
The problem with storing all your files on a file server or networked machine is that when you leave the network, how are you going to access your files? Instead of using a VPN or Dropbox, you can use the Offline Files feature built into Windows.

将所有文件存储在文件服务器或联网计算机上的问题是,当您离开网络时,如何访问文件? 您可以使用Windows内置的脱机文件功能来代替使用VPN或Dropbox。

Note: You should probably not be using this guide to make your 2 terabyte movie collection available offline—while it may work, it is not recommended just because the Offline Files feature isn’t made for storing massive amounts of data offline.

注意:您可能不应该使用本指南将2 TB的电影收藏集脱机使用-尽管它可以工作,但不建议您这样做,因为脱机文件功能不是为了离线存储大量数据而设计的。

设置离线文件 (Setting Up Offline Files)

If you’re new to networking, be sure to check out our guide to networking Windows 7 with XP or Vista, or the guide on how to share files and printers between Windows 7 and XP.

如果您不熟悉网络,请务必查看我们的Windows 7与XP或Vista联网指南,或有关如何在Windows 7和XP之间共享文件和打印机的指南。

First you’ll want to connect to the PC that hosts the shared folder. There’s a number of ways to do this, but one easy method is to use the Windows + R key combination to bring up the Run box, and then type two backslashes and the IP address or hostname of the PC you want to connect to. You could also do the same thing in the Windows Explorer location box, of course.

首先,您需要连接到托管共享文件夹的PC。 有很多方法可以执行此操作,但是一种简单的方法是使用Windows + R组合键调出“运行”框,然后键入两个反斜杠以及要连接的PC的IP地址或主机名。 当然,您也可以在Windows资源管理器位置框中执行相同的操作。

Once you connect to the machine (you may need to input a username and password, depending on how your network is setup), you’ll see the folders that are shared on the other computer. Right-click on the folder and select Map Network drive. On the next screen, you’ll be asked to pick a drive letter and optionally use different credentials.

连接到计算机后(您可能需要输入用户名和密码,具体取决于网络的设置方式),您将看到另一台计算机上共享的文件夹。 右键单击该文件夹,然后选择“映射网络驱动器”。 在下一个屏幕上,系统将要求您选择一个驱动器号,并可以选择使用其他凭据。

Note: again, you could map the drive a different way if you want.


Once you’ve mapped a drive and opened it up in Windows Explorer, you can go to any sub-folder of the drive and select “Always available offline” from the context menu.


Once all the files have been processed you will get a message telling you that they will be available offline.


For example, I have made a single folder called “Personal” available offline, which contains a single text file called My Plans, which contains “Text Text Text Text” as seen below.


So now if you disconnect from the network you should still be able to access your document, as seen in the following screenshot:


Note: You will be able to see a list of the other folders, as it has cached a list of the folders, but if you try open a folder that you have not made available offline it will appear to be empty until you connect to the network again.


So now that offline files is set up you can open your files and make changes to them.


手动启动同步 (Manually Initiating a Sync)

While most of the time you would want your syncing to be done automatically, you could always do it manually if you choose, by right-clicking on the folder that contains offline files, selecting Sync –> Sync selected offline files from the context menu. You could alternatively do this on a per-drive basis.

大多数情况下,您希望自动完成同步,但如果选择,可以始终手动进行手动操作,方法是右键单击包含脱机文件的文件夹,然后从上下文菜单中选择“同步”->“同步选定的脱机文件”。 您也可以基于每个驱动器执行此操作。

安排同步作业 (Scheduling Sync Jobs)

If you would rather automate things, you can set up the syncing to take place automatically. To do this, type Sync Center into the Start Menu and press enter. When the sync center opens click on the View sync partnerships link on the left hand side, then double-click on the offline files that appear on the right hand side to get a list of what you files are available offline.

如果您希望自动化,可以将同步设置为自动进行。 为此,请在“开始”菜单中键入“同步中心”,然后按Enter。 同步中心打开后,单击左侧的“查看同步伙伴关系”链接,然后双击右侧显示的脱机文件以获取可脱机使用的文件列表。

Once you have selected the folder that you want to schedule syncing for, the Schedule button will become available on the menu bar. Once you select it, a screen will appear asking which folders you want to create a schedule for, and a wizard will take you through the rest of the process to configure the schedule.

选择了要为其计划同步的文件夹后,“计划”按钮将在菜单栏上变为可用。 选择后,将出现一个屏幕,询问您要为其创建日程表的文件夹,向导将引导您完成其余过程以配置日程表。

解决冲突 (Resolving Conflicts)

If you edit a file while you are offline and somebody else on your network also edits the same file, you’ll have a conflict that needs to be resolved. Windows will skip syncing those files and mark them as a conflict, but that’s easy to fix.

如果您在脱机时编辑文件,并且网络上的其他人也在编辑同一文件,则将有冲突需要解决。 Windows将跳过同步这些文件并将其标记为冲突,但这很容易解决。

Type Sync Center into the Start Menu and press enter.



When the Sync Center opens, click on the View sync conflicts link on the left hand side, where you will find a list of all the files that did not sync.


To resolve the conflict, right-click on the file and select View options to resolve from the context menu.


This will give the options to either keep the version that you created while you were away, keep the version on the server that someone else edited while you were away, or keep both versions and rename the one that you created.


增加一些安全性 (Adding Some Security)

You can add a layer of security to your offline files by using EFS(Encrypting File System), which is disabled by default and needs to be enabled. Note: This will only encrypt your offline files and not the files on the server.

您可以使用EFS(加密文件系统)为脱机文件添加一层安全保护,该功能默认情况下处于禁用状态,需要启用。 注意:这只会加密您的离线文件,而不会加密服务器上的文件。

To enable offline files, type Sync Center into the start menu and press enter. When Sync Center opens click on the Manage offline files link on the left hand side, which will bring up a dialog box. You’ll need to switch to the Encryption tab and then click the Encrypt button.

要启用脱机文件,请在开始菜单中输入同步中心,然后按Enter。 同步中心打开后,单击左侧的“管理脱机文件”链接,这将弹出一个对话框。 您需要切换到“加密”选项卡,然后单击“加密”按钮。

While the offline files feature isn’t the same thing as Dropbox, it’s definitely a useful feature that’s worth a look if you use networked folders.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/98793/how-to-use-offline-files-in-windows-to-cache-your-networked-files-offline/



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