
  • 颅脑损伤ICD9编码
    • 对开放/闭合以及合并颅内损伤的声明
    • 对意识障碍的声明
    • FRACTURE OF SKULL (800-804)
      • 800 Fracture of vault of skull
      • 801 Fracture of base of skull
      • 802 Fracture of face bones
      • 803 Other and unqualified skull fractures
      • 804 Multiple fractures involving skull or face with other bones
      • 850 Concussion
      • 851 Cerebral laceration and contusion
      • 852 Subarachnoid, subdural, and extradural hemorrhage, following injury
    • 853 Other and unspecified intracranial hemorrhage following injury
      • 854 Intracranial injury of other and unspecified nature
  • 抽取患者诊断信息
    • 颅骨骨折,伴或不伴颅内损伤
    • 不伴颅骨骨折的颅内损伤
      • 脑震荡
      • 脑挫裂伤
      • SAH、SDH与EDH
      • 其他未分类




# 闭合:0~4; 开放:5~9
# 无合并颅内损伤: 0,5
# 合并脑挫裂伤: 1,6
# 合并SAH/SDH/EDH: 2,7 # 可见,此处对于SAH/SDH/EDH没有明确的分类
# 合并其他未分类的颅内出血: 3,8
# 合并其他未分类的颅内损伤: 4,9
0 Closed without mention of intracranial injury
1 Closed with cerebral laceration and contusion
2 Closed with subarachnoid, subdural, and extradural hemorrhage
3 Closed with other and unspecified intracranial hemorrhage
4 Closed with intracranial injury of other and unspecified nature
5 Open without mention of intracranial injury
6 Open with cerebral laceration and contusion
7 Open with subarachnoid, subdural, and extradural hemorrhage
8 Open with other and unspecified intracranial hemorrhage
9 Open with intracranial injury of other and unspecified nature



0 unspecified state of consciousness
1 with no loss of consciousness
2 with brief [less than one hour] loss of consciousness
3 with moderate [1-24 hours] loss of consciousness
4 with prolonged [more than 24 hours] loss of consciousness and return to pre-existing conscious level
5 with prolonged [more than 24 hours] loss of consciousness, without return to pre-existing conscious level
# Use fifth-digit 5 to designate when a patient is unconscious and **dies** before regaining consciousness, regardless of the duration of the loss of consciousness
6 with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration
9 with concussion, unspecified



800 Fracture of vault of skull


801 Fracture of base of skull


802 Fracture of face bones

802.0 Nasal bones, closed
802.1 Nasal bones, open
802.2 Mandible, closed
802.3 Mandible, open
802.4 Malar and maxillary bones, closed
802.5 Malar and maxillary bones, open
802.6 Orbital floor (blow-out), closed
802.7 Orbital floor (blow-out), open
802.8 Other facial bones, closed
802.9 Other facial bones, open

803 Other and unqualified skull fractures


804 Multiple fractures involving skull or face with other bones




850 Concussion

850.0 With no loss of consciousness
850.1 With brief loss of consciousness: Loss of consciousness for less than one hour
850.2 With moderate loss of consciousness: Loss of consciousness for 1-24 hours
850.3 With prolonged loss of consciousness and return to pre-existing conscious level: Loss of consciousness for more than 24 hours with complete recovery
850.4 With prolonged loss of consciousness, without return to pre-existing conscious level
850.5 With loss of consciousness of unspecified duration
850.9 Concussion, unspecified

851 Cerebral laceration and contusion

851.0 Cortex (cerebral) contusion without mention of open intracranial wound
851.1 Cortex (cerebral) contusion with open intracranial wound
851.2 Cortex (cerebral) laceration without mention of open intracranial wound
851.3 Cortex (cerebral) laceration with open intracranial wound
851.4 Cerebellar or brain stem contusion without mention of open intracranial wound
851.5 Cerebellar or brain stem contusion with open intracranial wound
851.6 Cerebellar or brain stem laceration without mention of open intracranial wound
851.7 Cerebellar or brain stem laceration with open intracranial wound
851.8 Other and unspecified cerebral laceration and contusion, without mention of open intracranial wound
851.9 Other and unspecified cerebral laceration and contusion, with open intracranial wound
编码 释义
851.0 大脑挫伤,闭合伤
851.1 大脑挫伤,开放伤
851.2 大脑裂伤,闭合伤
851.3 大脑裂伤,开放伤
851.4 脑干/小脑挫伤,闭合伤
851.5 脑干/小脑挫伤,开放伤
851.6 脑干/小脑裂伤,闭合伤
851.7 脑干/小脑裂伤,开放伤
851.8 其他未分类的挫裂伤,闭合伤
851.9 其他未分类的挫裂伤,开放伤

