综合对话类 task3


  reading part 信号词及总结  45'读+归纳  20'说完


      policy:  announce, plan, decide, is going to, will, is about to, is committed to

      proposal:  think,  should, urge, suggest, propose, consider, concern

    why/ how

      first, second

      also, moreover, furthermore, what's more, in additiion

      according to, ... said, explain, illustrate, state, point out

  listening part 对话结构及总结  ?'听  40'说完 

    she/ he

      agree/ disagree

      因果解释 + 例子

  回答模版  60' = 20' + 40'

    in the reading part, we know that   policy/ proposl    since/ through reason 1 + 2 (how/ what)

    while in the listening part, the girl/ boy agree/ disagree with this idea. Because 因果解释 + 例子

    so/ in a nutshell, she thinks it's a good/terrible idea.


# 2010.3.4 tofel ibt/ oral / task3
A proposal of removing telphonereading notes
policy: a student suggest university to remove cellphone from dorm.
reason:1. everyone has a cellphone.2. save moneylistening notesshe/ disagree       1.因: mountain/ village    果:half time has no signals     例子: if emergency/ someone hurts, still need2. if they use, pay/ otherwise, no chargesuse cellphone more.模板in this reading part, a student suggest university to remove the  cellphone from dorm since everyone has one and it can save money. While in the listening, the girl disagrees with this idea. Because when surrounded with mountains or located in small city, half of the time has no signals. If there is emergency or someone hurts, they still need cellphone. Furthermore, if they use the phone, they need to pay, otherwise there is no charge. Comparing to the regular phone, they use cellphone more.In a nutshell, it is not a good idea.

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2012.3.10 p115 oral/ task 3Improvement of the college directoryThe registrar's office plans to update the sd.1. include color photos2. put it on websitehe / agreebecause, 1. two persons/ same namelast sms/ lida viga, 3 person, if pic, right person2.can't / handcopy // heavyif website, easier and fasterSo, he agrees with this idea

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2012.2.25 /p87/ oral/ task3Constructing a Hotelthe U plans to construct a 120-budget room near the campus.1. lack of safe dorm near the campus2.  a single room/ 40 $she/ agreesbecause,1.hotel now/ shabby, old, expensiveif friends/ parents visits/ find hotel downtown/ drive long time/ traffic jam/ not convinent2.40$ cheaplast week/ friend visit me/ he couldn't afford the price 90$
                drive home late.So, she thinks it's a good idea.

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task 5





    1. time conflict

      公事/ 私事

      抉择  因公费私

    2. 'broken'


    3. register



    1. time  

      stay up/ save time

    2. money

      borrow(big)/ save(small)

    3. relationship of human

      explain/ make up


     Well, from the conversation, we know that the b/g has a problem which is ....

     There're two solutions 1 + 2, first... / second...

    Actually, if I had the same problem/ if I were him/ her, I would like to choose solution 1

    Even though,  weakness of solution 1/ She or he

    yet, I still think mysolution + benifits

    Besides, weakness of solution 2

    So I think the first one is a better idea.


Listening notes
HEproblemcar broken/15 miles to school/ no money to repairsolution1.borrow from his brotherbig $pay in the first month2.transfer bus3 times4 hours/ daymess scheduleTemplates
Well, from the conversation, we know that the boy has a problem which is his car is broken and he has no money to repair it. There are two solutions through borrowing from his brother and transferring bus.Actually, if i have the same problem, I would like to choose borrowing money from brother.Even though, his brother thinks it's a big money and need him to pay in the first month.

Yet, I still think he can go to library as an assistant to save enough money for his brother, furthermore, this precious experience can build his robust personality.Besides, transferring bus need 3 times and in total 4 hours a day. It would mess his schedule.So, I think the borrowing money from brother is a better idea.

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'REGISTER'#listening notes
She#problemdoctor brown/ writing courses50 persons/ no interaction / important#suggestion1. doctor wilson / 4 personsfalse: old/ no books2.next semester/ doctor brown/ 8amfalse: can't get up early

Well, from the conversation, we know that the girl has a problem which is she chose doctor's brown writing course, while 50 students participated in his class, there's no interaction which is important to writing courses.There're two solutions. First, she can choose writing courses of doc,  Wilson, for 4 students attend his class. Second, she can choose the doc brown's courses next semester at 8am.Actually, if i were her, i would like to choose the second one.Even though, she couldn't get up at that time, 

I still think she can set clock or go to bed earlier the day before courses to be punctual for writing course. Besides, doc Wilson is old and  didn't write a book.

So I think going to doctor, brown's writing courses next semester is a better idea.

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' TIME CONFLICTS'Listening notesShe # problemmuseum as assistant/ guild kids/ huojing's lecturemay/ library/ reshell books/wednesday# suggestion1.museum morning/ library afternoonf: lecture afternoon/ miss will get into trouble2.explain/ find another personf: best friends/ doesn't break promise


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