在创建系统映射时,我遇到了下面的两组字段:virtual host和internet host。

Virtual host可以按照需要填写成任何human readable的名称,而internal host必须是可达的on-premise的实际地址。

Virtual Host specifies the host name exactly as it is specified as the URL property in the HTTP destination configuration in SAP Cloud Platform. The virtual host can be a fake name and does not need to exist. The Virtual Port allows you to distinguish between different entry points of your back-end system, for example, HTTP/80 andHTTPS/443, and have different sets of access control settings for them. For example, some noncritical resources may be accessed by HTTP, while some other critical resources are to be called using HTTPS only. The fields will be prepopulated with the values of the Internal Host and Internal Port. In case you don’t modify them, you must provide your internal host and port also in the cloud-side destination configuration or in the URL used for your favorite HTTP client.

Host In Request Header lets you define, which host is used in the host header that is sent to the target server. By choosing Use Internal Host, the actual host name is used. When choosing Use Virtual Host, the virtual host is used. In the first case, the virtual host is still sent via the X-Forwarded-Host header.


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