手头有本《操作系统 原理技术与编程》(蒋静,徐志伟著),做里面的驱动程序编写的例子,原书基于kernel 2.4,和现在相去甚远,所以又参考了《Linux设备驱动程序》(Jonathan Cprbet等著),加上网上的若干资料,以及师兄的帮助,终于算是搞定了,写程序记录一下。


由于linux本身的改动,和自己对linux不熟悉的原因,编写的过程绕了不少弯路,还是直接写结果会清晰一些。 由于是实验学习用途,所以代码可能在安全性检查上有所问题大致分为如下步骤:

0. 软件基础


1. 硬件设施

由于要求可观察,就用一个电阻(10K欧)和一个发光二极管拧在一起,插进机箱上的25针并口中,如果电平不一致(输入端为高电平,输出端为低电平),则二极管可以发光。就不上图了,有材料拧一下就好。 查阅文章【3】并测试,将输入口插到数据口,输出口插到接地口,使用【3】中的测试代码运行成功。

2. 驱动编写

#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>static ssize_t light_read(struct file *, char __user *, size_t, loff_t *);
static ssize_t light_write(struct file *, const char __user *, size_t,loff_t *);static int light_open(struct inode *, struct file *);
static int light_release(struct inode *, struct file *);static long light_unlocked_ioctl(struct file *, unsigned int, unsigned long);struct file_operations light_fops = {.owner = THIS_MODULE,.read = light_read,.write = light_write,.open = light_open,.release = light_release,.unlocked_ioctl = light_unlocked_ioctl,// all others are NULL
};#define BUFFER_SIZE 64
#define SUCCESS 0
light.c代码如下:       其中定时器参考[7]
#include <asm-generic/uaccess.h>
#include <linux/timer.h>
#include "light.h"/********* light status *******/
enum light_enum {ALL_ZERO = 1, // every time got zeroALL_ONE = 3, // every time got ONEALTERNATIVE = 5, // got 1,0,1,0...
};static enum light_enum light_flag = ALTERNATIVE;
static int lastword = 0;
static int Device_Open = 0;
static int BASE_ADDR = 0x378;extern struct file_operations light_fops;/******************************/
static struct timer_list light_timer;
static int SLEEP_INTERVAL = 500;int rounds = 1;void light_timer_callback(unsigned long data) {char output;
//  printk("my_timer_callback called (%ld).\n", jiffies);switch (light_flag) {case ALL_ONE:output = 0xff;break;case ALL_ZERO:output = 0;break;case ALTERNATIVE:output = lastword == 0 ? 0 : 0xff;lastword ^= 1;break;default:printk("see error flag.\n");return;}outb(output, BASE_ADDR);// need to send a 0x00 signal to stop thatmod_timer(&light_timer,jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(SLEEP_INTERVAL * rounds));
/******************************//******* light functions *******/
// read the round number, nothing to do with count
static ssize_t light_read(struct file * file, char __user * buf, size_t count,loff_t * pos) {int len;char kbuf[BUFFER_SIZE];printk("read inside the kernel\n");if (!Device_Open) {printk("device not opened\n");return -1;}if (rounds > 100) {printk("rounds too big\n");return -1;}kbuf[0] = (char) rounds;kbuf[1] = 0;len = 1;copy_to_user(buf, kbuf, len);printk("read %d chars from kernel\n", len);return len;
}// write the type, not implemented yet
static ssize_t light_write(struct file * file, const char __user * buf,size_t count, loff_t * pos) {char kbuf[BUFFER_SIZE];int tmp;printk("write inside the kernel\n");if (!access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, buf, count))return -EFAULT;if (!Device_Open) {printk("device not opened\n");return -1;}if (count == 0) {return -EFAULT;}if (copy_from_user(kbuf, buf, count))return -EFAULT;tmp = kbuf[0];if (0 < tmp && tmp < 100) {printk("modify interval rounds from %d to %d\n", rounds, tmp);rounds = tmp;}return 1;
}static int light_open(struct inode * inode, struct file * file) {if (Device_Open)return -EBUSY;Device_Open++;try_module_get(THIS_MODULE);return SUCCESS;
static int light_release(struct inode * inode, struct file * file) {Device_Open--;module_put(THIS_MODULE);return 0;
}// set flat to ALL_ONE, ALL_ZERO or ALTERNATIVE
static long light_unlocked_ioctl(struct file * file, unsigned int cmd,unsigned long arg) {switch (cmd) {case ALL_ONE:case ALL_ZERO:case ALTERNATIVE:printk("change status from %d to %d\n", light_flag, cmd);light_flag = cmd;break;default:printk("meet error %d, %ld\n", cmd, arg);return -1;}return SUCCESS;
}/********* light end *******//********* dev control *******/
static int Major;
#define DEVICE_NAME "light_test"int light_init(void) {Major = register_chrdev(0, DEVICE_NAME, &light_fops);if (Major < 0) {printk("Registering the character device failed with %d/n", Major);return Major;}printk("create a dev file with mknod /dev/? c %d 0.\n", Major);printk("ZERO %d, ONE %d, ALTER %d\n", ALL_ZERO, ALL_ONE, ALTERNATIVE);setup_timer( &light_timer, light_timer_callback, 0);mod_timer(&light_timer,jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(SLEEP_INTERVAL * rounds));return 0;
}void light_exit(void) {int ret = 1;while (ret) {ret = del_timer(&light_timer);printk("The timer is still in use...\n");}printk("unregister_chrdev: %d\n", Major);unregister_chrdev(Major, DEVICE_NAME);
/********* dev control end*******/module_init(light_init);
# kbuild part of makefile
obj-m  := light.oelse
# normal makefileKDIR ?= /lib/modules/`uname -r`/builddefault:$(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) M=$$PWD modules

