
  这篇文章展示了使用一组使用 CSS3 制作的文本特效,快来欣赏。

  • 小伙伴们惊呆了!8个超炫的 Web 效果
  • 8个惊艳的 HTML5 和 JavaScript 特效
  • 10大 Metro UI 风格 Bootstrap 主题
  • 35款精致的 CSS3 和 HTML5 网页模板
  • 10套精美的免费网站后台管理系统模板

If you love colors and you want a wonderful and full of color text effect, then this one is the perfect solution for you! It is very suitable to display the name of a creative agency or for portfolio projects. Of course, it may be used for any other type of projects – if you want to stand apart, this text effect is a good choice!

The loading wave effect is really awesome! It may be used to add a little bit of mystery to a project or to highlight the fact that time is passing. It would be interesting to use it in order to stress a discount or a special offer which is running only for a very short period of time.What do you think?

This is a very interesting text effect; I think that due to the color scheme used it might be applied to emphasize a vintage design. It’s a smart use of text shadows and it has the potential to attract the users’ attention. Don’t forget, vintage will never die!

The next text effect works as a magnet for the viewers. You may use it to improve the sign-up form, to emphasize a new product offered for sale or simply to attract the eyes of the viewers. It’s enticing and a wise web designer would use it into his/her advantage!

I think that the trend amongst web designers is to create more dynamic online presences. The cool sliding effects and page transitions are the most used possibilities of adding more dynamism to a website. Still, if you want even more dynamism, this amazing CSS3 text effect may be a good option. I think that is a simple but effective solution!

The most demanding clients are the kids, but it shouldn’t make you give up creating websites for them. If you are working on a kid’s related project or on a funny one, then you may use this text effect! The Jokerman font has its special beauty, isn’t it?

CSS3 and 3D have in common more than only the number “3”! CSS3 allows creating good looking 3D effects as the one from this snippet.This effect is suitable for a large pool of projects and I think that you should give it a try!

Sometimes, playing with fire may be fun! Don’t worry, I am not a pyromaniac, I am just impressed by this cool text effect! I didn’t remember seeing this text effect in the layout of other websites, so here is another reason to use it and create an original website!

  • 35个让人惊讶的 CSS3 动画效果演示
  • 让人爱不释手的Web应用程序图标素材
  • 10套精美的免费网站后台管理系统模板
  • 期待已久的2012年度 jQuery 插件揭晓
  • 10大流行的 Metro UI Bootstrap 主题

本文链接:推荐24个HTML5 & CSS3下拉菜单效果及制作教程

编译来源:梦想天空 ◆ 关注前端开发技术 ◆ 分享网页设计资源


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