
(2014-06-08 15:18:29)



afs3-fileserver 7000/tcp file server itself

afs3-fileserver 7000/udp file server itself

afs3-callback 7001/tcp callbacks to cache managers

afs3-callback 7001/udp callbacks to cache managers

afs3-prserver 7002/tcp users & groups database

afs3-prserver 7002/udp users & groups database

afs3-vlserver 7003/tcp volume location database

afs3-vlserver 7003/udp volume location database

afs3-kaserver 7004/tcp AFS/Kerberos authentication service

afs3-kaserver 7004/udp AFS/Kerberos authentication service

afs3-volser 7005/tcp volume managment server

afs3-volser 7005/udp volume managment server

afs3-errors 7006/tcp error interpretation service

afs3-errors 7006/udp error interpretation service

afs3-bos 7007/tcp basic overseer process

afs3-bos 7007/udp basic overseer process

afs3-update 7008/tcp server-to-server updater

afs3-update 7008/udp server-to-server updater

afs3-rmtsys 7009/tcp remote cache manager service

afs3-rmtsys 7009/udp remote cache manager service


ups-onlinet 7010/tcp onlinet uninterruptable power supplies

ups-onlinet 7010/udp onlinet uninterruptable power supplies

# Jim Thompson

talon-disc 7011/tcp Talon Discovery Port

talon-disc 7011/udp Talon Discovery Port

talon-engine 7012/tcp Talon Engine

talon-engine 7012/udp Talon Engine

microtalon-dis 7013/tcp Microtalon Discovery

microtalon-dis 7013/udp Microtalon Discovery

microtalon-com 7014/tcp Microtalon Communications

microtalon-com 7014/udp Microtalon Communications

talon-webserver 7015/tcp Talon Webserver

talon-webserver 7015/udp Talon Webserver

# Jim Thompson

# 7016-7019 Unassigned

dpserve 7020/tcp DP Serve

dpserve 7020/udp DP Serve

dpserveadmin 7021/tcp DP Serve Admin

dpserveadmin 7021/udp DP Serve Admin

# Allan Stanley

ctdp 7022/tcp CT Discovery Protocol

ctdp 7022/udp CT Discovery Protocol

# James Kirkwood June 2005

ct2nmcs 7023/tcp Comtech T2 NMCS

ct2nmcs 7023/udp Comtech T2 NMCS

# Bryan Wilcutt June 2005

vmsvc 7024/tcp Vormetric service

vmsvc 7024/udp Vormetric service

# Tom Boyle June 2005

vmsvc-2 7025/tcp Vormetric Service II

vmsvc-2 7025/udp Vormetric Service II

# Tom Boyle June 2005

# 7026-7029 Unassigned

op-probe 7030/tcp ObjectPlanet probe

op-probe 7030/udp ObjectPlanet probe

# Bjorn Jarle Kvande April 2002

# 7031-7069 Unassigned

arcp 7070/tcp ARCP

arcp 7070/udp ARCP

# Jude George

# 7071-7079 Unassigned

empowerid 7080/tcp EmpowerID Communication

empowerid 7080/udp EmpowerID Communication

# Matthew Whited 16 January 2008

# 7081-7098 Unassigned

lazy-ptop 7099/tcp lazy-ptop

lazy-ptop 7099/udp lazy-ptop

# Guy Keren

font-service 7100/tcp X Font Service

font-service 7100/udp X Font Service

# Stephen Gildea

elcn 7101/tcp Embedded Light Control Network

elcn 7101/udp Embedded Light Control Network

# Michael Scarito February 2007

# 7102-7120 Unassigned

virprot-lm 7121/tcp Virtual Prototypes License Manager

virprot-lm 7121/udp Virtual Prototypes License Manager

# Victor Galis

# 7122-7127 Unassigned

scenidm 7128/tcp intelligent data manager

scenidm 7128/udp intelligent data manager

# Paul Ignatius March 2006

scenccs 7129/tcp Catalog Content Search

scenccs 7129/udp Catalog Content Search

# Anil Sharma April 2006

# 7130-7160 Unassigned

cabsm-comm 7161/tcp CA BSM Comm

cabsm-comm 7161/udp CA BSM Comm

# Chun-Ho Chang November 2004

caistoragemgr 7162/tcp CA Storage Manager

caistoragemgr 7162/udp CA Storage Manager

# Emre Tunar November 2004

cacsambroker 7163/tcp CA Connection Broker

cacsambroker 7163/udp CA Connection Broker

# David Roberts May 2005

fsr 7164/tcp File System Repository Agent

fsr 7164/udp File System Repository Agent

# Micha Ben-Efraim 19 July 2007

doc-server 7165/tcp Document WCF Server

doc-server 7165/udp Document WCF Server

aruba-server 7166/tcp Aruba eDiscovery Server

aruba-server 7166/udp Aruba eDiscovery Server

# Micha Ben-Efraim 07 January 2008

# 7167-7173 Unassigned

clutild 7174/tcp Clutild

clutild 7174/udp Clutild

# Cheryl Stoutenburg

# 7175-7199 Unassigned

fodms 7200/tcp FODMS FLIP

fodms 7200/udp FODMS FLIP

# David Anthony

dlip 7201/tcp DLIP

dlip 7201/udp DLIP

# Albert Manfredi

# 7202-7226 Unassigned

ramp 7227/tcp Registry A & M Protocol

ramp 7227/udp Registry A $ M Protocol

# John Havard November 2003

# 7228-7261 Unassigned

cnap 7262/tcp Calypso Network Access Protocol

cnap 7262/udp Calypso Network Access Protocol

# Scott Halberg 02 June 2009

# 7263-7271 Unassigned

watchme-7272 7272/tcp WatchMe Monitoring 7272

watchme-7272 7272/udp WatchMe Monitoring 7272

# Oliver Heinz August 2005

oma-rlp 7273/tcp OMA Roaming Location

oma-rlp 7273/udp OMA Roaming Location

oma-rlp-s 7274/tcp OMA Roaming Location SEC

oma-rlp-s 7274/udp OMA Roaming Location SEC

# Larry A. Young August 2005

oma-ulp 7275/tcp OMA UserPlane Location

oma-ulp 7275/udp OMA UserPlane Location

# Larry A. Young February 2006

oma-ilp 7276/tcp OMA Internal Location Protocol

oma-ilp 7276/udp OMA Internal Location Protocol

oma-ilp-s 7277/tcp OMA Internal Location Secure Protocol

oma-ilp-s 7277/udp OMA Internal Location Secure Protocol

# Khiem Tran 06 November 2007

oma-dcdocbs 7278/tcp OMA Dynamic Content Delivery over CBS

oma-dcdocbs 7278/udp OMA Dynamic Content Delivery over CBS

# Avi Primo 29 January 2008

ctxlic 7279/tcp Citrix Licensing

ctxlic 7279/udp Citrix Licensing

# Marc Binstock 29 January 2008

itactionserver1 7280/tcp ITACTIONSERVER 1

itactionserver1 7280/udp ITACTIONSERVER 1

itactionserver2 7281/tcp ITACTIONSERVER 2

itactionserver2 7281/udp ITACTIONSERVER 2

# Brian Taylor

mzca-action 7282/tcp eventACTION/ussACTION (MZCA) server

# Gord Tomlin 30 January 2009

# 7282/udp Reserved

# 7283-7299 Unassigned

swx 7300-7359 The Swiss Exchange

# Edgar Blum

# 7360-7364 Unassigned (Removed on 2006-2-06)

lcm-server 7365/tcp LifeKeeper Communications

lcm-server 7365/udp LifeKeeper Communications

# James Bottomley February 2006

# 7366-7390 Unassigned (Removed on 2006-2-06)

mindfilesys 7391/tcp mind-file system server

mindfilesys 7391/udp mind-file system server

mrssrendezvous 7392/tcp mrss-rendezvous server

mrssrendezvous 7392/udp mrss-rendezvous server

# Dave Porter

nfoldman 7393/tcp nFoldMan Remote Publish

nfoldman 7393/udp nFoldMan Remote Publish

# Richard McDonald January 2006

fse 7394/tcp File system export of backup images

fse 7394/udp File system export of backup images

# Weibao Wu April 2006

winqedit 7395/tcp winqedit

winqedit 7395/udp winqedit

# David Greer

# 7396 Unassigned

hexarc 7397/tcp Hexarc Command Language

hexarc 7397/udp Hexarc Command Language

# George Moromisato November 2004

# 7398-7399 Unassigned

rtps-discovery 7400/tcp RTPS Discovery

rtps-discovery 7400/udp RTPS Discovery

rtps-dd-ut 7401/tcp RTPS Data-Distribution User-Traffic

rtps-dd-ut 7401/udp RTPS Data-Distribution User-Traffic

rtps-dd-mt 7402/tcp RTPS Data-Distribution Meta-Traffic

rtps-dd-mt 7402/udp RTPS Data-Distribution Meta-Traffic

# Gerardo Pardo-Castellote October 2005

# 7403-7409 Unassigned

ionixnetmon 7410/tcp Ionix Network Monitor

ionixnetmon 7410/udp Ionix Network Monitor

# Maxime Deputter April 2006

# 7411-7420 Unassigned

mtportmon 7421/tcp Matisse Port Monitor

mtportmon 7421/udp Matisse Port Monitor

# Didier Cabannes November 2004

# 7422-7425 Unassigned

pmdmgr 7426/tcp OpenView DM Postmaster Manager

pmdmgr 7426/udp OpenView DM Postmaster Manager

oveadmgr 7427/tcp OpenView DM Event Agent Manager

oveadmgr 7427/udp OpenView DM Event Agent Manager

ovladmgr 7428/tcp OpenView DM Log Agent Manager

ovladmgr 7428/udp OpenView DM Log Agent Manager

opi-sock 7429/tcp OpenView DM rqt communication

opi-sock 7429/udp OpenView DM rqt communication

xmpv7 7430/tcp OpenView DM xmpv7 api pipe

xmpv7 7430/udp OpenView DM xmpv7 api pipe

pmd 7431/tcp OpenView DM ovc/xmpv3 api pipe

pmd 7431/udp OpenView DM ovc/xmpv3 api pipe

# Dave Lamb

faximum 7437/tcp Faximum

faximum 7437/udp Faximum

# George Pajari

# 7438-7442 Unassigned

oracleas-https 7443/tcp Oracle Application Server HTTPS

oracleas-https 7443/udp Oracle Application Server HTTPS

# David McMarlin August 2006

# 7444-7472 Unassigned

rise 7473/tcp Rise: The Vieneo Province

rise 7473/udp Rise: The Vieneo Province

# Jason Reskin March 2007

# 7474-7490 Unassigned

telops-lmd 7491/tcp telops-lmd

telops-lmd 7491/udp telops-lmd

# David Spencer

# 7492-7499 Unassigned

silhouette 7500/tcp Silhouette User

silhouette 7500/udp Silhouette User

# Anthony Payne February 2004

ovbus 7501/tcp HP OpenView Bus Daemon

ovbus 7501/udp HP OpenView Bus Daemon

# David M. Rhodes

# 7502-7509 Unassigned

ovhpas 7510/tcp HP OpenView Application Server

ovhpas 7510/udp HP OpenView Application Server

# Jeff Conrad

pafec-lm 7511/tcp pafec-lm

pafec-lm 7511/udp pafec-lm

# Billy Dhillon

# 7512-7541 Unassigned

saratoga 7542/tcp Saratoga Transfer Protocol

saratoga 7542/udp Saratoga Transfer Protocol

# Lloyd Wood May 2007

atul 7543/tcp atul server

atul 7543/udp atul server

# Mark Stapp January 2006

nta-ds 7544/tcp FlowAnalyzer DisplayServer

nta-ds 7544/udp FlowAnalyzer DisplayServer

nta-us 7545/tcp FlowAnalyzer UtilityServer

nta-us 7545/udp FlowAnalyzer UtilityServer

# Fred Messinger

cfs 7546/tcp Cisco Fabric service

cfs 7546/udp Cisco Fabric service

# Rituparna Agrawal September 2005

cwmp 7547/tcp DSL Forum CWMP

cwmp 7547/udp DSL Forum CWMP

# Anton Okmianski January 2006

tidp 7548/tcp Threat Information Distribution Protocol

tidp 7548/udp Threat Information Distribution Protocol

# Chui-Tin Yen February 2006

nls-tl 7549/tcp Network Layer Signaling Transport Layer

nls-tl 7549/udp Network Layer Signaling Transport Layer

# Melinda Shore May 2006

# 7550-7559 Unassigned

sncp 7560/tcp Sniffer Command Protocol

sncp 7560/udp Sniffer Command Protocol

# Dominick Cafarelli August 2005

# 7561-7565 Unassigned

vsi-omega 7566/tcp VSI Omega

vsi-omega 7566/udp VSI Omega

# Curtis Smith

# 7567-7569 Unassigned

aries-kfinder 7570/tcp Aries Kfinder

aries-kfinder 7570/udp Aries Kfinder

# James King, III

# 7571-7587 Unassigned

sun-lm 7588/tcp Sun License Manager

sun-lm 7588/udp Sun License Manager

# Sophie Deng

# 7589-7623 Unassigned

indi 7624/tcp Instrument Neutral Distributed Interface

indi 7624/udp Instrument Neutral Distributed Interface

# Elwood Downey April 2002

# 7625 Unassigned

simco 7626/tcp SImple Middlebox COnfiguration (SIMCO) Server

# RFC4540

# 7626/udp De-registered (30 January 2006)

simco 7626/sctp SImple Middlebox COnfiguration (SIMCO)

