
open ua统一标准指导文档,基于C语言的。包含了节点,函数,类型等基础说明。以及open ua服务器/客户端建立的一些基本实例。


1 Introduction

I1 OPC Unified Architecture

en62541 Features

1.3 Getting Hel

1. 4 Contributing

2 Building open 62541

2.1 Building the Examples

2.2 Building the library

2.3 Build Options

3 Tutorials

3.1 Working with Data Types


3.2 Building a Simple Server

3.3 Adding Variables to a Server


3.4 Connecting a Variable with a Physical Process


3.5 Working with Variable Types

3.6 Working with Objects and Object Types


3.7 Adding Methods to Objects

3.8 Building a Simple Client

4 Protocol


4.1 Establishing a Connection

4.2 Structure of a protocol message

5 Data Types

5.1 Builtin Types

5.2 Generic Type Handling


5.3 Array handling


5. 4 Random Number generator


5.5 Generated Data Type Definitions


5.6 Deprecated Data Types APl


6 Services

6.I D


6.2 Secure Channel service set

6.3 Session Service set

6.4 Node management Service Set


6.5 View Service Set


6.6 Query Service Set


6.7 Attribute Service Set


6.8 Method Service set


6.9 MonitoredItem service set


6.10 Subscription Service Set


7 Information Modelling


7.1 Base Node Attributes


7. 2 Variable Node

7.3 Variable TypeNode

7.4 MethodE


7.5 ObjectNode


7.6 ObjectTypeNode


7.7 Reference'TypeNode


7.8 Data TypeNode

7.9 View Node


7.10 Nodestore Plugin API


8 Server


8.1 Server Configuration

8.2 Server Lifecycle


8.3 Repeated Callbacks


8.4 Reading and writing Node attributes




8.6 Discovery


8.7 Information model callbacks

8.8 Node addition and deletion


8.9 Reference Management


8.10 Utility Functions


8.11 Deprecated Server API


9 Client


9.1 Client Lifecycle


9.2 Client Lifecycle callback


9.3 Subscription Inactivity callback


9. 4 Client Configurat


9.5 Connect to a Server


9.6 Discovery


9.7 Services


9.8 Asynchronous Services


10 Standard-Defined Constants


10.1 Attribute Id

10.2 Access Level masks


10.3 Write masks


10.4 Status Codes


10.5 Namespace Zero Nodelds


11 XML Nodeset Compiler


11.1 Getting started


11.2 Creating object instances


11.3 Combination of multiple nodesets


12 Internals


12.1 Networking Plugin API


12.2 Access Control Plugin API


12.3 Logging plugin APl




ture)written in the common subset of the C99 and C++98 languages. The library is usable with all major compilers

and provides the necessary tools to impleinent dedicated OPC UA clients and servers, or to integrate OPC UA-

based communication into existing applications. open62541 library is platform independent. All platform-specifie

functionality is implemented via exchangeable plugins. Plugin implementations are provided for the major oper

ating systems

open62541 is licensed under the Mozilla Public License v2.0. So the open62541 library can be used in projects

that are not open source. Only changes to the open62541 library itself need to published under the same license

The plugins, as well as the server and client examples are in the public domain( Cco license). They can be reused

under any license and changes do not have to be published

1.1 OPC Unified Architecture

OPC UA is a protocol for industrial communication and has been standardized in the ieC 62541 series. At its

core. opc ua defines

an asynchronous protocol(built upon Tcp Http or Soap) thaT defines the exchange of messages via

sessions,(on top of)secure communication channels, (on top of)raw connections

a type system for protocol messages with a binary and XML-based encoding scheme,

a meta-model for information modeling, that combines object-orientation with semantic triple-relations, and

set of 37 standard services to interact with server-side information models. The signature of each service

is defined as a request and response message in the protocol type system

The standard itself can be purchased from IEC or downloaded for free on the website of the OPC Foundation at


