
关键词: 单片机;土壤湿度监测;电磁阀门

Abstract:With the development of science and technology, especially the technology of single chip and semiconductor technology high speed development, the use of single-chip microcomputer to control equipment research and application has been paid more and more attention. At present, potted plants by more and more city dwellers, but often there is a manual to potted plant watering some limitations, in order to overcome the traditional method is not accurate, and the measuring range is relatively small, and very convenient, has been unable to meet the rapid development of modern science, this article introduced the pot plant growth process of soil moisture measurement and control system based on single chip microcomputer control, coupled with the soil moisture detection circuit for detecting a potted plant equipment where the soil environment, electromagnetic valve and can be different according to the plant for a variety of irrigation heads, which overcomes the shortcomings of the traditional artificial watering of timing and inaccuracy, and avoids the moisture control system the inaccuracy caused by the flood, so the potted plant soil moisture measurement and control system in order to reduce the equipment investment, but also have their own special maintenance, repair, and is an ideal choice. The graduation thesis system to AT89S51 for controller, the C programming language, by using object LCD1602 screen, the soil moisture monitoring module, single-chip microcomputer control module, electromagnetic valve irrigation module place is formed . This potted plant automatic watering system is convenient, intuitive display, multiple functions, simple circuit, low cost and other advantages, has broad market prospects.

Key words: SCM;Soil moisture monitoring;Electromagnetic valve.


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