债券按付息方式分类,可分为贴现债券、零息债券、附息债券、固定利率债券 、浮动利率债券 。

  在国外,贴水发行的折现债券有两种,分别为贴现债券和零息债券(Zero Coupon Bonds)。


  在国外,通常短期国库券(Treasury Bills)是到期时仅以面值支付都是贴现债券。上世纪80年代国外出现了一种新的[债券],它是“零息”的,即没有息票,也不支付利息。实际上,投资者在购买这种债券时就已经得到了利息。零息债券的期限普遍较长,最多可到20年。它以低于面值的贴水方式发行,投资者在债券到期日可按债券的面值得到偿付。例如:一种20年期限的债券,其面值为20000美元,而它发行时的价格很可能只有6000美元。在国外有经纪公司经营的特殊的零息债券,由经纪公司将息票和本金相互剥离之后进行独立发行。例如美林、皮尔斯和佛勒·史密斯经纪公司就创造了一种零息债券,这种债券由美国政府担保,其本金和息票相分离,以很大的折扣发行。

The difference between a zero-coupon bond and a regular bond is that a zero-coupon bond does not pay coupons, or interest payments, to the bondholder while a typical bond does make these interest payments. The holder of a zero-coupon bond only receives the face value of the bond at maturity. The holder of a coupon paying bond receives the face value of the bond at maturity but is also paid coupons over the life of the bond.

Zero-coupon bondholders gain on the difference between what they pay for the bond and the amount they will receive at maturity. Zero-coupon bonds are purchased at a large discount, known as deep discount, to the face value of the bond. A coupon-paying bond will initially trade near the price of its face value. In other words, a zero-coupon bond gains from the difference between the purchase price and the face value, while the coupon bond gains from the regular distribution of interest.

For example, imagine that you have the choices between a one-year zero-coupon bond with a face value of $1,000, which can be purchased for $952.38 or a one-year 5% semi-annual coupon bond trading at its face value of $1,000. If you bought the zero-coupon bond for $952.38, you would receive $1,000 at maturity, which is a gain of 5% ($47.62/$952.38). If you bought the coupon bond, you would have received two coupon payments of $25 each during the year for a total of $50, which also represents a 5% gain ($50/$1,000). So in this case, no matter which bond you buy, you will get the same return, even though the source of the return is different. This is not always true, as each case is different.

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