, 17, 16, 11, 12, 11, 12, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 15, 14, 17, 18, 21, 16, 17, 20, 14, 15, 15, 15, 19, 21, 22, 22,22, 23]
y_10 = [26, 26, 28, 19, 21, 17, 16, 19, 18, 20, 20, 19, 22, 23, 17, 20, 21, 20, 22, 15, 11, 15, 5, 13, 17, 10, 11, 13,12, 13, 6]x_3 = range(1, 32)
x_10 = range(51, 82)
# 设置图片大小
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 8), dpi=80)# 使用scatter方法绘制散点图,和之前绘制折线图的唯一区别
plt.scatter(x_3, y_3,label='三月份')
plt.scatter(x_10, y_10,label='十月份')# 调整x轴的刻度
_x = list(x_3)+list(x_10)
_xtick_labels = ["3月{}日".format(i) for i in x_3]
_xtick_labels += ["十月{}日".format(i) for i in x_10]
plt.xticks(_x[::3],_xtick_labels[::3],fontproperties=my_font,rotation=45)# 添加图例
plt.legend(loc='upper left',prop=my_font)# 添加描述信息
# 展示

1.5 条形图


a = [“战狼2”,“速度与激情8”,“功夫瑜伽”,“西游伏妖篇”,“变形金刚5:最后的骑士”,“摔跤吧!爸爸”,“加勒比海盗5:死无对证”,“金刚:骷髅岛”,“极限特工:终极回归”,“生化危机6:终章”,“乘风破浪”,“神偷奶爸3”,“智取威虎山”,“大闹天竺”,“金刚狼3:殊死一战”,“蜘蛛侠:英雄归来”,“悟空传”,“银河护卫队2”,“情圣”,“新木乃伊”,]

b=[56.01,26.94,17.53,16.49,15.45,12.96,11.8,11.61,11.28,11.12,10.49,10.3,8.75,7.55,7.32,6.99,6.88,6.86,6.58,6.23] 单位:亿

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import font_managermy_font = font_manager.FontProperties(fname='C:/Windows/Fonts/msyh.ttc')x = ["战狼2", "速度与激情8", "功夫瑜伽", "西游伏妖篇", "变形金刚5:最后的骑士","摔跤吧!爸爸", "加勒比海盗5:死无对证", "金刚:骷髅岛", "极限特工:终极回归","生化危机6:终章", "乘风破浪", "神偷奶爸3", "智取威虎山", "大闹天竺","金刚狼3:殊死一战", "蜘蛛侠:英雄归来", "悟空传", "银河护卫队2", "情圣", "新木乃伊", ]
y = [56.01, 26.94, 17.53, 16.49, 15.45,12.96, 11.8, 11.61, 11.28, 11.12, 10.49, 10.3, 8.75, 7.55, 7.32, 6.99, 6.88, 6.86, 6.58, 6.23]# 设置图形大小
# 绘制条形图,y,width=0.13)
# 设置x轴

例2:假设你知道了列表a中电影分别在2017-09-14(b_14), 2017-09-15(b_15), 2017-09-16(b_16)三天的票房,为了展示列表中电影本身的票房以及同其他电影的数据对比情况,应该如何更加直观的呈现该数据?

a = [“猩球崛起3:终极之战”,“敦刻尔克”,“蜘蛛侠:英雄归来”,“战狼2”]

b_16 = [15746,312,4497,319]

b_15 = [12357,156,2045,168]

b_14 = [2358,399,2358,362]

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import font_manager
my_font = font_manager.FontProperties(fname='C:/Windows/Fonts/msyh.ttc')
a = ["猩球崛起3:终极之战","敦刻尔克","蜘蛛侠:英雄归来","战狼2"]
b_16 = [15746,312,4497,319]
b_15 = [12357,156,2045,168]
b_14 = [2358,399,2358,362]plt.figure(figsize=(20,8),dpi=80)bar_width = 0.2
x_14 = list(range(len(a)))
x_15 = [i+bar_width for i in x_14]
x_16 = [i+bar_width*2 for i in x_14],b_14,width=bar_width,label='9月14日'),b_15,width=bar_width,label='9月15日'),b_16,width=bar_width,label='9月16日')# 设置x轴的刻度

