

1.What islikely to occur when an economy moves from state planning to a market system?

A. Consumerchoice is reduced.

B. Enterprise is discouraged.

C. Theamount of innovation declines.

D. The output of merit goods isreduced.

2.The main economic objective of firms in a market economyis most likely to be the

A. achievement of economies of scale.

B. maximisation of consumer satisfaction.

C. achievement of an efficient allocation of resources.

D. maximisation ofprofits.

3.In theirtransition to market economies some former command economies have adopted agradual approach. This has meant continuing with some of the features of theircommand system.

What is nota valid, short-run reason for continuing with the feature shown?

4.The diagram shows a production possibility curve for aneconomy that produces only two goods, X and Y.

The economy produces 400of good Y and produces on its production possibility curve. Which quantity of goodX is given up?

A. 600 

B. 800 

C. 1200 

D. 1600

5.The diagram below shows a country’s productionpossibility frontier.

Which one of the following combinations of goods andservices, A, B, C or D, could be produced with the resources available?

A. Only W and Y  

B. Only V, W and X  

C. Only V, W, X and Y  

D. V, W, X, Y and Z


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