
There are 3 types of events when interacting with keyboard events:


  • keydown the keyboard key has been pressed


  • keyup the keyboard key has been released


keydown is also fired when the key repeats while the button stays pressed.


While mouse and touch events are typically listened on a specific element, it’s common to listen for keyboard events on the document:


document.addEventListener('keydown', event => {// key pressed

The parameter passed to the event listener is a KeyboardEvent.

传递给事件侦听器的参数是KeyboardEvent 。

This event object, in addition to the Event object properties offers us (among others) these unique properties:

除了“ 事件”对象的属性外,该事件对象还为我们提供了以下这些独特的属性:

  • altKey true if alt key was pressed when the event was fired

    altKey如果触发事件时按下alt键, altKey true

  • code the code of the key pressed, returned as a string


  • ctrlKey true if ctrl key was pressed when the event was fired


  • key the value of the key pressed, returned as a string


  • locale the keyboard locale value


  • location the location of the key on the keyboard


  • metaKey true if meta key was pressed when the event was fired

    metaKey如果触发事件时按下了meta键, metaKey true

  • repeat true if the key has been repeated (e.g. the key has not been released)


  • shiftKey true if shift key was pressed when the event was fired


This demo is a keylogger which will show you the values of some of the properties I listed above:


See the Pen Key logger demo by Flavio Copes (@flaviocopes) on CodePen.

见笔键盘记录演示由弗拉维奥科佩斯( @flaviocopes上) CodePen 。

翻译自: https://flaviocopes.com/keyboard-events/



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