1.6 直方图



from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import font_managermy_font = font_manager.FontProperties(fname='C:/Windows/Fonts/msyh.ttc')a = [131, 98, 125, 131, 124, 139, 131, 117, 128, 108, 135, 138,131, 102, 107, 114, 119, 128, 121, 142, 127, 130, 124, 101,110, 116, 117, 110, 128, 128, 115, 99, 136, 126, 134, 95, 138,117, 111, 78, 132, 124, 113, 150, 110, 117, 86, 95, 144, 105, 126,130, 126, 130, 126, 116, 123, 106, 112, 138, 123, 86, 101, 99,136, 123, 117, 119, 105, 137, 123, 128, 125, 104, 109, 134, 125,127, 105, 120, 107, 129, 116, 108, 132, 103, 136, 118, 102, 120,114, 105, 115, 132, 145, 119, 121, 112, 139, 125, 138, 109, 132,134, 156, 106, 117, 127, 144, 139, 139, 119, 140, 83, 110, 102,123, 107, 143, 115, 136, 118, 139, 123, 112, 118, 125, 109, 119,133, 112, 114, 122, 109, 106, 123, 116, 131, 127, 115, 118, 112,135, 115, 146, 137, 116, 103, 144, 83, 123, 111, 110, 111, 100,154, 136, 100, 118, 119, 133, 134, 106, 129, 126, 110, 111, 109,141, 120, 117, 106, 149, 122, 122, 110, 118, 127, 121, 114, 125,126, 114, 140, 103, 130, 141, 117, 106, 114, 121, 114, 133, 137,92, 121, 112, 146, 97, 137, 105, 98, 117, 112, 81, 97, 139,113, 134, 106, 144, 110, 137, 137, 111, 104, 117, 100, 111, 101,110, 105, 129, 137, 112, 120, 113, 133, 112, 83, 94, 146, 133,101, 131, 116, 111, 84, 137, 115, 122, 106, 144, 109, 123, 116, 111, 111, 133, 150]# 计算组数
d = 3  # 组距
num_bins = (max(a) - min(a)) // d
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 8), dpi=80)# density分布占比
plt.hist(a, num_bins,density=True)# 设置x轴的刻度
plt.xticks(range(min(a), max(a) + d, d))
# 绘制网格线

例:在美国2004年人口普查发现有124 million的人在离家相对较远的地方工作。根据他们从家到上班地点所需要的时间,通过抽样统计(最后一列)出了下表的数据,这些数据能够绘制成直方图么?

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import font_managerinterval = [0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 60, 90] # 时间段
width = [5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 15, 30, 60] # 组距
quantity = [836, 2737, 3723, 3926, 3596, 1438, 3273, 642, 824, 613, 215, 47] # 数据plt.figure(figsize=(20,8),dpi=80),quantity,width=1)_x = [i-0.5 for i in range(13)]


2.1 什么是numpy


2.2 numpy的常用方法


import randomimport numpy as np
# 使用numpy生成数组,得到ndarray数据类型
t1 = np.array([1,2,3,])
# [1 2 3]
# <class 'numpy.ndarray'>
print(type(t1))t2 = np.array(range(10))
# [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
print(t2)t3 = np.arange(10)
# [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
# <class 'numpy.ndarray'>
print(type(t3))# int32
print(t3.dtype)t4 = np.array(range(1,4),dtype=float)
# [1. 2. 3.]
# float64
print(t4.dtype)t5 = np.array([1,1,0,1,0,0],dtype=bool)
# [ True  True False  True False False]
# <class 'numpy.ndarray'>
print(type(t5))# 调整数据类型
t6 = t5.astype('int8')
# [1 1 0 1 0 0]
# <class 'numpy.ndarray'>
print(type(t6))# numpy中的小数
t7 = np.array([random.random() for i in range(10)])
# [0.73593078 0.71967357 0.1779758  0.40511636 0.48492761 0.59916313
#  0.92514657 0.54853781 0.17200714 0.63195203]
# float64
print(t7.dtype)# round取小数,2是两位
# [0.14 0.1  0.63 0.75 0.29 0.9  0.7  0.78 0.17 0.06]
t8 = np.round(t7,2)


# 当数组是一维时
import numpy as np
a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
a.shape[0] #数组的数量# 当数组是二维时
c1 = np.array([[1, 2],[3,4], [5,6]])
c1.shape          #行列形成元组直接输出
c1.shape[0]       #读取行数
c1.shape[1]       #读取列数# 当数组是三维时
a = np.array(range(24)).reshape(2,3,4)  #构建一个2×3×4的三维数组
import numpy as npt1 = np.array([[3,4,5,6,7,8],[4,5,6,7,8,9]])
# (2, 6)
# print(t1.shape)t2 = np.array([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11])
# [[ 0  1  2  3]
#  [ 4  5  6  7]
#  [ 8  9 10 11]]
# print(t2.reshape((3,4)))t3 = np.arange(24)t3 = t3.reshape(2,3,4)# -1变为一维
t3 = t3.reshape(-1)


