You might think that QR codes are so 2006, but they’re coming back in a big way. Here’s how to create your own.

您可能会认为QR码在2006年是如此,但是它们又以很大的方式回来了。 这是创建自己的方法。

You might be asking yourself, “Why would I ever want or need to create my own QR code?”, and that’s a valid question. QR codes are a sort of hidden gem that a lot of people underestimate, and they can be used in all sorts of different ways. When scanned, they can take you to a specific website, lead you to a file to download, or even just display a bunch of text about something.

您可能会问自己:“我为什么要或需要创建自己的QR码?”,这是一个有效的问题。 QR码是一种被很多人低估的隐藏的宝石,它们可以以各种不同的方式使用。 进行扫描时,他们可以带您到特定网站,引导您下载文件,甚至只是显示一堆有关某些内容的文字。

For example, I actually frequently use a QR code of my phone number. If I want to give my number out to someone, they can just open the camera on their phone and scan the QR code image that I have stored on my own phone.

例如,我实际上经常使用电话号码的QR码。 如果我想将号码透露给某人,他们只需打开手机上的摄像头,然后扫描我存储在自己手机中的QR码图像即可。

If this is something that is of interest to you, here’s how you can create your own QR codes for just about any situation.


在iPhone上 (On the iPhone)

There are quite a few apps that can scan QR codes, as well as create them, but my favorite one is QR Reader, which is free to download. We won’t be needing the scanning capabilities of the app (especially since iOS can do it natively now), but we will be using the creation capabilities.

有很多应用程序可以扫描QR码以及创建QR码,但我最喜欢的一个是QR Reader ,可以免费下载。 我们将不需要该应用程序的扫描功能(特别是因为iOS现在可以本地进行扫描),但是我们将使用创建功能。

Once the app is open, tap on the downward arrow in the top-right corner of the screen.


Then tap on the QR code icon at the bottom.


Hit the “+” button up i the top-left corner to begin the process of creating a QR code.

点击左上角的“ +”按钮开始创建QR码。

Next, select the type of QR code that you want to make from the list provided. So if you want your QR code to lead to a webpage, you would select “Website”. Scroll down for even more options.

接下来,从提供的列表中选择要制作的QR码类型。 因此,如果您想将QR码引导至网页,则可以选择“网站”。 向下滚动以获得更多选项。

In this case, I’m going to be making a QR code that takes you to my Twitter profile, so I’ll select “Twitter Profile” from the list.

在这种情况下,我将制作一个QR码,将您带到我的Twitter个人资料,因此我将从列表中选择“ Twitter个人资料”。

Enter in any details that you want, which will depend on which type of QR code you’re creating. In this case, I’ll type in my Twitter handle and hit “Create” up in the top-right corner.

输入所需的任何详细信息,这将取决于您要创建的QR码类型。 在这种情况下,我将输入Twitter句柄,然后在右上角点击“创建”。

Your QR code will be created and appear in the list of custom QR codes that you’ve made.


Now, you can stop here and use the app to store your QR codes (and display them by tapping on the QR code image to the left to enlarge it), or you can export them to another app or service. To do this, tap on the text of the QR code and then select “Share”.

现在,您可以在此处停止并使用该应用来存储您的QR码(并通过点击左侧的QR码图像将其放大以显示它们),也可以将其导出到其他应用或服务。 为此,请点击QR码的文本,然后选择“共享”。

From here, you can send the QR code to any number of apps or services that you have connected to your iPhone, like Dropbox, Google Drive, iMessage, and more. You can also save the QR code image to your camera roll by tapping on “Save Image”.

您可以从此处将QR码发送到您已连接到iPhone的任意数量的应用或服务,例如Dropbox,Google云端硬盘,iMessage等。 您还可以通过点击“保存图像”将QR码图像保存到相机胶卷中。

在Android上 (On Android)

If you have an Android device, you can create your own QR codes with an app called QR Code Generator, and it’s free to download. To get started, open up the app and tap on “Text” at the top to select the type of QR code to create.

如果您使用的是Android设备,则可以使用名为QR Code Generator的应用程序创建自己的QR码,并且可以免费下载。 首先,打开应用程序,然后点击顶部的“文本”以选择要创建的QR码类型。

You don’t get as many options as the iPhone app we used above, but it gives you the basics. Select the one you want to use to continue. In this case, we’ll choose “Email”.

您没有像我们上面使用的iPhone应用程序那样多的选择,但是它为您提供了基础知识。 选择您要继续使用的那个。 在这种情况下,我们将选择“电子邮件”。

Type in an email address (or whatever info you need to type in based on the QR code you’re creating) and then tap on “Generate” in the top-right corner.


Your QR code will be created, and from there you have several options. The first option is to save the QR code image locally to your phone’s gallery by hitting the floppy disk button at the top.

您的QR码将被创建,从那里您可以有多种选择。 第一种选择是通过单击顶部的软盘按钮将QR码图像本地保存到手机的图库中。

You can also tap on the Share button to send the QR code to any number of apps and services, like Dropbox and Google Drive, or send it through Hangouts or text message.


在你的电脑 (On Your Computer)

If you’d rather not download yet another app to your phone in order to create QR codes, you can do it on your computer instead using a website. There are a ton to choose from, and most of them are completely free to use. Our favorite, though, is QRCode Monkey.

如果您不想将其他应用下载到手机上以创建QR码,则可以在计算机上进行操作,而无需使用网站。 有很多可供选择,其中大多数是完全免费使用的。 但是,我们最喜欢的是QRCode Monkey 。

You first choose the type of QR code to make along the top.


After that, enter in the pertinent information that you want to include in the QR code.


Next, you can click on “Set Colors” to change the color of the QR code if you want, but this is completely optional.


Likewise, you can click on “Add Logo Image” to add a logo to the center of the QR code if you wish.


Lastly, you can click on “Customize Design” to change how the QR code looks in general, like changing the shapes of the squares and more.


Once you’re done with that, use the slider to change the resolution of the QR code, making it as low or as high quality as you want.


After that, click on “Create QR Code” off to the right to show a preview of what your QR code will look like.


Then, click on “Download PNG” to save the QR code in image form. You can also choose other formats below that if you want.

然后,单击“下载PNG”以图像形式保存QR码。 如果需要,还可以选择其他格式。

Once the image is downloaded, you can do whatever you want with it: print it out, save it on your phone, or send it to a friend.




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