Eagle has the world’s longest life expectancy of birds. It lives up to the age of 70. To live such a long life expectancy, at 40 years of age it must make a difficult but important decision.

When the Hawks live up to the age of 40, its claws start aging, unable to effectively seize the prey. Its wings have become very heavy because its feathers grow thick and strong and make it very difficult to fly.

There are only two options:die, or rebirth through a very painful update process of 150-day long training session.

recognize :英 ['rekəɡnaɪz] 
vt. 认出,识别;承认
We have to recognize this.


Eagle:英 ['iːg(ə)l]
n. 鹰;鹰状标饰
Eagle Eye 鹰眼 ; 鹰眼追击 ; 鹰眼追打 ; 敏锐的目光

Hawk:英 [hɔːk] 
vt. 兜售,沿街叫卖;捕捉;咳出
Oil thieves sometimes hawk stolen gasoline on the side of highways.


n. 鹰;鹰派成员;掠夺他人的人
The hawk pounced on its prey. 

expectancy:英 [ɪk'spekt(ə)nsɪ; ek-] 
n. 期望,期待
Any expectancy for your future marriage?


claws:英 [klɔːz]
n. 爪子(claw的复数)
She had claws herself. 

aging:英 ['eɪdʒɪŋ] 
n. 老化;陈化,熟化
What is aging? 

seize:英 [siːz]
vt. 抓住;夺取;理解;逮捕
The opportunity is there. Why not seize it?


prey:英 [preɪ]
n. 猎物;受害者,牺牲品;(情绪易受伤的)脆弱的人;掠夺品
The eagle swooped down on its prey. 

v. 捕食;伤害;折磨,困扰
The effect was to disrupt the food chain, starving many animals and those that preyed on them.

wings:美 [wiŋz] 
n. [昆] 翅膀(wing的复数形式);飞行章;女童军戴的一种翼形章
The bird flapped its wings furiously.

feathers:美 ['fɛðɚ] 
n. 羽毛(feather的复数);翅膀;羽状裂缝
How can he fly from his feathers? 

rebirth through a very painful update process of 150-day long training session.

It lives up to the age of 70

live up: 活出,活起来


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