import numpy as npt1 = np.arange(24).reshape(4,6)
# [[ 0  1  2  3  4  5]
#  [ 6  7  8  9 10 11]
#  [12 13 14 15 16 17]
#  [18 19 20 21 22 23]]
t1 = t1+2
# [[ 2  3  4  5  6  7]
#  [ 8  9 10 11 12 13]
#  [14 15 16 17 18 19]
#  [20 21 22 23 24 25]]



import numpy as npus_file_path = './youtube_video_data/US_video_data_numbers.csv'
uk_file_path = './youtube_video_data/GB_video_data_numbers.csv'# delimiter分割数据
# dtype给出数据类型,默认数值大为科学计数法
# unpack如果为True,读入属性将写入不同数组变量,False只写入一个数组变量(数组转置)
t1 = np.loadtxt(us_file_path,delimiter=",",dtype="int",unpack=True)
t2 = np.loadtxt(us_file_path,delimiter=",",dtype=int)print(t1)
print(t2)t3 = np.arange(24).reshape(4,6)
# [[ 0  1  2  3  4  5]
#  [ 6  7  8  9 10 11]
#  [12 13 14 15 16 17]
#  [18 19 20 21 22 23]]
# [[ 0  6 12 18]
#  [ 1  7 13 19]
#  [ 2  8 14 20]
#  [ 3  9 15 21]
#  [ 4 10 16 22]
#  [ 5 11 17 23]]
# 第一种方法:t3.transpose()转置数组
# print(t3.transpose())
# 第二种方法:t3.T
# print(t3.T)
# 第三种方法:t3.swapaxes(1,0)


# 取行
# print(t2[2])# 取连续的多行
# print(t2[2:])# 取不连续的多行
# print(t2[[2,8,10]])# 取列 第一列
# print(t2[:,0])# 取连续的多列 从第二列开始取
# print(t2[:,2:])# 取不连续的多列
# print(t2[:,[0,2]])# 取多行多列 取第三行第四列的值
# print(t2[2,3])# 取多行和多列,取第三行到第五行,第二列到第四列
# print(t2[2:5,1:4])# 取多个不邻的点
# [4394029  576597]
# print(t2[[0,2],[0,1]])


# [[False False False False]
#  [False False False  True]
#  [False False False False]
# print(t2<10)# t2中小于10的替换为3
# t2[t2<10] = 3# where(t2<10,0,10) t2中小于10的替换为0,否则替换为10
# np.where(t2 < 10, 0, 10)  # numpy的三元运算符# clip(10,18),小于10的替换为10,大于18的替换为18
# np.clip(10,18)# 将指定数组替换为nan类型
t2 = t2.astype(float)
t2[3,3] = np.nan


import numpy as np# False
print(np.nan == np.nan)t1 = np.arange(24).reshape(4, 6)
print(t1)# 把第一列替换为0
t1[:, 0] = 0
print(t1)t1 = t1.astype(float)t1[3,3] = np.nan# 查看不为0的数目
print(np.count_nonzero(t1))# 可以统计出nan的数量
print(np.count_nonzero(t1!=t1))# 也可以统计nan的数量


import numpy as np# 遍历每一列
def fill_ndarray(t1):for i in range(t1.shape[1]):# 将列切片# [0. 4. 8.]# [False False False]# 0# [1. 5. 9.]# [False False False]# 0# [ 2. nan 10.]# [False  True False]# 1# [ 3. nan 11.]# [False  True False]# 1# 将数组的列切片temp_col = t1[:, i]# temp_col!=temp_col:自我判断,如果为nan就为True# np.count_nonzero(temp_col!=temp_col) 没有true就为0,有true就为1nan_num = np.count_nonzero(temp_col != temp_col)if nan_num != 0:  # 不为0,说明当前这一列中有nantemp_not_nan_col = temp_col[temp_col == temp_col]  # 当前一列不为nan的array# 选中当前为nan的位置,把值赋值为不为nan的均值temp_col[np.isnan(temp_col)] = temp_not_nan_col.mean()return t1if __name__ == '__main__':t1 = np.arange(12).reshape(3, 4).astype("float")t1[1, 2:] = np.nanprint(t1)t1 = fill_ndarray(t1)print(t1)


import numpy as npt1 = np.arange(12).reshape(2,6)
t2 = np.array(range(12,24)).reshape(2,6)
print(t2)# 竖直拼接
# [[ 0  1  2  3  4  5]
#  [ 6  7  8  9 10 11]
#  [12 13 14 15 16 17]
#  [18 19 20 21 22 23]]
print(np.vstack((t1,t2)))# 水平拼接
# [[ 0  1  2  3  4  5 12 13 14 15 16 17]
#  [ 6  7  8  9 10 11 18 19 20 21 22 23]]
print(np.hstack((t1,t2)))# 行交换
# t1[[0,1],:] = t2[[1,0],:]
# [[18 19 20 21 22 23]
#  [12 13 14 15 16 17]]
# print(t1)# 列交换
# [[13 12  2  3  4  5]
#  [19 18  8  9 10 11]]
t1[:,[0,1]] = t2[:,[1,0]]



