

检查 SqlMapConfig.xml 中有没有配置 mapper 路径
检查 SqlMapConfig.xml 中 resource 指定位置是都有误
检查路径中的 namespace 是否配置错误



Type interface com.aiit.mapper.BrandMapper is not known to the MapperRegistry.解决办法相关推荐

  1. Type interface com.mybatis.mapper.UserMapper is not known to the MapperRegistry. 解决方法

    我错误的找了很多文章都没说到点子上,因为我的映射文件是放在resources文件夹下面, 但是我在引入映射文件的时候是 <mappers><mapper class="ma ...

  2. Type interface com.zhaoka.mapper.DatKcardKmMapper is not known to the MapperRegistry

    Type interface com.zhaoka.mapper.DatKcardKmMapper is not known to the MapperRegistry   没有在sqlConfig. ...

  3. 解决Type interface com.kuang.mapper.UserMapper is not known to the MapperRegistry.的问题

    解决Type interface com.kuang.mapper.UserMapper is not known to the MapperRegistry.的问题 错误代码: 二月 13, 202 ...

  4. Type interface com.mybatis.mapper.UserMapper is not known to the MapperRegistry

    Type interface com.mybatis.mapper.UserMapper is not known to the MapperRegistry报错信息 出现了这个问题一般是因为myba ...

  5. BUG之Type interface com.zcy.mapper.UserLogMapper is not known to the MapperRegistry.

    遇到上面这个问题是因为我在注册mapper的时候少写了UserLogMapper 少写了注册mapper就会报这个错

  6. mybatis问题【Type interface com.qfedu.dao.StudentDAO is not known to the MapperRegistry】

    项目场景: 在学习SSM的路上老是遇见奇奇怪怪的报错,弄这些错误花费了巨大的精力,于是打算记录一下希望对正在学习的大家有帮助 第一个Mybatis项目 问题描述 错误提示如下: org.apache. ...

  7. Type interface com.haroro.dao.UserDao is not known to the MapperRegistry——MyBatis问题

    初学MyBatis的时候,往往出现的错误都是一些细节上引起的.今天就遇到了一个问题,在运行测试类的时候,出现了以下的错误提示: org.apache.ibatis.binding.BindingExc ...

  8. Mybatis报误错: Type interface com.xu.dao.IAccountDao is not known to the MapperRegistry.

    org.apache.ibatis.binding.BindingException: Type interface com.xu.dao.IAccountDao is not known to th ...

  9. mybatis错误:Type interface com.sks.dao.UserDao is not known to the MapperRegistry.

    mybatis错误org.apache.ibatis.binding.BindingException: Type interface com.sks.dao.UserDao is not known ...


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