# Sebastian Kiesel January 2006

soap-http 7627/tcp SOAP Service Port

soap-http 7627/udp SOAP Service Port

# Donald Dylla December 2004

zen-pawn 7628/tcp Primary Agent Work Notification

zen-pawn 7628/udp Primary Agent Work Notification

# Ty Ellis May 2006

xdas 7629/tcp OpenXDAS Wire Protocol

xdas 7629/udp OpenXDAS Wire Protocol

# John Calcote October 2006

# 7630-7632 Unassigned

pmdfmgt 7633/tcp PMDF Management

pmdfmgt 7633/udp PMDF Management

# Hunter Goatley

# 7634-7647 Unassigned

cuseeme 7648/tcp bonjour-cuseeme

cuseeme 7648/udp bonjour-cuseeme

# Marc Manthey July 2006

# 7649-7671 Unassigned

imqstomp 7672/tcp iMQ STOMP Server

# Amy Kang 10 March 2009

# 7672/udp Reserved

imqstomps 7673/tcp iMQ STOMP Server over SSL

# Amy Kang 10 March 2009

# 7673/udp Reserved

imqtunnels 7674/tcp iMQ SSL tunnel

imqtunnels 7674/udp iMQ SSL tunnel

imqtunnel 7675/tcp iMQ Tunnel

imqtunnel 7675/udp iMQ Tunnel

# Shailesh S. Bavadekar April 2002

imqbrokerd 7676/tcp iMQ Broker Rendezvous

imqbrokerd 7676/udp iMQ Broker Rendezvous

# Joseph Di Pol April 2002

sun-user-https 7677/tcp Sun App Server - HTTPS

sun-user-https 7677/udp Sun App Server - HTTPS

# Abhijit Kumar November 2005

# 7678-7679 Unassigned

pando-pub 7680/tcp Pando Media Public Distribution

pando-pub 7680/udp Pando Media Public Distribution

# Laird Popkin 27 February 2008

# 7681-7688 Unassigned

collaber 7689/tcp Collaber Network Service

collaber 7689/udp Collaber Network Service

# Rajesh Akkineni January 2007

# 7690-7696 Unassigned

klio 7697/tcp KLIO communications

klio 7697/udp KLIO communications

# Helmut Giritzer August 2005

# 7698-7699 Unassigned

em7-secom 7700/tcp EM7 Secure Communications

# Christopher Cordray 05 June 2008

# 7700/udp Reserved

# 7701-7706 Unassigned

sync-em7 7707/tcp EM7 Dynamic Updates

sync-em7 7707/udp EM7 Dynamic Updates

# Christopher Cordray November 2004

scinet 7708/tcp

scinet 7708/udp

# Christoph Anton Mitterer January 2006

# 7709-7719 Unassigned

medimageportal 7720/tcp MedImage Portal

medimageportal 7720/udp MedImage Portal

# Robert Helton October 2003

# 7721-7723 Unassigned

nsdeepfreezectl 7724/tcp Novell Snap-in Deep Freeze Control

nsdeepfreezectl 7724/udp Novell Snap-in Deep Freeze Control

# David Crowe 07 January 2008

nitrogen 7725/tcp Nitrogen Service

nitrogen 7725/udp Nitrogen Service

# Randy Lomnes November 2004

freezexservice 7726/tcp FreezeX Console Service

freezexservice 7726/udp FreezeX Console Service

# David Crowe June 2005

trident-data 7727/tcp Trident Systems Data

trident-data 7727/udp Trident Systems Data

# Jeremy McClintock August 2005

# 7728-7733 Unassigned

smip 7734/tcp Smith Protocol over IP

smip 7734/udp Smith Protocol over IP

# Jim Pettinato April 2007

# 7735-7737 Unassigned

aiagent 7738/tcp HP Enterprise Discovery Agent

aiagent 7738/udp HP Enterprise Discovery Agent

# Matthew Darwin August 2005

# 7739-7741 Unassigned

msss 7742/tcp Mugginsoft Script Server Service

# Jonathan Mitchell 08 September 2008

# 7742/udp Reserved

sstp-1 7743/tcp Sakura Script Transfer Protocol

sstp-1 7743/udp Sakura Script Transfer Protocol

# Kouichi Takeda

raqmon-pdu 7744/tcp RAQMON PDU

raqmon-pdu 7744/udp RAQMON PDU

# RFC4712

# 7745-7746 Unassigned

prgp 7747/tcp Put/Run/Get Protocol

prgp 7747/udp Put/Run/Get Protocol

# Jayasooriah 22 February 2008

# 7748-7776 Unassigned

cbt 7777/tcp cbt

cbt 7777/udp cbt

# Tony Ballardie

interwise 7778/tcp Interwise

interwise 7778/udp Interwise

# Joseph Gray

vstat 7779/tcp VSTAT

vstat 7779/udp VSTAT

# Vinh Nguyn

# 7780 Unassigned

accu-lmgr 7781/tcp accu-lmgr

accu-lmgr 7781/udp accu-lmgr

# Moises E. Hernandez

# 7782-7785 Unassigned

minivend 7786/tcp MINIVEND

minivend 7786/udp MINIVEND

# Mike Heins

popup-reminders 7787/tcp Popup Reminders Receive

popup-reminders 7787/udp Popup Reminders Receive

# Robert Harvey January 2006

# 7788 Unassigned

office-tools 7789/tcp Office Tools Pro Receive

office-tools 7789/udp Office Tools Pro Receive

# Robert Harvey January 2006

# 7790-7793 Unassigned

q3ade 7794/tcp Q3ADE Cluster Service

q3ade 7794/udp Q3ADE Cluster Service

# Uffe Harksen August 2005

# 7795-7796 Unassigned

pnet-conn 7797/tcp Propel Connector port

pnet-conn 7797/udp Propel Connector port

pnet-enc 7798/tcp Propel Encoder port

pnet-enc 7798/udp Propel Encoder port

# Leif Hedstrom April 2002

altbsdp 7799/tcp Alternate BSDP Service

altbsdp 7799/udp Alternate BSDP Service

# Dieter Siegmund 22 October 2007

asr 7800/tcp Apple Software Restore

asr 7800/udp Apple Software Restore

# Jim Kateley January 2006

ssp-client 7801/tcp Secure Server Protocol - client

ssp-client 7801/udp Secure Server Protocol - client

# Rick Macchio November 2006

# 7802-7809 Unassigned

rbt-wanopt 7810/tcp Riverbed WAN Optimization Protocol

rbt-wanopt 7810/udp Riverbed WAN Optimization Protocol

# Vladimir Legalov 04 September 2007

# 7811-7844 Unassigned

apc-7845 7845/tcp APC 7845

apc-7845 7845/udp APC 7845

apc-7846 7846/tcp APC 7846

apc-7846 7846/udp APC 7846

# American Power Conversion

# 7847-7868 Unassigned

mobileanalyzer 7869/tcp MobileAnalyzer& MobileMonitor

# Jonas Gyllensvaan 27 April 2009

# 7869/udp Reserved

rbt-smc 7870/tcp Riverbed Steelhead Mobile Service

# Gabriel Levy 29 August 2008

# 7870/udp Reserved

# 7871-7879 Unassigned

pss 7880/tcp Pearson

pss 7880/udp Pearson

# Pearson 17 January 2008

# 7881-7886 Unassigned

ubroker 7887/tcp Universal Broker

ubroker 7887/udp Universal Broker

# Nathan Hammond October 2005

# 7888-7899 Unassigned

mevent 7900/tcp Multicast Event

mevent 7900/udp Multicast Event

# YoonSoo Kim May 2006

tnos-sp 7901/tcp TNOS Service Protocol

tnos-sp 7901/udp TNOS Service Protocol

tnos-dp 7902/tcp TNOS shell Protocol

tnos-dp 7902/udp TNOS shell Protocol

tnos-dps 7903/tcp TNOS Secure DiaguardProtocol

tnos-dps 7903/udp TNOS Secure DiaguardProtocol

# Rene Kurt August 2005

# 7904-7912 Unassigned

qo-secure 7913/tcp QuickObjects secure port

qo-secure 7913/udp QuickObjects secure port

# Jonas Bovin

# 7914-7931 Unassigned

t2-drm 7932/tcp Tier 2 Data Resource Manager

t2-drm 7932/udp Tier 2 Data Resource Manager

t2-brm 7933/tcp Tier 2 Business Rules Manager

t2-brm 7933/udp Tier 2 Business Rules Manager

# Peter Carlson

# 7934-7966 Unassigned

supercell 7967/tcp Supercell

supercell 7967/udp Supercell

# Kevin Nakagawa

# 7968-7978 Unassigned

micromuse-ncps 7979/tcp Micromuse-ncps

micromuse-ncps 7979/udp Micromuse-ncps

# Hing Wing To

quest-vista 7980/tcp Quest Vista

quest-vista 7980/udp Quest Vista

# Preston Bannister

# 7981-7997 Unassigned

# 7998/tcp Reserved

usicontentpush 7998/udp USI Content Push Service

# Prakash Iyer 10 August 2009

irdmi2 7999/tcp iRDMI2

irdmi2 7999/udp iRDMI2

irdmi 8000/tcp iRDMI

irdmi 8000/udp iRDMI

# Gil Shafriri

vcom-tunnel 8001/tcp VCOM Tunnel

vcom-tunnel 8001/udp VCOM Tunnel

# Mark Lewandowski

teradataordbms 8002/tcp Teradata ORDBMS

teradataordbms 8002/udp Teradata ORDBMS

# Curt Ellmann

mcreport 8003/tcp Mulberry Connect Reporting Service

mcreport 8003/udp Mulberry Connect Reporting Service

# Dave Stoneham 10 March 2008

# 8004 Unassigned

mxi 8005/tcp MXI Generation II for z/OS

mxi 8005/udp MXI Generation II for z/OS

# Rob Scott May 2007

# 8006-8007 Unassigned

http-alt 8008/tcp HTTP Alternate

http-alt 8008/udp HTTP Alternate

# James Gettys

# 8009-8018 Unassigned

qbdb 8019/tcp QB DB Dynamic Port

qbdb 8019/udp QB DB Dynamic Port

# Sridhar Krishnamurthy 15 February 2008

intu-ec-svcdisc 8020/tcp Intuit Entitlement Service and Discovery

intu-ec-svcdisc 8020/udp Intuit Entitlement Service and Discovery

intu-ec-client 8021/tcp Intuit Entitlement Client

intu-ec-client 8021/udp Intuit Entitlement Client

# Daniel C. McGloin May 2005

oa-system 8022/tcp oa-system

oa-system 8022/udp oa-system

# Marie-France Dubreuil

# 8023-8024 Unassigned

ca-audit-da 8025/tcp CA Audit Distribution Agent

ca-audit-da 8025/udp CA Audit Distribution Agent

ca-audit-ds 8026/tcp CA Audit Distribution Server

ca-audit-ds 8026/udp CA Audit Distribution Server

# Henning Smith July 2006

# 8027-8031 Unassigned

pro-ed 8032/tcp ProEd

pro-ed 8032/udp ProEd

mindprint 8033/tcp MindPrint

mindprint 8033/udp MindPrint

# Larry Tusoni

vantronix-mgmt 8034/tcp .vantronix Management

vantronix-mgmt 8034/udp .vantronix Management

# Reyk Floeter 27 February 2008

# 8035-8041 Unassigned

fs-agent 8042/tcp FireScope Agent

# Matt Rogers 16 October 2008

# 8042/udp Reserved

fs-server 8043/tcp FireScope Server

# Matt Rogers 16 October 2008

# 8043/udp Reserved

fs-mgmt 8044/tcp FireScope Management Interface

# Matt Rogers 16 October 2008

# 8044/udp Reserved

# 8045-8051 Unassigned

senomix01 8052/tcp Senomix Timesheets Server

senomix01 8052/udp Senomix Timesheets Server

senomix02 8053/tcp Senomix Timesheets Client [1 year assignment]