import numpy as npus_data = "./youtube_video_data/US_video_data_numbers.csv"
uk_data = "./youtube_video_data/GB_video_data_numbers.csv"# 加载国家数据
us_data = np.loadtxt(us_data,delimiter=',',dtype=int)
uk_data = np.loadtxt(uk_data,delimiter=',',dtype=int)# 添加国家信息
# 构造全为0的数据
# zeros((结构)),创建一个全为0的数组
# us_data.shape[0]读取行数 us_data.shape[1] 读取列数
zeros_data = np.zeros((us_data.shape[0],1))
# 创建一个全为1的数组
ones_data = np.ones((uk_data.shape[0],1))# 分别添加一列全为0,1的数组
us_data = np.hstack((us_data,zeros_data))
uk_data = np.hstack((uk_data,ones_data))# 拼接两组数据
final_data = np.vstack((us_data,uk_data)).astype(int)


# 可以设定随机的相同种子数
# 0-20间的随机数,(3,4)的结构
t = np.random.randint(0,20,(3,4))print(t)


t2 = np.arange(12).reshape(3,4)print(t2)print(np.sum(t2))print(np.sum(t2,axis=0))# 计算每列的均值
print(t2.mean(axis=0))# 计算数组的均值
print(np.median(t2))# 计算极值
print(np.ptp(t2))# 标准差



import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as pltus_file_path = './youtube_video_data/US_video_data_numbers.csv'
uk_file_path = './youtube_video_data/GB_video_data_numbers.csv't_us = np.loadtxt(us_file_path,delimiter=',',dtype='int')
t_uk = np.loadtxt(uk_file_path,delimiter=',',dtype='int')# 取评论的数据 -1为最后一列
t_us_comments = t_us[:,-1]# 选择比5000小的数据
t_us_comments = t_us_comments[t_us_comments<=5000]# 使用matplotlib画出直方图
d = 250
bin_nums = (np.max(t_us_comments)-np.min(t_us_comments))//d# 绘图


from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as npus_file_path = './youtube_video_data/US_video_data_numbers.csv'
uk_file_path = './youtube_video_data/GB_video_data_numbers.csv't_us = np.loadtxt(us_file_path, delimiter=',', dtype='int')
t_uk = np.loadtxt(uk_file_path, delimiter=',', dtype='int')t_uk = t_uk[t_uk[:, 1] <= 500000]t_uk_comment = t_uk[:, -1]
t_uk_like = t_uk[:, 1]plt.figure(figsize=(20, 8), dpi=80)plt.scatter(t_uk_like, t_uk_comment)


3.1 什么是pandas


3.2 pandas常用的数据类型

1.Series 一维,带标签数组(索引)

2.DataFrame 二维

import pandas as pdt1 = pd.Series([12,3,45,6,2])
# 0    12
# 1     3
# 2    45
# 3     6
# 4     2
# dtype: int64
# print(t1)t2 = pd.Series([1,22,33,45,6],index=list('abcde'))
# a     1
# b    22
# c    33
# d    45
# e     6
# dtype: int64
# print(t2)t3 = {"name":"小红","age":30,"tel":10086
t3 = pd.Series(t3)
# print(t3["name"])
# print(t3[0])# print(t3[[1,2]])print(t3[["age","tel"]])# Index(['name', 'age', 'tel'], dtype='object')
print(t3.index)# ['name', 'age', 'tel']
print(list(t3.index))# ['name', 'age']
print(list(t3.index)[:2])# ['小红' 30 10086]
print(t3.values)# <class 'numpy.ndarray'>

3.3 pandas读取外部数据

import pandas as pd
# pandas读取csv中的文件
df = pd.read_csv("./dogNames2.csv")
# 读取sql
# pd.read_sql()

3.4 pandas的dataFrame的创建

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np# index列索引,columns行索引
t1 = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(12).reshape(3,4),index=list("abc"),columns=list("WXYZ"))
#    W  X   Y   Z
# a  0  1   2   3
# b  4  5   6   7
# c  8  9  10  11
print(t1)d1 = {"name":["xiaoming","xiaogang"],"age":[20,22],"tel":[10086,10010]}
d1 = pd.DataFrame(d1)
#        name  age    tel
# 0  xiaoming   20  10086
# 1  xiaogang   22  10010
print(d1)d2 = [{"name":"小刚","age":22,"tel":10086},{"name":"小红","tel":10010},{"name":"小李","age":25}]
d2 = pd.DataFrame(d2)#   name   age      tel
# 0   小刚  22.0  10086.0
# 1   小红   NaN  10010.0
# 2   小李  25.0      NaN