3. 测试程序编写


#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>void main() {char buf[10];FILE* fp;int fd;int round;while (1) {scanf("%d", &round);if (round == 0) {fp = fopen("/dev/light", "r");if (fp == NULL)return;fread(buf, sizeof(char), 1, fp);printf("read round: %d\n", buf[0]);fclose(fp);} else if (round > 0) {buf[0] = (char) round;fp = fopen("/dev/light", "w");if (fp == NULL)return;round = fwrite(buf, sizeof(char), 1, fp);printf("write count %d\n", round);fclose(fp);} else {if (round >= -100) {printf("trying to call the control function, %d\n", round);if ((fd = open("/dev/light", O_SYNC)) < 0) {printf("error in opening the device\n");return;}ioctl(fd, -round, 0);close(fd);} else {break;}}}

输入0,则查看当前的sleep round

输入>0的数字,则更改sleep round


4. 测试

mknod /dev/light c 248 0
insmod ./light.ko
gcc -o test test.c
// 下面是自己输入的测试rmmod light

5. 测试结果

本机【fedora16】查看printk的输出结果,使用tail -f /var/log/messages观察









5. 注意事项

ioctl函数,参见文章[4]: “应该用unlocked_ioctl代替ioctl,不能被compat_ioctl字面意思所迷惑,用户调用时候还是用ioctl不用变。”

ioctl调用,本来不是1,3,5的结构,而是1,2,3。但是我在使用ioctl传(fd, 2, 0)的时候,light_unlocked_ioctl不会被调用,而(fd, 1/3/4/5..., 0)都可以,不知为什么

-->> 原因见[5][6],符号冲突,使用生僻符号应该可以解决此问题


1. 《操作系统 原理技术与编程》(蒋静,徐志伟著)

2. 《Linux设备驱动程序》(Jonathan Cprbet等著,魏永明等译)

3.   并行端口操作http://www.igefo.com/post-686.html

4.   ioctl,unlocked_ioctl 的问题 http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/420928958.html

5.   ioctl is not called if cmd = 2   http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10071296/ioctl-is-not-called-if-cmd-2

6.   linux kernel code  http://lxr.linux.no/linux+v3.3.1/include/asm-generic/ioctl.h#L83    http://lxr.linux.no/linux+v3.3.1/+code=FIONCLEX

7. 2.6 内核中的计时器和列表 http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/linux/l-timers-list/index.html

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