
You are no doubt reading this article because you’ve noticed the mDNSResponder.exe process running in Task Manager, you don’t remember installing it, and it doesn’t show up in the Add/Remove programs in Control Panel. So what is it, and how do we get rid of it?

您无疑会阅读本文,因为您已经注意到任务管理器中运行的mDNSResponder.exe进程,您不记得安装了它,并且该过程也未显示在“控制面板”中的“添加/删除”程序中。 那么这是什么,以及我们如何摆脱它呢?

This article is part of our ongoing series explaining various processes found in Task Manager, like dwm.exe, ctfmon.exe, conhost.exe, rundll32.exe, Adobe_Updater.exe, and many others. Don’t know what those services are? Better start reading!

本文是我们正在进行的系列文章的一部分,介绍了在任务管理器中找到的各种过程,例如dwm.exe , ctfmon.exe , conhost.exe , rundll32.exe , Adobe_Updater.exe以及许多其他过程。 不知道这些服务是什么? 最好开始阅读!

What is mDNSResponder.exe or Bonjour?


The mDNSResponder.exe process belongs to the Bonjour for Windows service, which is Apple’s “Zero Configuration Networking” application, typically installed automatically by iTunes. If you’ve ever wondered how one iTunes install can talk to another on the same local network, Bonjour is what actually does this behind the scenes.

mDNSResponder.exe进程属于Bonjour for Windows服务,该服务是Apple的“零配置网络”应用程序,通常由iTunes自动安装。 如果您曾经想知道一个iTunes安装如何与同一个本地网络上的另一个iTunes通信,那么Bonjour实际上是在幕后进行的操作。

Don’t use iTunes? You aren’t alone, and that’s not the only way that Bonjour gets installed on your computer. It’s also bundled in a whole bunch of other software, like Pidgin, Skype, and Safari, and used to connect clients together on the same network.

不使用iTunes? 您并不孤单,这不是Bonjour安装在计算机上的唯一方式。 它还捆绑在许多其他软件中,例如Pidgin,Skype和Safari,并用于将同一网络上的客户端连接在一起。

It’s implemented as a Windows Service, which you can see if you head into the services panel (or just type services.msc into the start menu search box). You can stop it from here anytime.

它作为Windows服务实现,您可以查看是否进入服务面板(或仅在开始菜单搜索框中键入services.msc)。 您可以随时从这里停止它。

The whole problem we have is that it generally doesn’t show up in Add / Remove Programs, so you can’t get rid of it through any normal methods. Thankfully you can still remove mDNSResponder.exe if you really want to, and it will simply limit some of the functionality in the apps that might rely on it.

我们遇到的整个问题是,它通常不会显示在“添加/删除程序”中,因此您无法通过任何常规方法摆脱它。 值得庆幸的是,如果您确实愿意,仍然可以删除mDNSResponder.exe,它将仅限制可能依赖该应用程序的某些功能。

Important: Don’t remove Bonjour if you use iTunes to share libraries, or any other feature from an application that relies on it.


How Do I Remove It?


First, it should be noted that you can disable Bonjour without necessarily removing it—just head into the Services panel, double-click on the service, and change the Startup type to Disabled.


This is probably your best bet if you don’t really want to break anything—if you have problems you can always re-enable it.


Alright, How Do I Really Remove It?


Let’s get down to business. If you’re absolutely sure you want to remove it, it’s really pretty simple. Open up a command prompt in administrator mode (right-click and choose Run as Administrator), and then change into the installation directory, usually the following:

让我们转到工作上。 如果您完全确定要删除它,那确实很简单。 在管理员模式下打开命令提示符(右键单击并选择以管理员身份运行),然后切换到安装目录,通常是以下内容:

\Program Files\Bonjour

\ Program Files \ Bonjour

If you are using Vista or Windows 7 x64 edition, you’ll need to head into the Program Files (x86) folder instead. Now that you are there, type in the following command to see the options:

如果您使用的是Vista或Windows 7 x64版本,则需要转到Program Files(x86)文件夹。 现在您已经在这里,键入以下命令以查看选项:

mDNSResponder.exe /?

mDNSResponder.exe /?

Ah, so now we know what to do to remove it! Simply type in the following:

啊,所以现在我们知道该如何删除它了! 只需输入以下内容:

mDNSResponder.exe –remove

mDNSResponder.exe –删除

You’ll get a message saying that the service has been removed. (Note again that you need an Administrator mode command prompt)

您将收到一条消息,指出该服务已被删除。 (再次注意,您需要管理员模式命令提示符)

You’ll want to also disable the DLL file in the directory by renaming it to something else:


ren mdnsNSP.dll mdnsNSP.blah

ren mdnsNSP.dll mdnsNSP.blah

You should be able to actually remove that entire directory if you really want to.


Wait, How Do I Enable It Again?


Oh, so your favorite application broke? No matter, you can easily re-install the Bonjour service with the following command:

哦,所以您喜欢的应用程序坏了? 没关系,您可以使用以下命令轻松地重新安装Bonjour服务:

mDNSResponder.exe -install


But I Deleted It!


See, you really shouldn’t delete things until you are sure they aren’t useful anymore. That’s why renaming is a good thing. Thankfully you can simply head over to Apple’s page and install Bonjour again.

瞧,在确定它们不再有用之前,您实际上不应该删除它们。 这就是为什么重命名是一件好事。 值得庆幸的是,您可以直接转到Apple页面并再次安装Bonjour。

Download Bonjour for Windows




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