3.5 pandas之DataFrame的描述信息

t2 = {"name":["xiaoming","xiaogang"],"age":[20,22],"tel":[10086,10010]}
t2 = pd.DataFrame(t2)
print(t2)# 数据的列
# Index(['name', 'age', 'tel'], dtype='object')
print(t2.columns)# 数据值
# [['xiaoming' 20 10086]
#  ['xiaogang' 22 10010]]
print(t2.values)# 数据的索引,开始、结尾、步长
# RangeIndex(start=0, stop=2, step=1)
print(t2.index)# dtypes列的类型
# name    object
# age      int64
# tel      int64
# dtype: object
print(t2.dtypes)# 2 维度
print(t2.ndim)# 头几行数据
print(t2.head())# 尾几行数据
print(t2.tail())# 相关信息概览:行数、列数、列索引
# <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
# RangeIndex: 2 entries, 0 to 1
# Data columns (total 3 columns):
#  #   Column  Non-Null Count  Dtype
# ---  ------  --------------  -----
#  0   name    2 non-null      object
#  1   age     2 non-null      int64
#  2   tel     2 non-null      int64
# dtypes: int64(2), object(1)
# memory usage: 176.0+ bytes
# None
print( 描述信息
#              age           tel
# count   2.000000      2.000000
# mean   21.000000  10048.000000
# std     1.414214     53.740115
# min    20.000000  10010.000000
# 25%    20.500000  10029.000000
# 50%    21.000000  10048.000000
# 75%    21.500000  10067.000000
# max    22.000000  10086.000000

import pandas as pd
import numpy as npdf = pd.read_csv("dogNames2.csv")
# print(df.head())
# print( dataFrame中排序的方法
# by:通过什么排序
# ascending:True为降序,False为升序
df = df.sort_values(by="Count_AnimalName",ascending=False)
# print(df.tail())
# # 前五行数据
# print(df.head(5))# pandas取行或者取列的注意点
# 1.写括号写数组,表示取行,对行进行操作
# 2.写字符串,表示的取列索引,对列进行操作
# 取前二十行
print(df[:20])# 求出具体的Row_Labels列
# 同时选择行和列

# loc,iloc
# loc:通过标签索引行数据
t2 = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(12).reshape(3,4),index=list("abc"),columns=list("WXYZ"))#    W  X   Y   Z
# a  0  1   2   3
# b  4  5   6   7
# c  8  9  10  11
print(t2)# 3
print(t2.loc["a","Z"])# <class 'numpy.int32'>
print(type(t2.loc["a","Z"]))# 去整行
print(t2.loc["a"])# 取列
print(t2.loc[:,'Y'])# 取多行多列
# a    0
# c    8
print(t2.loc[["a","c"],"W"])#    W   Y
# a  0   2
# b  4   6
# c  8  10
print(t2.loc["a":"c",["W","Y"]])print("=====================")# iloc:通过位置获取行数据# 取第一行
# W    4
# X    5
# Y    6
# Z    7
print(t2.iloc[1,:])# 取第二列和第一列
#     Y  X
# a   2  1
# b   6  5
# c  10  9
print(t2.iloc[:,[2,1]])# 取多行多列
print(t2.iloc[[0,2],[1,2]])t2.iloc[1:,:2] = np.nan#      W    X   Y   Z
# a  0.0  1.0   2   3
# b  NaN  NaN   6   7
# c  NaN  NaN  10  11

3.6 pandas之布尔索引

import pandas as pddf = pd.read_csv("dogNames2.csv")# 条件查询数量大于800
num = df[df["Count_AnimalName"]>=800]

