1 韦尔纳算法(Wellner Throsholding)




According to the Wellner algorithm whose speed is slow and the image threshold is not smooth for computing a large amount of defects, this paper presents two kinds of improved scheme, the first scheme is onedimensional smoothing algorithm (ODSA), the second is based on the first one and its name is integral image algorithm( IIA). The former one mainly considering the spatial relationship between pixels, to ensure the continuity of pixels after segmentation; the latter dynamically set local threshold according to different environmental, to avoid local all black or all white, to separated object from the background exactly. Through the contrast experiment, its results show that, Wellner algorithm is not ideal at the edge of image processing, and the time complexity is too high. The one-dimensional smoothing algorithm is clear and accurate when processing contour, but the time complexity is relatively large. When we use the integral image algorithm to processing image, the foreground and background segmentation is clear, and the error rate is very low, and the time complexity is minimum, and it has good ability to adapt to the scene, so the integral image algorithm is the best.











1) 计算直方图。

2) 根据一定的半径对直方图数据进行平滑,并计算平滑后的数据的最大值。平滑的目的是减少噪声对最大值的影响,如图2和图3所示。

3) 根据基于上述峰值和最小值之间的距离(不包括直方图中的零项)的特定比率来选择阈值。









Wellner adaptive threshold binarization algorithm

1. The origin of the problem

A reality: When using a camera to shoot a pair of black and white paper, the image obtained by the camera is not a real black and white image. No matter what angle it is taken from, the image is actually grayscale or color. Unless the lighting is carefully set, the paper image taken by the camera on the table does not represent the original effect. Unlike inside a scanner or printer, it is very difficult to control the light source on the surface of the table. This open space may be affected by desk lamps, chandeliers, windows, moving shadows, etc. The human visual system can automatically compensate for these, but the machine does not take these factors into account, so the results will be poor.

This problem is particularly prominent when dealing with high-contrast line art or text, because these things are really black or white. The camera will produce a grayscale image with different levels. Many applications must clearly know which part of the image is pure black or pure white in order to pass the text to the OCR software for recognition. These systems cannot use grayscale images (typically 8 bits per pixel), so they must be converted to black and white images. There are many ways to achieve this. In some cases, if these images are ultimately shown to people, these images will use some dithering techniques to make them look more like grayscale images. But for machine processing processes, such as text recognition, selective copy operation, or multiple image synthesis, the system cannot use dithered images. The system only needs simple lines, text or relatively large blocks of black and white. The process of obtaining such a black and white image from a grayscale image is commonly referred to as thresholding.

There are many ways to threshold an image, but the basic process is to check every gray pixel and then decide whether it is white or black. This article describes the different algorithms that have been developed to threshold an image, and then proposes a more appropriate algorithm. This algorithm (here we call it fast adaptive threshold method) may not be the most suitable. But he handled the problem we described quite well.

2. the global threshold method

To some extent, the threshold method is an extreme form of contrast enhancement, or it makes bright pixels brighter and dark pixels darker. The simplest (and most commonly used) method is to set the pixels in the image below a certain threshold to black, and the others to white. Then the question is how to set this threshold. One possibility is to choose the middle value of all possible values, so for 8-bit deep images (ranging from 0 to 255), 128 will be selected. This method works well when the black pixels of the image are indeed below 128 and the white pixels are above 128. But if the image is over or underexposed, the image may be completely white or completely black. So it is better to find the actual value range of the image instead of the possible value range. First find the maximum and minimum values ​​of all pixels in the image, and then take the midpoint as the threshold. A better way to select the threshold is to look at not only the actual range of the image, but also its distribution. For example, if you want an image to resemble a black line drawing or a text effect on white paper, then you expect most of the pixels to be the background color, and a small part to be black. The histogram of a pixel may be as shown in Figure 1.

In the image above, you can find a large peak of background color and a small peak of black ink. Depending on the surrounding light, the entire curve can be shifted to the left or right, but in any case, the ideal threshold is at the valley between the two peaks. This is good in theory, but how does he perform in practice?

Figure 2 and its histogram show that the whole technique works well. The smoothed histogram shows two potential peaks. It is not difficult to calculate an approximate ideal threshold by fitting the histogram curve or simply taking the average between the two peaks. This is not a typical image because it has a lot of black and white pixels. The algorithm must also threshold an image like Figure 3. In the histogram of this image, the smaller black peaks have been buried in the noise, so it is impossible to reliably determine a minimum value between the peaks.

In any case, a large (background) peak always exists and is easy to find. Therefore, a useful threshold strategy can be described as follows:

1) Calculate the histogram.

2) Smooth the histogram data according to a certain radius, and calculate the maximum value of the smoothed data. The purpose of smoothing is to reduce the influence of noise on the maximum value, as shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3.

3) The threshold is selected according to a certain ratio based on the distance between the above peak value and the minimum value (not including the zero item in the histogram).

