
Setup ILM


index lifecycle management (ILM) 索引生命管理,如果它启用了,那么会忽略output.elasticsearch.index 里面的设置。



setup.ilm.enabled: auto
setup.ilm.rollover_alias: "filebeat"  # 前缀
# filebeat-2020.09.28-000001
setup.ilm.pattern: "{now/d}-000001"   

需要了解Date math


# Configure index lifecycle management (ILM). These settings create a write
# alias and add additional settings to the index template. When ILM is enabled,
# output.elasticsearch.index is ignored, and the write alias is used to set the
# index name.# Enable ILM support. Valid values are true, false, and auto. When set to auto
# (the default), the Beat uses index lifecycle management when it connects to a
# cluster that supports ILM; otherwise, it creates daily indices.
setup.ilm.enabled: auto# Set the prefix used in the index lifecycle write alias name. The default alias
# name is 'filebeat-%{[agent.version]}'.
setup.ilm.rollover_alias: "filebeat"# Set the rollover index pattern. The default is "%{now/d}-000001".
# filebeat-2020.09.28-000001
setup.ilm.pattern: "{now/d}-000001"# Set the lifecycle policy name. The default policy name is
# 'filebeat'.
setup.ilm.policy_name: "mypolicy"# The path to a JSON file that contains a lifecycle policy configuration. Used
# to load your own lifecycle policy.
setup.ilm.policy_file:# Disable the check for an existing lifecycle policy. The default is true. If
# you disable this check, set setup.ilm.overwrite: true so the lifecycle policy
# can be installed.
setup.ilm.check_exists: true# Overwrite the lifecycle policy at startup. The default is false.
setup.ilm.overwrite: false

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