



using namespace std;#define sfi(i) scanf("%d",&i)
#define sfl(i) scanf("%I64d",&i)
#define pri(i) printf("%d\n",i)
#define sff(i) scanf("%lf",&i)
#define ll long long
#define mem(x,y) memset(x,y,sizeof(x))
#define INF 0x3f3f3f3f
#define eps 1e-6
#define PI acos(-1)
#define lowbit(x) ((x)&(-x))
#define fl() printf("flag\n")
ll gcd(ll a,ll b){while(b^=a^=b^=a%=b);return a;}
const ll mod=1e9+7;
const int maxn=2e6+100;int pre[maxn];
int n;
struct A
{int cap;int val;
}a[maxn];int Find(int x)
{int r=x;while(r!=pre[r]){r=pre[r];}int i=x;int j;while(pre[i]!=r){j=pre[i];pre[i]=r;i=j;}return r;
}void join(int x,int y)
{int jx=Find(x);int jy=Find(y);if(jx!=jy){if(jx>jy) pre[jy]=jx;else pre[jx]=jy;}
}void add(int p,int x)
{int r=Find(p);while(r<=n&&x>0){if(a[r].cap>=a[r].val+x){a[r].val+=x;x=0;}else{x-=(a[r].cap-a[r].val);a[r].val=a[r].cap;join(r,r+1);}r=Find(r);}
int main()
{sfi(n);for(int i=1;i<maxn;i++) pre[i]=i;//n的话连接n+1不行,会tlefor(int i=1;i<=n;i++){A tmp;sfi(tmp.cap);tmp.val=0;a[i]=tmp;}int m;sfi(m);while(m--){int op;sfi(op);if(op==1){int p;int x;sfi(p);sfi(x);add(p,x);}else{int p;sfi(p);printf("%d\n",a[p].val);}}return 0;





import mathmaxn = 2000009
def gcd(x,y):if y: return gcd(y,x%y)return xdef P():isp=[True]*(maxn+10)pri=[]for i in range(2,maxn):if isp[i]:pri.append(i)for j in range(i*i,maxn,i):isp[j]=Falsereturn pri
"""""class A:def __init__(self,x,y):self.cap=xself.val=ycnt=1
n=0def Find(x):r=xwhile r!=pre[r]:r=pre[r]i=xj=0while pre[i]!=r:j=pre[i]pre[i]=ri=jreturn int(r)def join(x,y):jx=Find(x)jy=Find(y)if jx!=jy:if jx>jy: pre[jy]=jxelse: pre[jx]=jydef add(p,x):r=Find(p)while r<=n and x>0:if a[r].cap>=a[r].val+x:a[r].val+=xx=0else :x-=(a[r].cap-a[r].val)a[r].val=a[r].capjoin(r,r+1)r=Find(r)n=int(input())for i in range(1,n+9):pre[i]=ik=input()
k=k.split()for i in range(len(k)):a[cnt]=A(int(k[i]),0)cnt+=1##for z in range(1,3):
##        print(z,a[z].cap,a[z].val,end=' ')
##        print()m=int(input())
while m:m-=1op=input()op=op.split()for i in range(len(op)):op[i]=int(op[i])if op[0]==1:p=op[1]x=op[2]add(p,x)else:p=op[1]print(int(a[p].val))

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