The OPC Foundation drives the continuous improvement of the standard and the development of companion spec-

ifications Companion specifications translate established concepts and reusable components from an application

domain into OPC UA. They are created jointly with an established industry council or standardization body from

the application domain. Furthermore, the OPC Foundation organizes events for the dissemination of the standard

and provides the infrastructure and tools for compliance certification

open62541 Documentation, Release 0.3. dev

1.2 open62541 Features

open62541 implements the OPC Ua binary protocol stack as well as a client and server SDK. It currently supports

the micro embedded Device server Profile plus some additional features Server binaries can be well under lookb

in size, depending on the contained information nodel

· Communication stack

OPC UA binary protocol

Chunking(splitting of large messages)

Exchangeable network layer(plugin) for using custom networking APIs(e. g on embedded targets)

Encrypted communication

Asynchronous service requests in the client

· Information model

Support for all OPC UA node types(including method nodes)

Support for adding and removing nodes and references also at runtime

Support for inheritance and instantiation of object-and variable-types(custom constructor/destructor

instantiation of child nodes

Access control for individual nodes


Support for subscriptions/monitoreditems for data change notifications

Very low resource consumption for each monitored value(event-based server architecture)


Support for generating data types from standard XML definitions

Support for generating server-side information models(nodesets) from standard XMl definitions

Features on the roadmap for the 0.3 release series but missing in the initial v0. 3 release are

Encry pted communication in the client

Events(notifications emitted by objects, data change notifications are implemented

Event-loop(background tasks) in the client

1.3 Getting Help

For discussion and help besides this documentation, you can reach the open6254 1 community via

the mailing list

· our Irc channel

· the bugtracker

1.4 Contributing

As an open source project, we invite new contributors to help improve open62541. Issue reports, bugfixes and

new features are very welcome. The following are good starting points for new contributors

Report bugs

Improve the documentation


Chapter 1. Introduction

open62541 Documentation, Release 0.3. dev

Work on issues marked as easy hacks

1.4. Contributing

open62541 Documentation, Release 0.3. dev

Chapter 1. Introduction


Building open62541

2.1 Building the Examples

USing the GCC compiler, the following calls build the examples on linux

p/path-tc/open62541*.# copy singie-file distr: but ion to the iocal directory

cp /path-tc/examples/server_variable c. copy the example server

gcc -std-c99 openc2541 c server variablec -o server

2.2 Building the Library

2.2.1 Building with CMake on Ubuntu or Debian

sudc apt-get install git buzld-essential gcc pkg-contig cmake python python-six

f enable addiLional eaLure

sudc apt-get install cmake-curses-gui for the ccmake graphical interface

dc apt-get install libmbedtls-dev for encryp

sudc apt-get install check for unit tests

sudc apt-get install python-sphinx graphviz t fcr documentation generation

cd cpen62541

f select additional features

make doc htmi documentation

nake doc_pdr pdr ciocumeniaLion (requires IdTeX


open62541 Documentation, Release 0.3. dev

2.2.2 Building with CMake on Windows

Here we explain the build process for Visual Studio(2013 or newer). To build with Ming w, just replace the

compiler selection in the call to CMake

Download and install


Install python-six with the pip package manager(pip install six)



Download the open I sources(using git or as a zipfile from github)

Open a command shell (cmd)and run

cd \openE254

mkdir build

cd build

\cmake. exe .. - Visual Studio 14 2015

You can useuse cmake-gui for a graphical uiser-interface tc seiect features

Then open buildopen62541 sln in Visual Studio 2015 and build as usual

2.2.3 Building on OS X

· Download and install




Pip(a package manager for python, may be preinstalled): sudo easy install pip

Run the following in a shell

brew install cmake

f python 2/3 compatibility workarounds

pip insTall sphinx #for documentation generdLicn

pip install sphinx_rtdtheme documentation style

brew install grapaviz fcr graphics in the documentation

brew install check f for unit tests

brew install userspace-rcu for multi-threading support

Follow Ubuntu instructions without the apt-get commands as these are taken care of by the above packages

2.2.4 Building on Open BSD

The procedure below works on Open BSD 5. 8 with gcc version 4.8.4, cmake version 3. 2.3 and Python version


Install a recent gcc, python and cmake

kg_add gcc py

Tell the system to actually use the recent gcc (it gets installed as egcc on OpenBSD)

export cc=egcc Cxx=eg++

Now procede as described for Ubuntu/Debian


Chapter 2. Building open62541



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