852 Subarachnoid, subdural, and extradural hemorrhage, following injury

Excludes: cerebral contusion or laceration (with hemorrhage) (851.0-851.9)
852.0 Subarachnoid hemorrhage following injury without mention of open intracranial wound
852.1 Subarachnoid hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound
852.2 Subdural hemorrhage following injury without mention of open intracranial wound
852.3 Subdural hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound
852.4 Extradural hemorrhage following injury without mention of open intracranial wound
852.5 Extradural hemorrhage following injury with open intracranial wound
编码 释义
852.0 SAH,闭合伤
852.1 SAH,开放伤
852.2 SDH,闭合伤
852.3 SDH,开放伤
852.4 EDH,闭合伤
852.5 EDH,开放伤

853 Other and unspecified intracranial hemorrhage following injury

853.0 Without mention of open intracranial wound
853.1 With open intracranial wound

854 Intracranial injury of other and unspecified nature

Excludes:any condition classifiable to 850-853head injury NOS (959.01)
854.0 Without mention of open intracranial wound
854.1 With open intracranial wound




类别 语句 记录数
800 颅盖骨折 SELECT * FROM diagnoses_icd WHERE icd9_code BETWEEN '800' AND '801'; 167
801 颅底骨折 SELECT * FROM diagnoses_icd WHERE icd9_code BETWEEN '801' AND '802'; 688
802 面部骨折 SELECT * FROM diagnoses_icd WHERE icd9_code BETWEEN '802' AND '803'; 1054
803 其他未分类颅骨骨折 SELECT * FROM diagnoses_icd WHERE icd9_code BETWEEN '803' AND '804'; 103
804 累及颅面骨的多发骨折 SELECT * FROM diagnoses_icd WHERE icd9_code BETWEEN '804' AND '805'; 52



类别 语句 记录数
850 脑震荡 SELECT * FROM diagnoses_icd WHERE icd9_code BETWEEN '850' AND '851'; 102


类别 语句 记录数
851 脑挫伤、脑裂伤 SELECT * FROM diagnoses_icd WHERE icd9_code BETWEEN '851' AND '852'; 340
8510~8511 大脑挫伤 SELECT * FROM diagnoses_icd WHERE icd9_code BETWEEN '8510' AND '8512'; 42
8512~8513 大脑裂伤 SELECT * FROM diagnoses_icd WHERE icd9_code BETWEEN '8512' AND '8514'; 6
8514~8515 小脑/脑干挫伤 SELECT * FROM diagnoses_icd WHERE icd9_code BETWEEN '8514' AND '8516'; 45
8516~8517 小脑/脑干裂伤 SELECT * FROM diagnoses_icd WHERE icd9_code BETWEEN '8516' AND '8518'; 3
8518~8519 其他未分类的挫裂伤 SELECT * FROM diagnoses_icd WHERE icd9_code BETWEEN '8518' AND '852'; 244


类别 语句 记录数
852 SAH、SDH、EDH SELECT * FROM diagnoses_icd WHERE icd9_code BETWEEN '852' AND '853'; 1380
8520~8521 SAH SELECT * FROM diagnoses_icd WHERE icd9_code BETWEEN '8520' AND '8522'; 473
8520 闭合SAH SELECT * FROM diagnoses_icd WHERE icd9_code BETWEEN '8520' AND '8521'; 465
8521 开放SAH SELECT * FROM diagnoses_icd WHERE icd9_code BETWEEN '8521' AND '8522'; 8
8522~8523 SDH SELECT * FROM diagnoses_icd WHERE icd9_code BETWEEN '8522' AND '8524'; 875
8522 闭合SDH SELECT * FROM diagnoses_icd WHERE icd9_code BETWEEN '8522' AND '8523'; 867
8523 开放SDH SELECT * FROM diagnoses_icd WHERE icd9_code BETWEEN '8523' AND '8524'; 8
8524~8525 EDH SELECT * FROM diagnoses_icd WHERE icd9_code BETWEEN '8524' AND '853'; 32
8524 闭合EDH SELECT * FROM diagnoses_icd WHERE icd9_code BETWEEN '8524' AND '8525'; 31
8524 开放EDH SELECT * FROM diagnoses_icd WHERE icd9_code BETWEEN '8525' AND '853'; 1
853 其他未分类的TBI后颅内出血 SELECT * FROM diagnoses_icd WHERE icd9_code BETWEEN '853' AND '854'; 208


类别 语句 记录数
854 其他未分类的颅内损伤 SELECT * FROM diagnoses_icd WHERE icd9_code BETWEEN '854' AND '855'; 43


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