Experiments show that half of this distance can produce quite good results for a wide range of images, from very bright to almost completely black images. For example, in Figure 3, the peak is at 215 and the minimum is 75, so the threshold that can be used is 145. Figure 4 shows four images captured under different lighting conditions and the effect after threshold processing based on the above-mentioned histogram technology. Although the private server image has this wide illumination range (as can be seen from the histogram), the algorithm has selected a more appropriate threshold, and the image after threshold processing is basically the same.

This histogram-based global thresholding technique works well for the part of the image where the light conditions are uniform or the light changes little as mentioned above. However, he could not obtain satisfactory results under normal office lighting conditions. Because the same threshold is used for the entire image, some areas of the image become too white and other areas are too dark. Therefore, most of the text becomes unreadable, as shown in Figure 5.

An adaptive threshold algorithm is needed to produce a better binary image from the unevenly illuminated paper image. This technique changes the threshold according to the background brightness of each pixel. The following discussion is accompanied by Figure 5 to show the effect of the new algorithm first. This is a challenging test because there is a light source at the edge of the image, and it has black text on a white background (the entire word PaperWorks, and white text on a black background ("XEROX")), and gray text on a white background ("The best way...") There are also different shadows and a small horizontal black line under the word "PaperWorks".

3.adaptive thresholds

An ideal adaptive threshold algorithm should be able to produce images with uneven illumination similar to the above-mentioned global threshold algorithm for uniform illumination images. In order to compensate for more or less illumination, the brightness of each pixel needs to be normalized before it can be determined whether a pixel is black or white. The problem is how to determine the background brightness of each point. A simple way is to take a blank page before taking a binary picture. This blank page can be used as a reference image. For each pixel to be processed, the corresponding reference image pixel before processing will be subtracted from it.

As long as there is no change in the lighting conditions during the shooting of the reference image and the actual image to be processed, this method can produce very good results, but the lighting conditions will be affected by the shadows of people, desk lamps or other moving objects. If the room has windows, the lighting conditions will change over time. One solution is to take a blank page at the same location and at the same time as a reference, but this is not as convenient as using a scanner

Another way is to estimate the background brightness of each pixel through some assumptions about what the image should actually look like. For example, we can assume that most of the image is background (that is, white), and black is only a small part of the image. Another assumption is that the background light changes relatively slowly. Based on the above assumptions, many algorithms are feasible. Since there is no mathematical theory about adaptive thresholds, there is no standard or optimal way to achieve it. Instead, there are some special methods that are more used than others. Because these methods are special, it is useful to measure their performance. For this reason, Haralick and Shapiro put forward the following suggestions: the area should be unified with the gray tone; the interior of the area should be simple without too many small holes; the adjacent areas should have significantly different values; the edges of each part should also be simple , Should not be uneven, and be accurate in space.

According to Pratt's theory, for image binarization, no quantitative performance indicators have been proposed. It seems that the main way to evaluate the performance of an algorithm is to simply look at the results and then judge whether it is good. For text images, there is a feasible quantification method: the pictures under different lighting conditions are processed by different binarization algorithms and the results are sent to the OCR system, and then the OCR recognition results are compared with the original text. Although this method may be useful, it cannot be used in the algorithm described below because it is impossible to give a standard that looks good. For some interactive applications, such as copy and paste operations, users must wait until the binary processing. So another important indicator is speed. The following sections present different adaptive threshold algorithms and their results.

4. Adaptive threshold based on Wall algorithm

The description of the algorithm for dynamically calculating the threshold based on the background brightness developed by RJ Wall can be found in "Castleman, K. Digital Image Processing. Prentice-Hall Signal Pro-cessing Series, 1979.". The following description is basically based on his thesis. 1. divide the image into smaller blocks, and then calculate the histogram of each block separately. Based on the peak value of each histogram, the threshold is then calculated for each block. Then, the threshold of each pixel is obtained by interpolation according to the threshold of adjacent blocks. Figure 6 is the result of processing Figure 5 with this algorithm.

This image is divided into 9 blocks (3*3), and the threshold of each block is selected to be 20% lower than the peak value. This result is better than the global threshold, but it has a large amount of calculation and slow speed. Another problem is that for some images, the local histogram may be deceived by a large number of black or white points, causing the threshold to not change smoothly in the entire image. The result may be very bad, as shown in Figure 7.

5. fast adaptive threshold

Most of the algorithms documented in the literature are more complex than the Wall algorithm and therefore require more running time. It is feasible to develop a simple and faster adaptive threshold algorithm, so let us introduce the related theory.

The basic thinking of the algorithm is to traverse the image and calculate a moving average. If a pixel is significantly lower than this average value, it is set to black, otherwise it is set to white. Only one traversal is enough, and it is also very simple to use hardware to implement the algorithm. It is interesting to note the similarity between the following algorithm and the algorithm implemented in hardware by IBM in 1968.

