按照提示写了暴力,过不了啊。。怎么看都是n ^3的时间复杂度,n=1000,照道理说time complexity = o(1000000000)也是过不了的。尝试这样理解吧,选定中间的数字,看左侧有多少小于(或大于)中间数字的元素(记为increas_left, decreas_left),同理看右侧有多少大于(或小于)中间数字的元素(记为increas_right, decreas_right)。则以此数为中间数的满足条件的combination的数量就是increas_left *increas_righ + decreas_left *decreas_right。这样可以降低复杂度到n^2.

class Solution:def numTeams(self, rating: List[int]) -> int:res = 0for i in range(1, len(rating)-1):increase_left = 0increase_right = 0decrease_left = 0decrease_right = 0for j in range(0, i):if rating[j] < rating[i]:increase_left += 1elif rating[j] > rating[i]:decrease_left += 1for k in range(i+1, len(rating)):if rating[i] < rating[k]:increase_right += 1elif rating[i] > rating[k]:decrease_right += 1res += increase_left*increase_right#increase triple res += decrease_left*decrease_right#decrease triplereturn res

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