

菜单栏上单击 Edit -> Open Image Manager。 再单击 Image -> Import image,把你要做成位图字体的图片依次导入进来。如果是中文字体可以查看该汉字

导出设置选择 png 和 txt 格式。然后导出字体即可

把 png 和 fnt 字体拖入unity 后 创建一个材质和自定义字体,然后做好关联。

选择fnt 字体 右键 选择 Create/ CreateBMFont选线,就会把 fnt的信息自动加入倒 fontseting 格式的文件中。

CreateFontEditor.cs 源码using UnityEngine;

using UnityEditor;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.IO;

using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

public class CreateFontEditor : Editor



static void CreateFont()


Object obj = Selection.activeObject;

string fntPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(obj);

Debug.Log("#####" + fntPath);

if (fntPath.IndexOf(".fnt") == -1)





string customFontPath = fntPath.Replace(".fnt", ".fontsettings");

if (!File.Exists(customFontPath))






StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(new FileStream(fntPath, FileMode.Open));

List charList = new List();

Regex reg = new Regex(@"char id=(?\d+)\s+x=(?\d+)\s+y=(?\d+)\s+width=(?\d+)\s+height=(?\d+)\s+xoffset=(?\d+)\s+yoffset=(?\d+)\s+xadvance=(?\d+)\s+");

string line = reader.ReadLine();

int lineHeight = 0;

int texWidth = 1;

int texHeight = 1;

while (line != null)


if (line.IndexOf("char id=") != -1)


Match match = reg.Match(line);

if (match != Match.Empty)


var id = System.Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups["id"].Value);

var x = System.Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups["x"].Value);

var y = System.Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups["y"].Value);

var width = System.Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups["width"].Value);

var height = System.Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups["height"].Value);

var xoffset = System.Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups["xoffset"].Value);

var yoffset = System.Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups["yoffset"].Value);

var xadvance = System.Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups["xadvance"].Value);

CharacterInfo info = new CharacterInfo();

info.index = id;

float uvx = 1f * x / texWidth;

float uvy = 1 - (1f * y / texHeight);

float uvw = 1f * width / texWidth;

float uvh = -1f * height / texHeight;

info.uvBottomLeft = new Vector2(uvx, uvy);

info.uvBottomRight = new Vector2(uvx + uvw, uvy);

info.uvTopLeft = new Vector2(uvx, uvy + uvh);

info.uvTopRight = new Vector2(uvx + uvw, uvy + uvh);

info.minX = xoffset;

info.minY = yoffset + height / 2;

info.glyphWidth = width;

info.glyphHeight = -height;

info.advance = xadvance;




else if (line.IndexOf("scaleW=") != -1)


Regex reg2 = new Regex(@"common lineHeight=(?\d+)\s+.*scaleW=(?\d+)\s+scaleH=(?\d+)");

Match match = reg2.Match(line);

if (match != Match.Empty)


lineHeight = System.Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups["lineHeight"].Value);

texWidth = System.Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups["scaleW"].Value);

texHeight = System.Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups["scaleH"].Value);



line = reader.ReadLine();


Font customFont = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(customFontPath);

customFont.characterInfo = charList.ToArray();



Debug.Log("处理完成: " + customFont);



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