senomix02 8053/udp Senomix Timesheets Client [1 year assignment]

senomix03 8054/tcp Senomix Timesheets Server [1 year assignment]

senomix03 8054/udp Senomix Timesheets Server [1 year assignment]

senomix04 8055/tcp Senomix Timesheets Server [1 year assignment]

senomix04 8055/udp Senomix Timesheets Server [1 year assignment]

senomix05 8056/tcp Senomix Timesheets Server [1 year assignment]

senomix05 8056/udp Senomix Timesheets Server [1 year assignment]

senomix06 8057/tcp Senomix Timesheets Client [1 year assignment]

senomix06 8057/udp Senomix Timesheets Client [1 year assignment]

senomix07 8058/tcp Senomix Timesheets Client [1 year assignment]

senomix07 8058/udp Senomix Timesheets Client [1 year assignment]

senomix08 8059/tcp Senomix Timesheets Client [1 year assignment]

senomix08 8059/udp Senomix Timesheets Client [1 year assignment]

# Charles O'Dale July 2006

# 8060-8073 Unassigned

gadugadu 8074/tcp Gadu-Gadu

gadugadu 8074/udp Gadu-Gadu

# Marcin Gozdalik May 2006

# 8075-8079 Unassigned

http-alt 8080/tcp HTTP Alternate (see port 80)

http-alt 8080/udp HTTP Alternate (see port 80)

# Stephen Casner

sunproxyadmin 8081/tcp Sun Proxy Admin Service

sunproxyadmin 8081/udp Sun Proxy Admin Service

# Arvind Srinivasan August 2005

us-cli 8082/tcp Utilistor (Client)

us-cli 8082/udp Utilistor (Client)

us-srv 8083/tcp Utilistor (Server)

us-srv 8083/udp Utilistor (Server)

