ubuntu real time







下载:The Real Time Preempt Patch



这里提供了 已编译好的实时的Debian




Note: Booting into Real-time Linux is not recommended for day to day work on Ubuntu as the performance with Real-time Linux is slightly slow and sluggish with normal desktop environments (such as gnome, unity etc) and apps than with the normal kernel OS.









【总结】还在维护的版本=Actively maintained PREEMPT_RT versions5.0-rt Sebastian A. Siewior, development

4.19-rt Steven Rostedt 2020-12

4.14-rt Tom Zanussi 2020-01

4.9-rt Julia Cartwight 2023-01

4.4-rt Daniel Wagner 2022-02

3.18-rt Tom Zanussi EOL



关于参数 -rt  -realtimeQ: What is the difference between an -rt kernel and a -realtime kernel?

A: From a technical point of view, -rt and -realtime are the same kernel. They are both based on the PREEMPT_RT patchset, although the version may be different. The main difference is that the -rt kernel should be based on the Ubuntu source tree (and therefore can use the same features, patches, enabled hardware, security fixes and so on) and should offer the same services that the Ubuntu default -generic kernel offers. For example, it should be compatible with closed video drivers (nvidia and fglrx), any external DKMS drivers, and have available backport packages. The goal of an -rt kernel is to obtain a real time variant of the Ubuntu kernel that is aligned with the -generic kernel.

On the other hand, the -realtime kernel is a PREEMPT_RT patched kernel based on the vanilla source tree (not the Ubuntu source). This kernel will be missing Ubuntu specific code, patches or security fixes and it isn’t guaranteed to be compatible with any external software (low level utilities, DKMS drivers and so on). It does not use the same Linux kernel version as the -generic kernel, and so these two kernels are not aligned. It is a working, upstream real-time kernel that is being used on Ubuntu. No more no less.

去更新和安装sudo add-apt-repository ppa:abogani/realtime

sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/abogani/realtime/ubuntu precise main

deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/abogani/realtime/ubuntu precise main

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install linux-realtime

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