yolo opencv

介绍 (Introduction)

In this post, I will show how I detect and track players using Yolov3, Opencv and SORT from video clip, and turn the detections to the bird’s-eye view as shown above.


Inspired by Sam Blake’s great work (https://medium.com/hal24k-techblog/how-to-track-objects-in-the-real-world-with-tensorflow-sort-and-opencv-a64d9564ccb1), I will do the following steps for this project:

受山姆·布雷克 ( Sam Blake )的出色著作( https://medium.com/hal24k-techblog/how-to-track-objects-in-the-real-world-with-tensorflow-sort-and-opencv-a64d9564ccb1 )的启发,我将为此项目执行以下步骤:

  1. Object Detection (Yolo and Opencv)对象检测(Yolo和Opencv)
  2. Object Tracking (SORT)对象跟踪(SORT)
  3. Perspective Transform (Opencv)透视变换(Opencv)

足球视频数据集 (Football video dataset)

In order to have a stable tracking and perspective transform, I need a video clip without camera moving around. I downloaded the video from IPL Ball Detection Datasets. Please be noted that the ball is not tracked in this project, it was already tracked (green bounding box) from the source.

为了获得稳定的跟踪和透视变换,我需要一个没有相机四处移动的视频剪辑。 我从IPL球检测数据集下载了视频。 请注意,此项目未跟踪该球,它已从源中被跟踪(绿色边框)。


物体检测 (Object Detection)

The first step is to load the video and detect the players.


I used the pre-trained Yolov3 weight and used Opencv’s dnn module and only selected detections classified as ‘person’.


I drew bounding boxes for detected players and their tails for previous ten frames.


Player tracking using Yolov3 and Opencv

Looks like the pre-trained model is doing quite okay.


对象追踪 (Object Tracking)

Next I want to track the player and assign unique IDs to them. I used Alex Bewley’s SORT algorithm(simple online and realtime tracking), which I applied to my previous work.

接下来,我要跟踪播放器并为其分配唯一的ID。 我使用了Alex Bewley的SORT算法(简单的在线和实时跟踪),该算法已应用于我以前的工作中。

Player tracking using SORT.

Now each player has a unique ID assigned and displayed in the video.


透视变换 (Perspective Transform)

The video looks good now, but I still want to have players’ motion in bird’s-eye view. It can be done by doing perspective transform. There are a little bit math involved, fortunately Opencv’s getPerspectiveTransform function make it a lot easier.

该视频现在看起来不错,但我仍想以鸟瞰视角让玩家运动。 可以通过执行透视变换来完成。 涉及到一些数学运算,幸运的是, Opencv的getPerspectiveTransform函数使它变得更加容易。

I need to find 4 fixed points as reference and identify the coordinations from the video and also from the bird’s-eye view image.


First I identify 4 reference points from the video as show in in red spot and get the pixel coordinations.


np.array([        [1, 47], # Upper left        [878, 54], # Upper right        [1019, 544], # Lower right        [1, 546] # Lower left                                   ])
4 reference points marked on video(red spot)

I did not really see very solid reference points from the video so I roughly identified 4 points and marked these locations on the bird’s-eye view and got the corresponding pixel coordinations. It will be more precise if the reference points are more robust.

我没有从视频中真正看到非常坚实的参考点,因此我大致确定了4个点,并在鸟瞰图上标记了这些位置,并获得了相应的像素坐标。 如果参考点更健壮,它将更加精确。

np.array([        [871, 37], # Upper left        [1490, 39], # Upper right        [1458, 959], # Lower right        [1061, 955] # Lower left                                   ])
4 reference points marked on bird’s-eye view(red spot)

Then by applying Opencv’s getPerspectiveTransform using these reference points, we can transform the detections from video to bird’s-eye view.

然后,通过使用这些参考点应用Opencv的getPerspectiveTransform ,我们可以将检测结果从视频转换为鸟瞰图。

Player tracking on video and bird’s-eye view.

With player’s movement information, it is possible to do further analysis such as players’ running distance and velocity.


The speed for running this player tracking is around 0.3 second per frame on my 2016 Macbook Pro Intel i5 CPU. It is possible to do this real time by using GPU for some applications if necessary.

在我的2016 Macbook Pro Intel i5 CPU上,运行此播放器跟踪的速度约为每帧0.3秒。 如有必要,可以通过将GPU用于某些应用程序来实时执行此操作。

Thanks for reading, comments and suggestions are welcome!


In my next post, I used OpenCV to identify players’s team based on their jersey color. Feel free to take a look!

在我的下一篇文章中,我使用OpenCV根据球员的球衣颜色来识别他们的球队。 随意看看!

翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/how-to-track-football-players-using-yolo-sort-and-opencv-6c58f71120b8

yolo opencv



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