# Andy Brewerton August 2005

# 8084-8085 Unassigned

d-s-n 8086/tcp Distributed SCADA Networking Rendezvous Port

d-s-n 8086/udp Distributed SCADA Networking Rendezvous Port

# Gary Hampton 27 February 2008

simplifymedia 8087/tcp Simplify Media SPP Protocol

simplifymedia 8087/udp Simplify Media SPP Protocol

# Emmanuel Saint-Loubert 08 August 2008

radan-http 8088/tcp Radan HTTP

radan-http 8088/udp Radan HTTP

# Previous contact: Steve Hay April 2002

# Current contact: Steve Hay 13 June 2008

# 8089-8096 Unassigned

sac 8097/tcp SAC Port Id

sac 8097/udp SAC Port Id

# Girish Bhat April 2006

# 8098-8099 Unassigned

xprint-server 8100/tcp Xprint Server

xprint-server 8100/udp Xprint Server

# John McKernan

ldoms-migr 8101/tcp Logical Domains Migration

# Liam Merwick 16 January 2009

# 8101/udp Reserved

# 8102-8114 Unassigned

mtl8000-matrix 8115/tcp MTL8000 Matrix

mtl8000-matrix 8115/udp MTL8000 Matrix

# David Pinch April 2002

cp-cluster 8116/tcp Check Point Clustering

cp-cluster 8116/udp Check Point Clustering

# Roni Moshitzky

# 8117 Unassigned

privoxy 8118/tcp Privoxy HTTP proxy

privoxy 8118/udp Privoxy HTTP proxy

# Andreas Oesterhelt June 2002

# 8119-8120 Unassigned

apollo-data 8121/tcp Apollo Data Port

apollo-data 8121/udp Apollo Data Port

# Anthony Carrabino August 2003

apollo-admin 8122/tcp Apollo Admin Port

apollo-admin 8122/udp Apollo Admin Port

# Anthony Carrabino August 2003

# 8123-8127 Unassigned

paycash-online 8128/tcp PayCash Online Protocol

paycash-online 8128/udp PayCash Online Protocol

paycash-wbp 8129/tcp PayCash Wallet-Browser

paycash-wbp 8129/udp PayCash Wallet-Browser

# MegaZone August 2005

indigo-vrmi 8130/tcp INDIGO-VRMI

indigo-vrmi 8130/udp INDIGO-VRMI

indigo-vbcp 8131/tcp INDIGO-VBCP

indigo-vbcp 8131/udp INDIGO-VBCP

# Colin Caughie

dbabble 8132/tcp dbabble

dbabble 8132/udp dbabble

# Chris Pugmire

# 8133-8147 Unassigned

isdd 8148/tcp i-SDD file transfer

isdd 8148/udp i-SDD file transfer

# Frank Waarsenburg November 2004

# 8149-8159 Unassigned

patrol 8160/tcp Patrol

patrol 8160/udp Patrol

patrol-snmp 8161/tcp Patrol SNMP

patrol-snmp 8161/udp Patrol SNMP

# Portnoy Boxman

# 8162-8182 Unassigned

proremote 8183/tcp ProRemote

# Alex Lelievre 18 August 2009

# 8183/udp Reserved

# 8184-8191 Unassigned

spytechphone 8192/tcp SpyTech Phone Service

spytechphone 8192/udp SpyTech Phone Service

# Bill Kay April 2006

# 8193 Unassigned

blp1 8194/tcp Bloomberg data API

blp1 8194/udp Bloomberg data API

blp2 8195/tcp Bloomberg feed

blp2 8195/udp Bloomberg feed

# Albert Hou May 2006

# 8196-8198 Unassigned

vvr-data 8199/tcp VVR DATA

vvr-data 8199/udp VVR DATA

# Ming Xu

trivnet1 8200/tcp TRIVNET

trivnet1 8200/udp TRIVNET

trivnet2 8201/tcp TRIVNET

trivnet2 8201/udp TRIVNET

# Saar Wilf

# 8202-8203 Unassigned

lm-perfworks 8204/tcp LM Perfworks

lm-perfworks 8204/udp LM Perfworks

lm-instmgr 8205/tcp LM Instmgr

lm-instmgr 8205/udp LM Instmgr

lm-dta 8206/tcp LM Dta

lm-dta 8206/udp LM Dta

lm-sserver 8207/tcp LM SServer

lm-sserver 8207/udp LM SServer

lm-webwatcher 8208/tcp LM Webwatcher

lm-webwatcher 8208/udp LM Webwatcher

# Chris Flynn

# 8209-8229 Unassigned

rexecj 8230/tcp RexecJ Server

rexecj 8230/udp RexecJ Server

# Curtiss Howard November 2004

# 8231-8242 Unassigned

synapse-nhttps 8243/tcp Synapse Non Blocking HTTPS

synapse-nhttps 8243/udp Synapse Non Blocking HTTPS

# Ruwan Linton 10 July 2008

# 8244-8275 Unassigned

pando-sec 8276/tcp Pando Media Controlled Distribution

pando-sec 8276/udp Pando Media Controlled Distribution

# Laird Popkin 27 February 2008

# 8277-8279 Unassigned

synapse-nhttp 8280/tcp Synapse Non Blocking HTTP

synapse-nhttp 8280/udp Synapse Non Blocking HTTP

# Ruwan Linton 05 June 2008

# 8281-8291 Unassigned

blp3 8292/tcp Bloomberg professional

blp3 8292/udp Bloomberg professional

# 8293 Unassigned

blp4 8294/tcp Bloomberg intelligent client

blp4 8294/udp Bloomberg intelligent client

# Albert Hou May 2006

# 8295-8299 Unassigned

tmi 8300/tcp Transport Management Interface

tmi 8300/udp Transport Management Interface

# Steve Kneizys November 2006

amberon 8301/tcp Amberon PPC/PPS

amberon 8301/udp Amberon PPC/PPS

# Ronald Snyder March 2006

# 8302-8319 Unassigned

tnp-discover 8320/tcp Thin(ium) Network Protocol

tnp-discover 8320/udp Thin(ium) Network Protocol

tnp 8321/tcp Thin(ium) Network Protocol

tnp 8321/udp Thin(ium) Network Protocol

# Aly Orady, Atto Devices, Inc. 07 August 2007

# 8322-8350 Unassigned

server-find 8351/tcp Server Find

server-find 8351/udp Server Find

# Chris Brown

# 8352-8375 Unassigned

cruise-enum 8376/tcp Cruise ENUM

cruise-enum 8376/udp Cruise ENUM

cruise-swroute 8377/tcp Cruise SWROUTE

cruise-swroute 8377/udp Cruise SWROUTE

cruise-config 8378/tcp Cruise CONFIG

cruise-config 8378/udp Cruise CONFIG

cruise-diags 8379/tcp Cruise DIAGS

cruise-diags 8379/udp Cruise DIAGS

