你是否经常会语无伦次,也总是只会用I think回应老外的提问或答辩他人的观点。今天,我们就来学习可以让你在回答时瞬间提升档次的回应。

  1. In my opinion
  2. In my point of view
  3. In my view
  4. In my humble opinion 以我愚见
  5. In the case of me 就我而言
  6. I hold that 我持有这样的观点
  7. I’d like to say
  8. I take the view that
  9. I agree/disagree
  10. I considered … as …
  11. I share with sb the same views 我和某人有同样的观点
  12. I have every reason to believe 我完全有理由相信
  13. I desperately hope that 我强烈地期望
  14. I firmly hold the belief that 我坚定地相信
  15. I firmly believe that 我坚定地相信
  16. I couldn’t help looking back on sth 我忍不住想起
  17. I do hope that 我只是希望
  18. I have some piece of advice about sth 我有一些关于…的建议
  19. I make an urgent appeal that 我紧急呼吁
  20. I am in favor of the view that 我赞成这样的观点
  21. I don’t think anyone would disagree
  22. I couldn’t agree more!
  23. I take your point
  24. I agree up to a point
  25. I guess you could be right
  26. I can’t possibly agree with you
  27. I’m afraid I have a different opinion
  28. I’m afraid I don’t share your opinion
  29. I’m with you on that
  30. I’m pretty sure that
  31. I’m afraid I don’t agree
  32. I’m inclined to disagree with that 我倾向于不同意那一点
  33. I see your point, but I can’t really agree with you
  34. I find that hard to swallow 我觉得很难接受
  35. I don’t think you’ve got your facts straight 我认为你没有把事实弄清楚
  36. I understand your viewpoint, but it fails to consider … 我理解你的观点,但它没有考虑到
  37. I disagree with you entirely. 我完全不同意你的看法
  38. I suspect that
  39. I honestly feel that
  40. I strongly believe that
  41. I’d like to say this 我会这样说…
  42. I’d go along with you there.
  43. In my eyes
  44. In my experience 根据我的经验…
  45. I’ll put forward the suggestion 我将提出这个建议
  46. I’ll live by such a statement 我想要引用这么一个谚语
  47. It occurred to me that 我突然想到
  48. It makes no sense to argue for … 为它争论没有意义
  49. It’s true that …
  50. It’s a fact that
  51. It’s safe to say that
  52. When it comes to sth
  53. What impressed me most was that 让我印象最深的是…
  54. What concerns me most is 让我最担心的是…
  55. We should keep it in mind that 我们应该记住
  56. We have no choice but to 我们别无选择,除了…
  57. What are you taking about?
  58. What I said was
  59. What I mean to say was
  60. Without a doubt
  61. That’s all I want to say
  62. Believe it or not 信不信由你
  63. Benefits are more than disadvantage 利大于弊
  64. Positive more than impact
  65. Existence means truth 存在即是真理
  66. My perspective on sth is
  67. Many of us have been under the illusion that… 我们许多人都抱有……的幻想。
  68. My point of view is
  69. My idea is
  70. Mind that I say 记住我说的
  71. As you know
  72. As for me
  73. As far as I concerned
  74. Another point is that 另一点是…
  75. Another way of looking at it is 这个问题的另一个看法是…
  76. At first sight, you argument seems to be true. But …
  77. Keep in mind 记住我说的
  78. From my point of view
  79. On me, it’s
  80. That’s just what I was thinking
  81. That’s a good point
  82. That’s just how I see it
  83. That’s exactly my opinion
  84. To much stress placed on … may lead to 施加在……上的巨大压力。可能会导致
  85. To be frank 坦白地说
  86. The every thought of … delight me 正是这个想法使我高兴
  87. That’s absolutely true!
  88. Some people say…, but it does not hold water 有些人说……,但这是站不住脚的
  89. Speaking of sth 一提到…(某事,某物、某人)
  90. Such a statement mainly rests on the assumption that 这样的说法主要基于这样的假设
  91. Speaking for myself 站在自己的立场上说…
  92. Contrary to what is widely accepted, I maintain that 与人们普遍接受的观点相反,我坚持认为
  93. Considering the current …
  94. Don’t be too sure. Don’t speak too soon
  95. You can’t be serious
  96. You must be joking
  97. You’ve got it all wrong
  98. You don’t have a leg to stand on
  99. You don’t know up from down
  100. I wouldn’t accept that for one minute

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