Assume that Pn is the pixel at point n in the image. At this moment, we assume that the image is a single row connected by all rows in sequence. This leads to some exceptions at the beginning of each line, but this exception is smaller than starting from zero for each line.

Suppose f s (n) is the sum of the last s pixels at point n:

The final image T(n) is 1 (black) or 0 (white) depending on whether it is darker than the average value of the first s pixels.

Using 1/8 of the image width for s and a value of 15 for t seems to produce better results for different images. Figure 8 shows the result of scanning rows from left to right using this algorithm.

Figure 9 is the result of processing from right to left using the same algorithm. Note that in this image, the smaller text on the far left is incomplete. There are also more holes in the character PaperWorks. Similarly, the black edge on the far right is much narrower. This is mainly because the background light source of the image gradually darkens from left to right.

Another problem is how to start the algorithm, or how to calculate g(0). One possibility is to use s*p0, but because of the edge effect, P 0 is not a typical value. So another possibility is 127*s (based on the median of 8-bit images). In any case, these two schemes will only affect a small part of the value of g. When calculating g s (n), the weight of g(0) is:

Therefore, if s=10, then for any n>6, the contribution of g(0) is less than 10% of g 10 (n), and for n>22, the contribution of g(0) is less than 1%. For s=100, the share of g(0) is less than 10% after 8 pixels, and less than 1% after 68 pixels.

It should be better if the average value is not calculated from one direction. Figure 12 shows the effect of using another method to calculate the average value. This method replaces the average value in a certain direction by calculating the average value of pixels on both sides of the symmetry of point n. At this time, the definition of f(n) is as follows:

Another alternative is to calculate the average from left to right and from right to left alternately, as shown below:

This effect is not much different from the center average.

A small modification may have a better effect on most images, that is to keep the average effect of the previous line (in the opposite direction to the current line), and then take the average value of the current line and the average value of the previous line Average as the new average, that is, use:

This makes the calculation of the threshold consider the information in the vertical direction, and the result is shown in the figure:

Please pay attention to the effect of his segmentation of characters. This is also one of the few algorithms that retains the horizontal line under PaperWorks.

Part of the original text is now unreasonable and has not been translated.

Judging from the above, Wellner's adaptive filtering threshold is actually one-dimensional smoothing of pixels with a specified radius, and then comparing the original pixel with the smoothed value to determine whether it is black or white. A large part of the article is devoted to discussing the direction of the pixels sampled, whether it is completely on the left, completely on the right or symmetrical, or considering the effect of the previous row. However, in general, he only considered the effect of pixels in the row direction on smoothing. Later, Derek Bradley and Gerhard Roth proposed in their paper Adaptive Thresholding Using the Integral Image a two-dimensional smoothing value of a rectangular area with W*W as a template instead of one-dimensional weighting. Thus putting aside the one-dimensional smooth directionality problem.

Of course, they proposed a 0(1) time complexity algorithm for two-dimensional smoothing, which is actually very simple, that is, first calculate the accumulation table of the entire image. Then loop again to get the accumulated value centered on a certain pixel by adding and subtracting the order.

2 局部阈值的韦尔纳算法(Wellner Throsholding)的C#源代码







namespace Legalsoft.Truffer.ImageTools
{public static partial class BinarizationHelper{#region 灰度图像二值化 局部算法 Wellner 算法/// <summary>/// Wellner 自适应阈值二值化算法/// https://www.cnblogs.com/Imageshop/archive/2013/04/22/3036127.html/// </summary>/// <param name="data"></param>/// <param name="radius"></param>/// <param name="threshold"></param>public static void Wellner_Adaptive_Algorithm(byte[,] data, int radius = 5, int threshold = 50){int width = data.GetLength(1);int height = data.GetLength(0);int InvertThreshold = 100 - threshold;double[,] Integral = new double[height, width];byte[,] dump = (byte[,])data.Clone();for (int y = 0; y < height; y++){double sum = 0;for (int x = 0; x < width; x++){sum += dump[y, x];Integral[y, x] = (y == 0) ? sum : Integral[(y - 1), x] + sum;}}for (int y = 0; y < height; y++){int Y1 = Math.Max(0, y - radius);int Y2 = Math.Min(height - 1, y + radius);int Y2Y1 = (Y2 - Y1) * 100;for (int x = 0; x < width; x++){int X1 = Math.Max(0, x - radius);int X2 = Math.Min(width - 1, x + radius);double sum = Integral[Y2, X2] - Integral[Y1, X2] - Integral[Y2, X1] + Integral[Y1, X1];if ((dump[y, x] * (X2 - X1) * Y2Y1) < (sum * InvertThreshold)){data[y, x] = 0;}else{data[y, x] = 255;}}}}#endregion}

3 局部阈值的韦尔纳算法(Wellner Throsholding)计算效果



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