cruise-update 8380/tcp Cruise UPDATE

cruise-update 8380/udp Cruise UPDATE

# Steve Husak

# 8381-8382 Unassigned

m2mservices 8383/tcp M2m Services

m2mservices 8383/udp M2m Services

# Carlos Arteaga November 2004

# 8384-8399 Unassigned

cvd 8400/tcp cvd

cvd 8400/udp cvd

sabarsd 8401/tcp sabarsd

sabarsd 8401/udp sabarsd

abarsd 8402/tcp abarsd

abarsd 8402/udp abarsd

admind 8403/tcp admind

admind 8403/udp admind

# Aaron Bilbrey

svcloud 8404/tcp SuperVault Cloud

# Alex Stoev 14 September 2009

# 8404/udp Reserved

svbackup 8405/tcp SuperVault Backup

# Alex Stoev 14 September 2009

# 8405/udp Reserved

# 8406-8415 Unassigned

espeech 8416/tcp eSpeech Session Protocol

espeech 8416/udp eSpeech Session Protocol

# Scott Tarone November 2002

espeech-rtp 8417/tcp eSpeech RTP Protocol

espeech-rtp 8417/udp eSpeech RTP Protocol

# Scott Tarone April 2003

# 8418-8441 Unassigned

cybro-a-bus 8442/tcp CyBro A-bus Protocol

cybro-a-bus 8442/udp CyBro A-bus Protocol

# Damir Skrjanec May 2007

pcsync-https 8443/tcp PCsync HTTPS

pcsync-https 8443/udp PCsync HTTPS

pcsync-http 8444/tcp PCsync HTTP

pcsync-http 8444/udp PCsync HTTP

# Katy Lynn McCullough

# 8445-8449 Unassigned

npmp 8450/tcp npmp

npmp 8450/udp npmp

# Ian Chard

# 8451-8469 Unassigned

cisco-avp 8470/tcp Cisco Address Validation Protocol

# Cullen Jennings 13 February 2009

# 8470/udp Reserved

pim-port 8471/tcp PIM over Reliable Transport

pim-port 8471/sctp PIM over Reliable Transport

# Dino Farinacci 21 August 2008

# 8471/udp Reserved

otv 8472/tcp Overlay Transport Virtualization (OTV)

otv 8472/udp Overlay Transport Virtualization (OTV)

# Dino Farinacci 07 January 2008

vp2p 8473/tcp Virtual Point to Point

vp2p 8473/udp Virtual Point to Point

# Jerome Grimbert

noteshare 8474/tcp AquaMinds NoteShare

noteshare 8474/udp AquaMinds NoteShare

# Michael McNabb October 2005

# 8475-8499 Unassigned

fmtp 8500/tcp Flight Message Transfer Protocol

fmtp 8500/udp Flight Message Transfer Protocol

# Eivan Cerasi December 2003

# 8501-8553 Unassigned

rtsp-alt 8554/tcp RTSP Alternate (see port 554)

rtsp-alt 8554/udp RTSP Alternate (see port 554)

# Stephen Casner

d-fence 8555/tcp SYMAX D-FENCE

d-fence 8555/udp SYMAX D-FENCE

# Thomas Geisel January 2003

# 8556-8566 Unassigned

oap-admin 8567/tcp Object Access Protocol Administration

oap-admin 8567/udp Object Access Protocol Administration

# Bryant Eastham August 2005

# 8568-8599 Unassigned

asterix 8600/tcp Surveillance Data

asterix 8600/udp Surveillance Data

# Eivan Cerasi November 2005

# 8601-8609 Unassigned

canon-mfnp 8610/tcp Canon MFNP Service

canon-mfnp 8610/udp Canon MFNP Service

# Ritsuto Sako 04 May 2009

canon-bjnp1 8611/tcp Canon BJNP Port 1

canon-bjnp1 8611/udp Canon BJNP Port 1

# Atsushi Nakamura November 2003

canon-bjnp2 8612/tcp Canon BJNP Port 2

canon-bjnp2 8612/udp Canon BJNP Port 2

# Atsushi Nakamura November 2003

canon-bjnp3 8613/tcp Canon BJNP Port 3

canon-bjnp3 8613/udp Canon BJNP Port 3

# Atsushi Nakamura November 2003

canon-bjnp4 8614/tcp Canon BJNP Port 4

canon-bjnp4 8614/udp Canon BJNP Port 4

# Atsushi Nakamura November 2003

# 8615-8685 Unassigned

sun-as-jmxrmi 8686/tcp Sun App Server - JMX/RMI

sun-as-jmxrmi 8686/udp Sun App Server - JMX/RMI

# Abhijit Kumar November 2005

# 8687-8698 Unassigned

vnyx 8699/tcp VNYX Primary Port

vnyx 8699/udp VNYX Primary Port

# Gregg Green November 2004

# 8700-8731 Unassigned

# 8732/tcp Reserved

dtp-net 8732/udp DASGIP Net Services

# Dr. Matthias Arnold 23 March 2009

ibus 8733/tcp iBus

ibus 8733/udp iBus

# Silvano Maffeis

# 8734-8762 Unassigned

mc-appserver 8763/tcp MC-APPSERVER

mc-appserver 8763/udp MC-APPSERVER

# Romeo Kasanwidjojo

openqueue 8764/tcp OPENQUEUE

openqueue 8764/udp OPENQUEUE

# Matt Jensen

ultraseek-http 8765/tcp Ultraseek HTTP

ultraseek-http 8765/udp Ultraseek HTTP

# Walter Underwood

# 8766-8769 Unassigned

dpap 8770/tcp Digital Photo Access Protocol

dpap 8770/udp Digital Photo Access Protocol

# Amandeep Jawa November 2004

# 8771-8785 Unassigned

msgclnt 8786/tcp Message Client

msgclnt 8786/udp Message Client

msgsrvr 8787/tcp Message Server

msgsrvr 8787/udp Message Server

# Michael O'Brien March 2003

# 8788-8799 Unassigned

sunwebadmin 8800/tcp Sun Web Server Admin Service

sunwebadmin 8800/udp Sun Web Server Admin Service

# Jyri J. Virkki December 2005

# 8801-8803 Unassigned

truecm 8804/tcp truecm

truecm 8804/udp truecm

# Scott Kramer

# 8805-8872 Unassigned

dxspider 8873/tcp dxspider linking protocol

dxspider 8873/udp dxspider linking protocol

# Dirk Koopman August 2005

# 8874-8879 Unassigned

cddbp-alt 8880/tcp CDDBP

cddbp-alt 8880/udp CDDBP

# Steve Scherf

# 8881-8882 Unassigned

secure-mqtt 8883/tcp Secure MQTT

secure-mqtt 8883/udp Secure MQTT

# Arthur Barr 27 February 2008

# 8884-8887 Unassigned

ddi-tcp-1 8888/tcp NewsEDGE server TCP (TCP 1)

ddi-udp-1 8888/udp NewsEDGE server UDP (UDP 1)

