




This is a legendary role-playing online game. Players can play roles in the game,
conduct in-depth game guided by tasks, interact with other characters in the game,
participate in colorful activities and copies, and improve their personal social
skills and teamwork skills.

[game features]
1 PVP system

There are many different ways to play "dragon city of blood" on PVP. Players can
experience the passion of fighting with their rich skills in combination and

2. Abundant daily playing methods

In the daily life of the game, there are rich activities and copies for players to
experience. On the one hand, it satisfies players' pursuit of equipment and goods; on
the other hand, it enhances the interaction between players and other players,
promotes personal social relations, and achieves the effect of building the game

3 Multiple BOSS copies

The game has a variety of BOSS gameplay, players can fight with the individual BOSS
alone, or with other players to challenge the field BOSS. The rich BOSS game method
satisfies the players' desire to challenge, enhances the interaction between players,
reflects the essence of playing with treasure, and enables players to constantly
improve themselves in the challenge.

4 Easy operation

With convenient functions such as automatic pathfinding, automatic fighting and small
flying shoes, players can easily integrate into the game during the game experience,
get rid of the tedious operation, and save more time and energy.



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