ios 绕过mfi

Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

The iPhone’s Do Not Disturb feature is a great way to make sure your handset doesn’t disturb you when you’re sleeping or busy. But if you want a certain contact to still be able to get ahold of you, you can whitelist them. Here’s how.

iPhone的“请勿打扰”功能是确保您的手机在睡眠或忙碌时不会打扰您的好方法。 但是,如果您希望某个联系人仍然能够找到您,则可以将其列入白名单。 这是如何做。

iOS请勿打扰功能的工作原理 (How the iOS Do Not Disturb Feature Works)

Do Not Disturb automatically mutes all calls, notifications, and alerts you get when your iPhone is locked. The feature can be enabled by tapping on the “Crescent moon” icon from the Control Center.

当您的iPhone锁定时,请勿打扰会自动使您收到的所有呼叫,通知和警报静音。 可以通过点击控制中心上的“新月”图标来启用该功能。

If you 3D Touch/Haptic Touch the Do Not Disturb icon, you can enable it from one hour or until you leave the current location. You can also set up Do Not Disturb on a schedule by going to Settings > Do Not Disturb > Scheduled.

如果您使用3D触摸/触觉触摸“请勿打扰”图标,则可以启用一小时或直到离开当前位置。 您还可以通过转到“设置”>“请勿打扰”>“已安排”来按时间表设置“请勿打扰”。

By default, Do Not Disturb works as an all-or-nothing switch. However, you can add exceptions to the Do Not Disturb filter in a couple of ways.

默认情况下,请勿打扰用作全有或全无开关。 但是,您可以通过两种方式向“请勿打扰”过滤器添加例外。

如何在“请勿打扰”中将收藏夹列入白名单 (How to Whitelist Favorites in Do Not Disturb)

The Favorites tab in the Phone app is a modern take on the speed-dial. Add a couple of numbers that you frequently contact for a one-tap connection. The Favorites feature also has a couple of other benefits such as the option to add the Favorites widget to your Lock screen.

“电话”应用程序中的“收藏夹”选项卡是快速拨号的一种现代风格。 添加一些您经常联系以进行一键式连接的号码。 “收藏夹”功能还具有其他一些好处,例如可以选择将“收藏夹”小部件添加到“锁定”屏幕。

The Favorites list also integrates directly with the Do Not Disturb feature. To set things up, open the Settings app, go to “Do Not Disturb,” select “Phone,” and then tap on “Allow Calls From.”

“收藏夹”列表还直接与“请勿打扰”功能集成在一起。 要进行设置,请打开“设置”应用,转到“请勿打扰”,选择“电话”,然后点击“允许来自的呼叫”。

Next, switch the setting to “Favorites.” With this set, anyone who calls you from your Favorites list will be let in.

接下来,将设置切换为“收藏夹”。 使用此设置,将允许任何从“收藏夹”列表中呼叫您的人加入。

iOS also has an option in the Do Not Disturb section called “Repeated Calls.” When you enable this feature, a second call from the same caller within three minutes will be let through.

iOS在“请勿打扰”部分中也有一个称为“重复呼叫”的选项。 启用此功能后,将允许三分钟之内打扰来自同一呼叫者的第二个呼叫。

如何将联系人添加到收藏夹 (How to Add Contacts to Favorites)

If you haven’t set up the Favorites list, you can do so by going to the Phone app and tapping on the “Favorites” tab. Add your family members and close friends to this list by tapping on the “Plus” button in the top-left corner.

如果尚未设置“收藏夹”列表,则可以通过转到“电话”应用程序并点击“收藏夹”选项卡来进行设置。 通过点击左上角的“加号”按钮,将您的家人和密友添加到此列表中。

Now search for a contact from your contact book.


Tap on the contact and you’ll see a popup with all their available contact information (including alternative numbers and FaceTime options).


Choose the “Call’ option and then select their number.


They’ll be added to your Favorites list. Repeat the process for all the contacts you want to whitelist from Do Not Disturb.

它们将被添加到“收藏夹”列表中。 对您要从“请勿打扰”列入白名单的所有联系人重复此过程。

让联系人通过使用紧急旁路 (Let Contacts Through Using Emergency Bypass)

The Favorites method for letting calls through will not work for everyone. I, for instance, use Favorites as a shortcut for accessing my frequently used contacts, which includes all my family members and friends.

使呼叫通过的“收藏夹”方法不适用于所有人。 例如,我将“收藏夹”用作访问我经常使用的联系人的快捷方式,其中包括我的所有家人和朋友。

In case of emergency, I want only a handful of contacts to get through the Do Not Disturb filter. If you’re in the same boat, you can use the Emergency Bypass feature added in iOS 10.

在紧急情况下,我只希望少数联系人通过“请勿打扰”过滤器。 如果您在同一条船上,则可以使用iOS 10中添加的“紧急旁路”功能。

The Emergency Bypass feature works on a per-contact basis and includes controls for both calls and texting. Once you enable Emergency Bypass for a contact, their call or text can come through even if you have Do Not Disturb enabled and if your phone is on silent mode.

紧急旁路功能在每个联系人的基础上起作用,并包括用于呼叫和短信的控件。 为联系人启用紧急旁路后,即使您启用了“请勿打扰”并且手机处于静音模式,他们的呼叫或短信也可以通过。

To enable Emergency Bypass feature for a contact, open the Phone app and search for the contact.


Tap on the contact to open their contact card. Then tap on the “Edit” button in the top-right corner.

点击联系人以打开其联系人卡片。 然后点击右上角的“编辑”按钮。

Swipe down until you find the “Ringtone” option and tap on it.


From the top of this screen, tap on the toggle next to “Emergency Bypass” to enable the feature. Tap on “Done” to save the setting and go back to the previous screen.

在此屏幕的顶部,点击“紧急旁路”旁边的开关以启用该功能。 点击“完成”以保存设置并返回上一屏幕。

You can do the same thing for text messages by tapping on “Text Tone” and enabling the “Emergency Bypass” feature from the next screen.


You can repeat this process for all the contacts you want to let through the Do Not Disturb filter. Once it’s set up, any time they give you a call or send you a message, your iPhone will ring.

您可以通过“请勿打扰”过滤器为所有要让其联系的联系人重复此过程。 设置完成后,只要他们给您打个电话或向您发送消息,iPhone就会响起。


ios 绕过mfi

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