ddi-tcp-2 8889/tcp Desktop Data TCP 1

ddi-udp-2 8889/udp NewsEDGE server broadcast

ddi-tcp-3 8890/tcp Desktop Data TCP 2

ddi-udp-3 8890/udp NewsEDGE client broadcast

ddi-tcp-4 8891/tcp Desktop Data TCP 3: NESS application

ddi-udp-4 8891/udp Desktop Data UDP 3: NESS application

ddi-tcp-5 8892/tcp Desktop Data TCP 4: FARM product

ddi-udp-5 8892/udp Desktop Data UDP 4: FARM product

ddi-tcp-6 8893/tcp Desktop Data TCP 5: NewsEDGE/Web application

ddi-udp-6 8893/udp Desktop Data UDP 5: NewsEDGE/Web application

ddi-tcp-7 8894/tcp Desktop Data TCP 6: COAL application

ddi-udp-7 8894/udp Desktop Data UDP 6: COAL application

# Fred Yao

# 8895-8898 Unassigned

ospf-lite 8899/tcp ospf-lite

ospf-lite 8899/udp ospf-lite

# Matthew Thomas 07 January 2008

jmb-cds1 8900/tcp JMB-CDS 1

jmb-cds1 8900/udp JMB-CDS 1

jmb-cds2 8901/tcp JMB-CDS 2

jmb-cds2 8901/udp JMB-CDS 2

# Curtis Bray

# 8902-8909 Unassigned

manyone-http 8910/tcp manyone-http

manyone-http 8910/udp manyone-http

manyone-xml 8911/tcp manyone-xml

manyone-xml 8911/udp manyone-xml

# Matt King April 2002

wcbackup 8912/tcp Windows Client Backup

wcbackup 8912/udp Windows Client Backup

# Jim Lyon November 2005

dragonfly 8913/tcp Dragonfly System Service

dragonfly 8913/udp Dragonfly System Service

# Paul Hodara November 2005

# 8914-8936 Unassigned

twds 8937/tcp Transaction Warehouse Data Service

# Lance M. Steenson 18 September 2009

# 8937/udp Reserved

# 8938-8953 Unassigned

cumulus-admin 8954/tcp Cumulus Admin Port

cumulus-admin 8954/udp Cumulus Admin Port

# Thomas Schleu

# 8955-8988 Unassigned

sunwebadmins 8989/tcp Sun Web Server SSL Admin Service

sunwebadmins 8989/udp Sun Web Server SSL Admin Service

# Jyri J. Virkki December 2005

http-wmap 8990/tcp webmail HTTP service

http-wmap 8990/udp webmail HTTP service

https-wmap 8991/tcp webmail HTTPS service

https-wmap 8991/udp webmail HTTPS service

# Fred Batty 03 December 2007

# 8992-8998 Unassigned

bctp 8999/tcp Brodos Crypto Trade Protocol

bctp 8999/udp Brodos Crypto Trade Protocol

# Alexander Sahler February 2002

cslistener 9000/tcp CSlistener

cslistener 9000/udp CSlistener

# David Jones

etlservicemgr 9001/tcp ETL Service Manager

etlservicemgr 9001/udp ETL Service Manager

# Stephen McCrea March 2002

dynamid 9002/tcp DynamID authentication

dynamid 9002/udp DynamID authentication

# Jerome Dusautois March 2002

# 9003-9005 Unassigned

# 9006 De-Commissioned Port 02/24/00, ms

# 9007/tcp Reserved

ogs-client 9007/udp Open Grid Services Client

# Gareth Nelson 22 August 2008

ogs-server 9008/tcp Open Grid Services Server

# Gareth Nelson 22 August 2008

# 9008/udp Reserved

pichat 9009/tcp Pichat Server

pichat 9009/udp Pichat Server

# Mark Seuffert November 2004

sdr 9010/tcp Secure Data Replicator Protocol

# Sufyan Almajali 27 June 2008

# 9010/udp Reserved

# 9011-9019 Unassigned

tambora 9020/tcp TAMBORA

tambora 9020/udp TAMBORA

# Jason van Zyl March 2002

panagolin-ident 9021/tcp Pangolin Identification

panagolin-ident 9021/udp Pangolin Identification

# William Benner March 2002

paragent 9022/tcp PrivateArk Remote Agent

paragent 9022/udp PrivateArk Remote Agent

# Gal Cucuy March 2002

swa-1 9023/tcp Secure Web Access - 1

swa-1 9023/udp Secure Web Access - 1

swa-2 9024/tcp Secure Web Access - 2

swa-2 9024/udp Secure Web Access - 2

swa-3 9025/tcp Secure Web Access - 3

swa-3 9025/udp Secure Web Access - 3

swa-4 9026/tcp Secure Web Access - 4

swa-4 9026/udp Secure Web Access - 4

# Tim McGranaghan

# 9027-9079 Unassigned

glrpc 9080/tcp Groove GLRPC

glrpc 9080/udp Groove GLRPC

# Adrian Popescu September 2002

# 9081-9083 Unassigned

aurora 9084/tcp IBM AURORA Performance Visualizer

aurora 9084/udp IBM AURORA Performance Visualizer

aurora 9084/sctp IBM AURORA Performance Visualizer

# Jeroen Massar 21 August 2008

ibm-rsyscon 9085/tcp IBM Remote System Console

ibm-rsyscon 9085/udp IBM Remote System Console

# William LePera 18 June 2008

net2display 9086/tcp Vesa Net2Display

net2display 9086/udp Vesa Net2Display

# Kenneth B. Ocheltree 07 January 2008

classic 9087/tcp Classic Data Server

classic 9087/udp Classic Data Server

# Paul Cadarette January 2007

sqlexec 9088/tcp IBM Informix SQL Interface

sqlexec 9088/udp IBM Informix SQL Interface

sqlexec-ssl 9089/tcp IBM Informix SQL Interface - Encrypted

sqlexec-ssl 9089/udp IBM Informix SQL Interface - Encrypted

# Jonathan Leffler December 2005

websm 9090/tcp WebSM

websm 9090/udp WebSM

# I-Hsing Tsao

xmltec-xmlmail 9091/tcp xmltec-xmlmail

xmltec-xmlmail 9091/udp xmltec-xmlmail

# Mitch Kaufman

XmlIpcRegSvc 9092/tcp Xml-Ipc Server Reg

XmlIpcRegSvc 9092/udp Xml-Ipc Server Reg

# Casey Harrington January 2006

# 9093-9099 Unassigned

hp-pdl-datastr 9100/tcp PDL Data Streaming Port

hp-pdl-datastr 9100/udp PDL Data Streaming Port

# Shivaun Albright April 2002

#### The protocol name "pdl-datastream" is primarily registered for use ####

#### in DNS SRV records (RFC 2782). DNS SRV records allow a protocol to run on ####

#### any port number, but the default port for this protocol is 9100 ####.

pdl-datastream 9100/tcp Printer PDL Data Stream

pdl-datastream 9100/udp Printer PDL Data Stream

# Stuart Cheshire September 2002

bacula-dir 9101/tcp Bacula Director

bacula-dir 9101/udp Bacula Director

bacula-fd 9102/tcp Bacula File Daemon

bacula-fd 9102/udp Bacula File Daemon

bacula-sd 9103/tcp Bacula Storage Daemon

bacula-sd 9103/udp Bacula Storage Daemon

# Kern Sibbald January 2002

peerwire 9104/tcp PeerWire

peerwire 9104/udp PeerWire

# Steven Gerhardt February 2004

xadmin 9105/tcp Xadmin Control Service

xadmin 9105/udp Xadmin Control Service

# Ariën Huisken 15 June 2009

# 9106-9118 Unassigned

mxit 9119/tcp MXit Instant Messaging

mxit 9119/udp MXit Instant Messaging

# Marnus Freeman February 2006

# 9120-9130 Unassigned

dddp 9131/tcp Dynamic Device Discovery

dddp 9131/udp Dynamic Device Discovery

# Shane Dick August 2005

# 9132-9159 Unassigned

apani1 9160/tcp apani1

apani1 9160/udp apani1

apani2 9161/tcp apani2

apani2 9161/udp apani2

apani3 9162/tcp apani3

apani3 9162/udp apani3

apani4 9163/tcp apani4

apani4 9163/udp apani4

apani5 9164/tcp apani5

apani5 9164/udp apani5

# Neal Taylor

# 9165-9190 Unassigned

sun-as-jpda 9191/tcp Sun AppSvr JPDA

sun-as-jpda 9191/udp Sun AppSvr JPDA

# Abhijit Kumar November 2005

# 9192-9199 Unassigned

wap-wsp 9200/tcp WAP connectionless session service

wap-wsp 9200/udp WAP connectionless session service

wap-wsp-wtp 9201/tcp WAP session service

wap-wsp-wtp 9201/udp WAP session service

wap-wsp-s 9202/tcp WAP secure connectionless session service

wap-wsp-s 9202/udp WAP secure connectionless session service

wap-wsp-wtp-s 9203/tcp WAP secure session service

wap-wsp-wtp-s 9203/udp WAP secure session service

wap-vcard 9204/tcp WAP vCard

wap-vcard 9204/udp WAP vCard

wap-vcal 9205/tcp WAP vCal

wap-vcal 9205/udp WAP vCal

wap-vcard-s 9206/tcp WAP vCard Secure

wap-vcard-s 9206/udp WAP vCard Secure

wap-vcal-s 9207/tcp WAP vCal Secure

wap-vcal-s 9207/udp WAP vCal Secure

# WAP Forum

# WAP Forum

rjcdb-vcards 9208/tcp rjcdb vCard

rjcdb-vcards 9208/udp rjcdb vCard

# Robert John Churchill January 2006

almobile-system 9209/tcp ALMobile System Service

almobile-system 9209/udp ALMobile System Service

# Rob Graber January 2006

oma-mlp 9210/tcp OMA Mobile Location Protocol

oma-mlp 9210/udp OMA Mobile Location Protocol

oma-mlp-s 9211/tcp OMA Mobile Location Protocol Secure

oma-mlp-s 9211/udp OMA Mobile Location Protocol Secure

# Hans Rohnert April 2002

serverviewdbms 9212/tcp Server View dbms access [January 2005]

serverviewdbms 9212/udp Server View dbms access [January 2005]

# Detlef Rothe 15 May 2009

serverstart 9213/tcp ServerStart RemoteControl [August 2005]

serverstart 9213/udp ServerStart RemoteControl [August 2005]