3.7 pandas之字符串方法


# 分割字符串
print(df["info"].str.split("/"))# 将分割的字符串变为列表

3.8 缺失数据的处理

import pandas as pd
import numpy as npt1 = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(12).reshape(3, 4), index=list('abc'), columns=list('WXYZ'))
t1.iloc[1:3, :2] = np.nan#      W    X   Y   Z
# a  0.0  1.0   2   3
# b  NaN  NaN   6   7
# c  NaN  NaN  10  11
print(t1)# 判断是否为NaN,若是NaN为True,否则为False
#        W      X      Y      Z
# a  False  False  False  False
# b   True   True  False  False
# c   True   True  False  False
print(pd.isnull(t1))# 判断是否不为NaN,不为NaN就为True
#        W      X     Y     Z
# a   True   True  True  True
# b  False  False  True  True
# c  False  False  True  True
print(pd.notnull(t1))# W这一列不为NaN的数据
# a     True
# b    False
# c    False
print(pd.notnull(t1["W"]))# 选择一列中为True的行
#      W    X  Y  Z
# a  0.0  1.0  2  3
print(t1[pd.notnull(t1["W"])])# 删除NaN所在的行列,axis=0为行,axis=1为列
#      W    X  Y  Z
# a  0.0  1.0  2  3
print(t1.dropna(axis=0))# 删除全部为NaN的行,不全部为NaN的行不删 how=all为全为NaN删,how=any为不全为NaN的删
print(t1.dropna(axis=0, how="all"))# 将NaN的数填充
print(t1.fillna(t1.mean()))# 处理为0的数据
t1[t1==0] = np.nan

3.9 电影数直方图

import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as pltfile_path = 'IMDB-Movie-Data.csv'df = pd.read_csv(file_path)# rating,runtime分布情况
# 选择图形:直方图runtime_data = df["Runtime (Minutes)"].values
Rating = df["Rating"].values
max_runtime = runtime_data.max()
min_runtime = runtime_data.min()# 计算组数
num_bin = (max_runtime-min_runtime)//5plt.figure(figsize=(20,8),dpi=80)plt.hist(runtime_data,num_bin)plt.xticks(range(min_runtime,max_runtime+5,5))

3.10 pandas常用统计方法

import pandas as pdfile_path = 'IMDB-Movie-Data.csv'df = pd.read_csv(file_path)# 获取电影的平均评分
print(df["Rating"].mean())# 获取导演的人数
# set() 函数创建一个无序不重复元素集,可进行关系测试,删除重复数据,还可以计算交集、差集、并集等。
# .unique() 获取唯一的数据
print(len(df["Director"].unique()))# 获取演员人数
actors_list = []
temp_actors_list = df["Actors"].str.split(",").tolist()
for items in temp_actors_list:for i in items:actors_list.append(i)
actors_num = len(set(actors_list))

3.11 字符串离散化案例

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as npfile_path = 'IMDB-Movie-Data.csv'
df = pd.read_csv(file_path)# 统计分类的列表(列表嵌套列表的结构)
# [['Action', 'Adventure', 'Sci-Fi'], ['Adventure', 'Mystery', 'Sci-Fi'],
temp_list = df["Genre"].str.split(",").tolist()# 嵌套展开双循环 set 表示不重复
genre_list = list(set([i for j in temp_list for i in j]))# 构造全为0的数组
#      Horror  War  Sci-Fi  Action  ...  Family  Western  Thriller  Crime
# 0       0.0  0.0     0.0     0.0  ...     0.0      0.0       0.0    0.0
# 1       0.0  0.0     0.0     0.0  ...     0.0      0.0       0.0    0.0
# 2       0.0  0.0     0.0     0.0  ...     0.0      0.0       0.0    0.0
# 999     0.0  0.0     0.0     0.0  ...     0.0      0.0       0.0    0.0
zero_df = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((df.shape[0],len(genre_list))),columns=genre_list)# 给每个电影出现分类的位置赋值1 df.shape[0]选中行的数量
# loc(行,列)
for i in range(df.shape[0]):# zeros_df.loc[0,["Sci-fi","Mucical"]] = 1zero_df.loc[i,temp_list[i]] = 1print(zero_df.head(5))# 统计每个分类的电影的数量和 axis=0为行标题
genre_count = zero_df.sum(axis=0)
# print(genre_count)# 排序
genre_count = genre_count.sort_values()
_x = genre_count.index
_y = genre_count.values# 画图

3.12 数据合并

import pandas as pd
import numpy as npt1 = pd.DataFrame(np.ones((2,4)),index=["A","B"],columns=list("abcd"))t2 = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((3,3)),index=["A","B","C"],columns=list("xyz"))
#      a    b    c    d
# A  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0
# B  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0
#      x    y    z
# A  0.0  0.0  0.0
# B  0.0  0.0  0.0
# C  0.0  0.0  0.0
#      a    b    c    d    x    y    z
# A  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
# B  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
#      x    y    z    a    b    c    d
# A  0.0  0.0  0.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0
# B  0.0  0.0  0.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0
# C  0.0  0.0  0.0  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN
print(t2.join(t1))t3 = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((3,3)),columns=list("fax"))
#      f    a    x
# 0  0.0  0.0  0.0
# 1  0.0  0.0  0.0
# 2  0.0  0.0  0.0
print(t3)# 按照a的值比较合并
# Columns: [a, b, c, d, f, x]
# Index: []
print(t1.merge(t3,on='a'))t3.loc[1,"a"] = 1#      a    b    c    d    f    x
# 0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  0.0  0.0
# 1  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  0.0  0.0
# 外连接
#      a    b    c    d    f    x
# 0  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  0.0  0.0
# 1  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0  0.0  0.0
# 2  0.0  NaN  NaN  NaN  0.0  0.0
# 3  0.0  NaN  NaN  NaN  0.0  0.0

