背景:我最近在了解MES, 于是找了些资料来翻译出来。


  • 一 、整体理解;
  • 二、MES Concepts and Glossary of Terms (内容和术语);
  • 三、 Core MES Functionality (MES的核心功能)
一 、整体理解;

What Is a Manufacturing Execution System (MES)?
In today’s competitive marketplace, manufacturers like you need to boost efficiency to gain an advantage. Essentially, you need to make more with less—and a manufacturing execution system (MES) can help you do just that.
In technical terms, a manufacturing execution system is a system that connects and monitors machines and work centers on the factory floor. The main goal of an MES is to ensure effective execution of manufacturing operations and improve production efficiency.
Think of it like this—if you’re launching a rocket, then the MES is like the mission control center. When the rocket launches, you’re tracking the altitude control system, power, propulsion, telemetry, and much more. By monitoring and tracking this information, you can make sure the rocket reaches orbit successfully, and you can find areas of improvement for the next rocket launch.
Still a little fuzzy on what a manufacturing execution system is? Fear not! We’re going to take a deep dive into all things MES, and by the end, you’ll have a much better understanding of what it can do and whether it’s a good fit for your business.
对于MES你仍旧有一点疑惑?不要害怕。 我们将更深一步的了解MES,在最后,你会对MES有一个更好的理解,以及它是否适合你的业务。

二、MES Concepts and Glossary of Terms (内容和术语);

Like any piece of software, manufacturing execution systems come with a whole bunch of concepts and terms that help provide a better understanding of what they actually are. On the surface, they might seem like they have their own language, but it’s not that complicated. Here are some of the more common terms and concepts associated with MES:
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system—powerful and strategic business process management tools that integrate all facets of an enterprise into one comprehensive information system that can be accessed by individuals across an entire organization
企业资源计划系统 -强大的战略流程管理工具,并集成了企业的所有面到一个综合信息管理系统中,可以被企业的个人访问。
MESA-11—published in 1997, this model—created by the Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions Association (MESA)—indicated the 11 core functions of a standard MES
在1997年出版,被制造企业方案协会建立- 指出一个标准MES的11个核心功能.
ANSI/ISA-95 standard—created for global manufacturers by the International Society of Automation, this is a standard set of guidelines for developers to follow when creating software that automatically links enterprise systems—like ERP—and control systems
Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE)—a general unit of measure that evaluates how well a machine works compared to its full potential.
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)—a system of software and hardware elements that allows manufacturers to maintain efficiency, process data for smarter decisions, and communicate system issues to help reduce downtime
数据采集肯监控- 一个由软件和硬件元素组成的系统,为了更高效率决策,允许制造商维护效率,流程数据,并沟通系统问题帮助减少当机时间。

三、 Core MES Functionality (MES的核心功能)

Per the MESA-11 model, standard manufacturing execution systems required 11 core functions. In the years since it was first published, MESA has revised the model to also span enterprise-level strategic initiatives, business operations, plant operations, and actual production. However, for our purposes, we’re going to focus on those original 11 core functions—that are still very much a part of today’s MES systems—and how they’re used to improve manufacturing efficiency.


Operations management
Offer your employees a global view of planned production orders and their production routing. This ensures your entire staff is on the same page and reduces errors due to miscommunication.

Dispatching production units
Manage the bidirectional flow of production data in real time between the ERP and the workshop. This ensures production data is always accurate, consistent, and up to date.

Product tracking and genealogy
Group final parts or batches with all their corresponding manufacturing data—from the raw material to the component assembly. This data is especially useful for manufacturers that must comply with government or industry regulations.

Labor management 工资管理
Easily manage your people, products, and/or operations and track any skills or authorizations they require. This ensures that you always have the right people in place at each step of the production process.
Quality management质量管理
Manage the quality of your manufacturing process and units—including quality deviations and exceptions. This function can be integrated directly into the MES software or can use external software.
Maintenance management 维护管理
More easily and accurately plan preventative machine maintenance to reduce downtime and production interruptions.
Data collection and acquisition 数据采集
Track and gather essential data and easily recall that data when you need it.
Process management 流程管理
Provide process routing and operational sequencing—including full production traceability.
Performance analysis 业务分析
Consolidate data to calculate key performance indicators (KPIs) like rework, scrap, process capability, OEE, and more. This lets you know how your production process is working and how it could be improved.
Document control 文档控制
Provide a simple way for your operators to access important documents—including instructions, drawings, notes, and more—when they need them. This saves you and your employees time by not having to search through file cabinets for the information you need.
Resource allocation and status 资源分配及状态管理
Define and track the status of your resources and how they are used in the production process.


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