# Detlef Rothe 15 May 2009

ipdcesgbs 9214/tcp IPDC ESG BootstrapService

ipdcesgbs 9214/udp IPDC ESG BootstrapService

# Joerg Heuer February 2006

insis 9215/tcp Integrated Setup and Install Service

insis 9215/udp Integrated Setup and Install Service

# Markus Treinen February 2006

acme 9216/tcp Aionex Communication Management Engine

acme 9216/udp Aionex Communication Management Engine

# Mark Sapp April 2006

fsc-port 9217/tcp FSC Communication Port

fsc-port 9217/udp FSC Communication Port

# Teijo Mustonen March 2002

# 9218-9221 Unassigned

teamcoherence 9222/tcp QSC Team Coherence

teamcoherence 9222/udp QSC Team Coherence

# Ewan McNab November 2004

# 9223-9254 Unassigned

mon 9255/tcp Manager On Network

mon 9255/udp Manager On Network

# David Rouchet May 2007

# 9256-9277 Unassigned

pegasus 9278/tcp Pegasus GPS Platform

pegasus 9278/udp Pegasus GPS Platform

# Nestor A. Diaz 12 May 2009

pegasus-ctl 9279/tcp Pegaus GPS System Control Interface

pegasus-ctl 9279/udp Pegaus GPS System Control Interface

# Nestor A. Diaz 12 May 2009

pgps 9280/tcp Predicted GPS

pgps 9280/udp Predicted GPS

# Jeremy Freeman 14 February 2008

swtp-port1 9281/tcp SofaWare transport port 1

swtp-port1 9281/udp SofaWare transport port 1

swtp-port2 9282/tcp SofaWare transport port 2

swtp-port2 9282/udp SofaWare transport port 2

# Amir Rapson February 2002

callwaveiam 9283/tcp CallWaveIAM

callwaveiam 9283/udp CallWaveIAM

# Colin Kelley

visd 9284/tcp VERITAS Information Serve

visd 9284/udp VERITAS Information Serve

# Ravi Tavakely February 2002

n2h2server 9285/tcp N2H2 Filter Service Port

n2h2server 9285/udp N2H2 Filter Service Port

# Jim Irwin February 2002

# 9286 Unassigned

cumulus 9287/tcp Cumulus

cumulus 9287/udp Cumulus

# Thomas Schleu

# 9288-9291 Unassigned

armtechdaemon 9292/tcp ArmTech Daemon

armtechdaemon 9292/udp ArmTech Daemon

# Rohan Story

storview 9293/tcp StorView Client

storview 9293/udp StorView Client

# Ryan Smith July 2006

armcenterhttp 9294/tcp ARMCenter http Service

armcenterhttp 9294/udp ARMCenter http Service

armcenterhttps 9295/tcp ARMCenter https Service

armcenterhttps 9295/udp ARMCenter https Service

# Eric Thiebaut-George April 2006

# 9296-9299 Unassigned

vrace 9300/tcp Virtual Racing Service

vrace 9300/udp Virtual Racing Service

# Pete Loeffen, President, Digital Rowing Inc. October 2006

# 9301-9317 Unassigned

secure-ts 9318/tcp PKIX TimeStamp over TLS

secure-ts 9318/udp PKIX TimeStamp over TLS

# Niklas Weiss November 2004

# 9319-9320 Unassigned

guibase 9321/tcp guibase

guibase 9321/udp guibase

# Yutaka Ono

# 9322-9342 Unassigned

mpidcmgr 9343/tcp MpIdcMgr

mpidcmgr 9343/udp MpIdcMgr

mphlpdmc 9344/tcp Mphlpdmc

mphlpdmc 9344/udp Mphlpdmc

# Yutaka Ono

# 9345 Unassigned

ctechlicensing 9346/tcp C Tech Licensing

ctechlicensing 9346/udp C Tech Licensing

# Reed Copsey, Jr.

# 9347-9373 Unassigned

fjdmimgr 9374/tcp fjdmimgr

fjdmimgr 9374/udp fjdmimgr

# Yutaka Ono

# 9375-9379 Unassigned

boxp 9380/tcp Brivs! Open Extensible Protocol

boxp 9380/udp Brivs! Open Extensible Protocol

# Danko Alexeyev 08 August 2007

# 9381-9386 Unassigned

d2dconfig 9387/tcp D2D Configuration Service

# Pete Camble 24 December 2008

# 9387/udp Reserved

d2ddatatrans 9388/tcp D2D Data Transfer Service

# Pete Camble 24 December 2008

# 9388/udp Reserved

adws 9389/tcp Active Directory Web Services

# Nitin Gupta 24 December 2008

# 9389/udp Reserved

otp 9390/tcp OpenVAS Transfer Protocol

# Tim Brown 24 December 2008

# 9390/udp Reserved

# 9391-9395 Unassigned

fjinvmgr 9396/tcp fjinvmgr

fjinvmgr 9396/udp fjinvmgr

mpidcagt 9397/tcp MpIdcAgt

mpidcagt 9397/udp MpIdcAgt

# Yutaka Ono

# 9398-9399 Unassigned

sec-t4net-srv 9400/tcp Samsung Twain for Network Server

sec-t4net-srv 9400/udp Samsung Twain for Network Server

sec-t4net-clt 9401/tcp Samsung Twain for Network Client

sec-t4net-clt 9401/udp Samsung Twain for Network Client

# Dongkeun Kim February 2007

sec-pc2fax-srv 9402/tcp Samsung PC2FAX for Network Server

sec-pc2fax-srv 9402/udp Samsung PC2FAX for Network Server

# HyeongBae Yu 31 July 2008

# 9403-9417 Unassigned

git 9418/tcp git pack transfer service

git 9418/udp git pack transfer service

# Linus Torvalds September 2005

# 9419-9442 Unassigned

tungsten-https 9443/tcp WSO2 Tungsten HTTPS

tungsten-https 9443/udp WSO2 Tungsten HTTPS

# Afkham Azeez June 2006

wso2esb-console 9444/tcp WSO2 ESB Administration Console HTTPS

wso2esb-console 9444/udp WSO2 ESB Administration Console HTTPS

# Ruwan Linton 20 August 2008

# 9445-9449 Unassigned

sntlkeyssrvr 9450/tcp Sentinel Keys Server

sntlkeyssrvr 9450/udp Sentinel Keys Server

# Martin Ziskind 21 August 2008

# 9451-9499 Unassigned

ismserver 9500/tcp ismserver

ismserver 9500/udp ismserver

# Ian Gordon

# 9501-9534 Unassigned

mngsuite 9535/tcp Management Suite Remote Control

mngsuite 9535/udp Management Suite Remote Control

# Alan Butt

laes-bf 9536/tcp Surveillance buffering function

laes-bf 9536/udp Surveillance buffering function

# Glen Myers May 2007

# 9537-9554 Unassigned

trispen-sra 9555/tcp Trispen Secure Remote Access

trispen-sra 9555/udp Trispen Secure Remote Access

# Jaco Botha November 2004

# 9556-9591 Unassigned

ldgateway 9592/tcp LANDesk Gateway

ldgateway 9592/udp LANDesk Gateway

# Alan Butt March 2006

cba8 9593/tcp LANDesk Management Agent

cba8 9593/udp LANDesk Management Agent

# Alan Butt November 2004

msgsys 9594/tcp Message System