3.13 数据分组聚合

import pandas as pd
import numpy as npfile_path = 'directory.csv'
df = pd.read_csv(file_path)# print(df.head(1))
# 通过Country进行分组
grouped = df.groupby(by="Country")
# print(grouped)
# for i in grouped:
#     print(i)# 调用聚合的方法
country_count = grouped["Brand"].count()
print(country_count["CN"])# 统计中国每个省店铺的数量
china_data = df[df["Country"]=='CN']
# 根据每个省进行分组,查看Brand的数量
grouped = china_data.groupby(by="State/Province").count()["Brand"]# 数据按照多个条件进行分组
grouped = df["Brand"].groupby(by=[df["Country"],df["State/Province"]])
# print(grouped.count())# df["Brand"] 是一个数组,但是df[["Brand"]]是一个series数据,会有index和column
grouped1 = df[["Brand"]].groupby(by=[df["Country"],df["State/Province"]]).count()

3.14 数据索引的学习

import pandas as pd
import numpy as npfile_path = 'directory.csv'
df = pd.read_csv(file_path)grouped1 = df[["Brand"]].groupby(by=[df["Country"],df["State/Province"]]).count()# 索引的方法和属性
# print(grouped1.index)t1 = pd.DataFrame(np.ones((2,4)),index=list("AB"),columns=list("abcd"))
# Index(['A', 'B'], dtype='object')
print(t1.index)t1.index = ["a","b"]
# Index(['a', 'b'], dtype='object')
print(t1.index)#      a    b    c    d
# a  1.0  1.0  1.0  1.0
# f  NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN
print(t1.reindex(["a","f"]))# 指定某一列作为索引
# Float64Index([1.0, 1.0], dtype='float64', name='a') drop = False,.unique是不重复
# Float64Index([1.0], dtype='float64', name='a')

3.15 数据分组聚合练习和总结

import pandas as pd
import numpy as npa = pd.DataFrame({'a': range(7),'b': range(7, 0, -1),'c': ['one','one','one','two','two','two', 'two'],'d': list("hjklmno")})
b = a.set_index(["c","d"])
#    a  b    c  d
# 0  0  7  one  h
# 1  1  6  one  j
# 2  2  5  one  k
# 3  3  4  two  l
# 4  4  3  two  m
# 5  5  2  two  n
# 6  6  1  two  o
# print(a)
#        a  b
# c   d
# one h  0  7
#     j  1  6
#     k  2  5
# two l  3  4
#     m  4  3
#     n  5  2
#     o  6  1
# print(b)
c = b["a"]
# c    d
# one  h    0
#      j    1
#      k    2
# two  l    3
#      m    4
#      n    5
#      o    6# 1
# print(c["one"]["j"])d = a.set_index(["d","c"])["a"]
# d  c
# h  one    0
# j  one    1
# k  one    2
# l  two    3
# m  two    4
# n  two    5
# o  two    6
# print(d)# MultiIndex([('h', 'one'),
#             ('j', 'one'),
#             ('k', 'one'),
#             ('l', 'two'),
#             ('m', 'two'),
#             ('n', 'two'),
#             ('o', 'two')],
#            names=['d', 'c'])
# print(d.index)# d
# h    0
# j    1
# k    2
# Name: a, dtype: int64
# print(d.swaplevel()["one"])# a    0
# b    7
# Name: h, dtype: int64


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as pltfile_path = 'starbucks_store_worldwide.csv'df = pd.read_csv(file_path)# 使用matplotlib呈现出店铺总数排名前10的国家
# 准备数据data1 = df.groupby(by="Country").count()["Brand"].sort_values(ascending=False)[:10]# print(data1)_x = data1.index
_y = data1.valuesplt.figure(figsize=(20,8),dpi=80),_y)


