
You can personalize your Apple Watch with different watch faces and “complications”, but if you really want to add a personal touch, the “Color” watch face has a cool Monogram complication, which allows you to display up to four characters on the watch face. The Monogram complication is more customizable than people realize, though.

您可以使用不同的表盘和“复杂功能”对Apple Watch进行个性化设置,但是如果您真的想添加个性化的色彩,“ Color”表盘具有很酷的Monogram复杂功能,可以在手表上最多显示四个字符面对。 但是,Monogram并发症比人们意识到的要容易定制。

Here’s how to customize the Monogram complication and how to access more options for characters, such as the Apple logo.


If your watch face is not currently the Color watch face, first make sure the watch face is active. If it’s not, press the digital crown until you are returned to the watch face. Then, force touch on the watch face.

如果您的表盘当前不是彩色表盘,请首先确保该表盘处于活动状态。 如果不是,请按数字表冠直到您返回表盘。 然后,用力触摸表盘表面。

The watch face selector will pop up. Swipe left or right to find the Color watch face, depending on which watch face was active.

表盘选择器将弹出。 向左或向右滑动以找到“颜色”表盘,具体取决于哪个表盘处于活动状态。

Once you find the Color watch face, tap “Customize”.


The first customization screen for the Color watch face allows you to choose the color. If you want to change the color, use the digital crown to select a different color. Then, swipe left to go to the second customization screen.

Color表盘的第一个自定义屏幕使您可以选择颜色。 如果要更改颜色,请使用数字表把选择其他颜色。 然后,向左滑动以进入第二个自定义屏幕。

This screen allows you to change which complications display on the watch face. Tap on the center complication. The only options for this spot are “None” or “Monogram”. Make sure “Monogram” is selected.

此屏幕使您可以更改表盘上显示的复杂情况。 点击中心并发症。 此景点的唯一选项是“无”或“会标”。 确保选择“会标”。

Press the digital crown until you return to the watch face. Notice the monogram at the top of the watch face.

按下数字表冠,直到返回表盘。 请注意表盘顶部的会标。

Now that we have the Color watch face selected and the monogram complication on, you can customize the monogram using your phone. Tap the “Watch” app on the Home screen.

既然我们已经选择了Color表盘并且启用了会标复杂功能,您就可以使用手机自定义会标了。 点击主屏幕上的“观看”应用。

Make sure the “My Watch” screen is active. If not, tap the “My Watch” icon at the bottom of the screen.

确保“我的手表”屏幕处于活动状态。 如果没有,请点击屏幕底部的“我的手表”图标。

On the “My Watch” screen, tap “Clock”.


Tap “Monogram” on the “Clock” screen.


The cursor is automatically placed at the end of the current monogram. Delete the current character(s) and type letters, numbers, or symbols from the standard keyboard. Tap “< Clock” at the top of the “Monogram” screen to return to the previous screen.

光标会自动放置在当前会标的末尾。 删除当前字符,然后从标准键盘上键入字母,数字或符号。 点击“ Monogram”屏幕顶部的“ <Clock”以返回上一屏幕。

The character(s) you typed display to the right of the “Monogram” option on the “Clock” screen.


Your new monogram displays on the Color watch face.


Here’s where things get interesting. You can also add other characters as long as you can copy them from other sources. The UniChar Picker app is a great source. Search for it in the App Store and install it. Then, tap the “UniChar” icon on the Home screen to open the app.

这是有趣的地方。 您还可以添加其他字符,只要您可以从其他来源复制它们即可。 UniChar Picker应用程序是一个很好的来源。 在App Store中搜索并安装。 然后,点击主屏幕上的“ UniChar”图标以打开应用程序。

You can use any character from UniChar’s collection as part of your monogram. For this example, we’ll use the Apple logo. Scroll down to the “Pictographs” section and tap on the Apple logo.

您可以将UniChar集合中的任何字符用作字母组合的一部分。 在此示例中,我们将使用Apple徽标。 向下滚动到“象形文字”部分,然后点击Apple徽标。

The Apple Logo will show up in the “Recently Used” section. To copy the Apple Logo symbol, tap and hold on the Apple Logo…

Apple徽标将显示在“最近使用”部分。 要复制Apple Logo符号,请点击并按住Apple Logo…

…until you see “Copied” display on the screen.


Go back to the “Monogram” screen in the “Watch” app, as described earlier. Delete the current monogram and then tap and hold in that spot until you see the “Paste” popup and tap on that popup.

如前所述,返回“观看”应用程序中的“字母组合”屏幕。 删除当前的字母组合,然后点击并按住该位置,直到看到“粘贴”弹出窗口,然后点击该弹出窗口。

The Apple Logo is inserted on the “Monogram” screen. Again, tap “Clock” at the top of the screen to accept the change and return to the Clock screen.

Apple徽标已插入“ Monogram”屏幕。 再次点击屏幕顶部的“时钟”以接受更改并返回“时钟”屏幕。

The Apple Logo will show up to the right of “Monogram” on the “Clock” screen.


The Apple Logo now displays on the Color watch face.


Some characters may not look good on the Color watch face because the character becomes very small. Try out different characters and see what you like–there’s a lot of cool stuff you can do.

由于字符变得很小,某些字符可能在Color表盘上看起来不太好。 尝试不同的角色,看看自己喜欢什么-您可以做很多有趣的事情。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/238488/how-to-add-custom-characters-to-the-color-apple-watch-faces-monogram/


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