重命名现有文件 (Renaming an existing file)

To change the name of an existing file – we use "rename()" method of "os" module – so to access the "rename()" method, we must have to import the module "os".

更改现有文件的名称 –我们使用 os”模块“ rename()”方法 –因此要访问“ rename()”方法 ,我们必须导入模块“ os”

Module import statement: import os

模块导入语句: import os

Syntax of rename() method: os.rename(src, dest)

named ()方法的语法: os.rename(src,dest)

Here, src is the name to the source file (old file) and dest is the name of the destination file (new file name).

在这里, src是源文件(旧文件)的名称, dest是目标文件的名称(新文件的名称)。



Here is the code to change the name of an existing filename in python... In this example, we are creating a file file1.txt and writing "Hello" in it, then, we are closing the file, renaming file1.txt to myfile.txt. To verify the operations, checking file1.txt exists or not – if file1.txt does not exist, checking myfile.txt if it exists – printing its content and the content will be 'Hello" – which we have written in file1.txt.

这是在python中更改现有文件名的代码...在此示例中,我们创建文件file1.txt并在其中写入“ Hello” ,然后关闭文件,将file1.txt重命名为myfile.txt 。 要验证操作,请检查file1.txt是否存在–如果file1.txt不存在,则检查myfile.txt是否存在–打印其内容,并且内容为“ Hello” –我们已经在file1.txt中编写了该内容。

import os
def main():
# creating a file first
fo = open("file1.txt","wt")
# writing data in it
# closing the file
# changing the file name
os.rename("file1.txt", "myfile.txt")
# checking that file1.txt exists or not
# if does not exist - will open myfile and read
if not(os.path.exists("file1.txt")):
print("file1.txt does not exist.")
# checking myfile, and read its content
if os.path.exists("myfile.txt"):
print("myfile.txt exists, reading its content...")
# opening file
fo = open("myfile.txt", "rt")
# reading its content
str = fo.read()
# printing the content
print("Content of the file: ")
print("Operation failed.")
if __name__=="__main__":main()



file1.txt does not exist.
myfile.txt exists, reading its content...
Content of the file:

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/python/rename-an-existing-file-example-of-os-rename-method.aspx

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