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import font_managermy_font = font_manager.FontProperties(fname='C:/Windows/Fonts/msyh.ttc')file_path = 'starbucks_store_worldwide.csv'df = pd.read_csv(file_path)df = df[df["Country"]=="CN"]# 查询城市店铺数量
data1 = df.groupby(by="City").count()["Brand"].sort_values(ascending=False)[:25]# 使用matplotlib呈现出每个中国每个城市的店铺数量
plt.figure(figsize=(20,8),dpi=80)_x = data1.index
_y =,_y,width=0.3,color="orange")plt.xticks(range(len(_x)),_x,fontproperties=my_font)




import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# 现在我们有全球排名靠前的10000本书的数据,那么请统计一下下面几个问题:file_path = 'books.csv'df = pd.read_csv(file_path)
# 查找original_publication_year不为nan的数据
# data1 = df[pd.notnull(df["original_publication_year"])]
# # 1.不同年份书的数量
# grouped = data1.groupby(by="original_publication_year").count()["title"]# 2.不同年份书的平均评分情况# 去除original_publication_year列中nan的行
data1 = df[pd.notnull(df["original_publication_year"])]
# 计算机平均评分
grouped = data1["average_rating"].groupby(by=data1["original_publication_year"]).mean()
print(grouped)_x = grouped.index
_y = grouped.valuesplt.figure(figsize=(20,8),dpi=80)plt.plot(_x,_y)

3.16 pandas时间序列



import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from numpy import shapedf = pd.read_csv("911.csv")# 获取分类
temp_list = df["title"].str.split(": ").tolist()cate_list = list(set([i[0] for i in temp_list]))
# ['Traffic', 'Fire', 'EMS']# 构造全为0的数组
zeros_df = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((df.shape[0],len(cate_list))),columns=cate_list)
# 赋值
for cate in cate_list:zeros_df[cate][df["title"].str.contains(cate)] = 1sum_ret = zeros_df.sum(axis=0)# print(sum_ret)


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from numpy import shapedf = pd.read_csv("911.csv")# 获取分类
temp_list = df["title"].str.split(": ").tolist()cate_list = [i[0] for i in temp_list]cate_df = pd.DataFrame(np.array(cate_list).reshape((df.shape[0],1)),columns=["cate"])df["cate"] = cate_dfprint(df.groupby(by="cate").count()["title"])

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from numpy import shape# freq="D" day表示天
# DatetimeIndex(['2017-12-30', '2018-01-09', '2018-01-19', '2018-01-29'], dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='10D')
day = pd.date_range(start="20171230",end="20180131",freq="10D")


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt# 统计出911数据中不同月份电话次数的变化情况
# 统计出911数据中不同月份不同类型的电话的次数的变化情况df = pd.read_csv("911.csv")df["timeStamp"]=pd.to_datetime(df["timeStamp"])# inplace=False(默认)表示原数组不变,对数据进行修改之后结果给新的数组。
# inplace=True表示直接在原数组上对数据进行修改。
df.set_index("timeStamp",inplace=True)# 统计出911数据中不同月份电话次数的变化情况
count_by_month = df.resample("M").count()["title"]_x = count_by_month.index
_y = count_by_month.values_x = [i.strftime("%Y%m%d") for i in _x]plt.figure(figsize=(20,8),dpi=80)plt.plot(range(len(_x)),_y)plt.xticks(range(len(_x)),_x,rotation=45)


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt# 统计出911数据中不同月份不同类型的电话的次数的变化情况
df = pd.read_csv("911.csv")
df["timeStamp"] = pd.to_datetime(df["timeStamp"])plt.figure(figsize=(20, 8), dpi=80)# 添加列,表示分类
temp_list = df["title"].str.split(": ").tolist()
cate_list = [i[0] for i in temp_list]
df["cate"] = pd.DataFrame(np.array(cate_list).reshape((df.shape[0], 1)))
# 分组
for group_name,group_data in df.groupby(by="cate"):# 对不同的分类都进行绘图count_by_month = group_data.resample("M").count()["title"]_x = count_by_month.index_y = count_by_month.values_x = [i.strftime("%Y%m%d") for i in _x]plt.plot(range(len(_x)), _y, label=group_name)plt.xticks(range(len(_x)), _y, rotation=45)


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt# 现在我们有北上广、深圳、和沈阳5个城市空气质量数据,请绘制出5个城市的PM2.5随时间的变化情况
file_path = "PM2.5/BeijingPM20100101_20151231.csv"df = pd.read_csv(file_path)# 把分开的时间字符串通过PeriodIndex转换为pandas时间类型
period = pd.PeriodIndex(year=df["year"], month=df["month"], day=df["day"], hour=df["hour"], freq="H")
df["datetime"] = period# 把datatime设置为索引
df.set_index("datetime",inplace=True)# 进行降采样
df = df.resample("7D").mean()# 处理缺失数据,删除缺失数据
data = df["PM_US Post"].dropna()
data_china = df["PM_Dongsi"].dropna()# 画图
_x = data.index
_x = [i.strftime("%Y%m%d") for i in _x]
_x_china = [i.strftime("%Y%m%d") for i in data_china.index]
_y = data.values
_y_china = data_china.valuesplt.figure(figsize=(20,8),dpi=80)plt.plot(range(len(_x)),_y,label="US_POST")


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