msgsys 9594/udp Message System

pds 9595/tcp Ping Discovery Service

pds 9595/udp Ping Discovery Service

# Alan Butt

mercury-disc 9596/tcp Mercury Discovery

mercury-disc 9596/udp Mercury Discovery

# Paul Mclachlan November 2005

pd-admin 9597/tcp PD Administration

pd-admin 9597/udp PD Administration

# Duk Loi November 2005

vscp 9598/tcp Very Simple Ctrl Protocol

vscp 9598/udp Very Simple Ctrl Protocol

# Ake Hedman November 2005

robix 9599/tcp Robix

robix 9599/udp Robix

# Evan Rosen November 2005

micromuse-ncpw 9600/tcp MICROMUSE-NCPW

micromuse-ncpw 9600/udp MICROMUSE-NCPW

# Hing Wing To

# 9601-9611 Unassigned

streamcomm-ds 9612/tcp StreamComm User Directory

streamcomm-ds 9612/udp StreamComm User Directory

# Brian C. Wiles

# 9613 Unassigned

iadt-tls 9614/tcp iADT Protocol over TLS

# Paul A. Suhler 05 February 2009

# 9614/udp Reserved

# 9615 Unassigned

erunbook_agent 9616/tcp eRunbook Agent

# Gerhard Wagner 10 March 2009

# 9616/udp Reserved

erunbook_server 9617/tcp eRunbook Server

# Gerhard Wagner 10 March 2009

# 9617/udp Reserved

condor 9618/tcp Condor Collector Service

condor 9618/udp Condor Collector Service

# Todd Tannenbaum 03 April 2008

# 9619-9627 Unassigned

odbcpathway 9628/tcp ODBC Pathway Service

odbcpathway 9628/udp ODBC Pathway Service

# Adrian Hungate May 2007

uniport 9629/tcp UniPort SSO Controller

uniport 9629/udp UniPort SSO Controller

# Adrian Hungate 05 September 2007

peoctlr 9630/tcp Peovica Controller

# Adrian Hungate 14 September 2009

# 9630/udp Reserved

peocoll 9631/tcp Peovica Collector

# Adrian Hungate 14 September 2009

# 9631/udp Reserved

# 9632/tcp Reserved

mc-comm 9632/udp Mobile-C Communications

# David Ko 14 September 2009

# 9633-9666 Unassigned

xmms2 9667/tcp Cross-platform Music Multiplexing System

xmms2 9667/udp Cross-platform Music Multiplexing System

# Juho Vähä-Herttua 14 April 2009

tec5-sdctp 9668/tcp tec5 Spectral Device Control Protocol

tec5-sdctp 9668/udp tec5 Spectral Device Control Protocol

# Michael Muth 11 May 2009

# 9669-9693 Unassigned

client-wakeup 9694/tcp T-Mobile Client Wakeup Message

client-wakeup 9694/udp T-Mobile Client Wakeup Message

# Michael Schönborn, T-Mobile International AG 11 September 2009

# 9695-9699 Unassigned

board-roar 9700/tcp Board M.I.T. Service

board-roar 9700/udp Board M.I.T. Service

# Francesco Rosi January 2006

# 9701-9746 Unassigned

l5nas-parchan 9747/tcp L5NAS Parallel Channel

l5nas-parchan 9747/udp L5NAS Parallel Channel

# Lawrence J. Dickson - Land-5 Corporation

# March 2002

# 9748-9749 Unassigned

board-voip 9750/tcp Board M.I.T. Synchronous Collaboration

board-voip 9750/udp Board M.I.T. Synchronous Collaboration

# Francesco Rosi January 2006

# 9751-9752 Unassigned

rasadv 9753/tcp rasadv

rasadv 9753/udp rasadv

# Dave Thaler

# 9754-9761 Unassigned

tungsten-http 9762/tcp WSO2 Tungsten HTTP

tungsten-http 9762/udp WSO2 Tungsten HTTP

# Afkham Azeez June 2006

# 9763-9799 Unassigned

davsrc 9800/tcp WebDav Source Port

davsrc 9800/udp WebDav Source Port

# Ethan Fremen

sstp-2 9801/tcp Sakura Script Transfer Protocol-2

sstp-2 9801/udp Sakura Script Transfer Protocol-2

# Kouichi Takeda

davsrcs 9802/tcp WebDAV Source TLS/SSL

davsrcs 9802/udp WebDAV Source TLS/SSL

# Rob Isaac July 2003

# 9803-9874 Unassigned

sapv1 9875/tcp Session Announcement v1

sapv1 9875/udp Session Announcement v1

# RFC 2974

sd 9876/tcp Session Director

sd 9876/udp Session Director

# Van Jacobson

# 9877-9887 Unassigned

cyborg-systems 9888/tcp CYBORG Systems

cyborg-systems 9888/udp CYBORG Systems

# Malcolm Graham

# 9889-9897 Unassigned

monkeycom 9898/tcp MonkeyCom

monkeycom 9898/udp MonkeyCom

# Yuji Kuwabara

sctp-tunneling 9899/tcp SCTP TUNNELING

sctp-tunneling 9899/udp SCTP TUNNELING

iua 9900/tcp IUA

iua 9900/udp IUA

iua 9900/sctp IUA

# Lyndon Ong

enrp 9901/udp enrp server channel

enrp-sctp 9901/sctp enrp server channel

# [RFC5353]

enrp-sctp-tls 9902/sctp enrp/tls server channel

# [RFC5353]

# 9903-9908 Unassigned

domaintime 9909/tcp domaintime

domaintime 9909/udp domaintime

# Jeffry Dwight

# 9910 Unassigned

sype-transport 9911/tcp SYPECom Transport Protocol

sype-transport 9911/udp SYPECom Transport Protocol

# Sylvain Pedneault March 2003

# 9912-9949 Unassigned

apc-9950 9950/tcp APC 9950

apc-9950 9950/udp APC 9950

apc-9951 9951/tcp APC 9951

apc-9951 9951/udp APC 9951

apc-9952 9952/tcp APC 9952

apc-9952 9952/udp APC 9952

# American Power Conversion

acis 9953/tcp 9953

acis 9953/udp 9953

# Thomas Guth January 2006

# 9954-9965 Unassigned

odnsp 9966/tcp OKI Data Network Setting Protocol

odnsp 9966/udp OKI Data Network Setting Protocol

# Masato Sato May 2006

# 9967-9986 Unassigned

dsm-scm-target 9987/tcp DSM/SCM Target Interface

dsm-scm-target 9987/udp DSM/SCM Target Interface

# Mike Dyslin August 2006

nsesrvr 9988/tcp Software Essentials Secure HTTP server

# Narayanan Raju 05 February 2009

# 9988/udp Reserved

# 9989-9989 Unassigned

osm-appsrvr 9990/tcp OSM Applet Server

osm-appsrvr 9990/udp OSM Applet Server

# Vinay Gupta August 2003

osm-oev 9991/tcp OSM Event Server

osm-oev 9991/udp OSM Event Server

# Vinay Gupta August 2003

palace-1 9992/tcp OnLive-1

palace-1 9992/udp OnLive-1

palace-2 9993/tcp OnLive-2

palace-2 9993/udp OnLive-2

palace-3 9994/tcp OnLive-3

palace-3 9994/udp OnLive-3

palace-4 9995/tcp Palace-4

palace-4 9995/udp Palace-4

palace-5 9996/tcp Palace-5

palace-5 9996/udp Palace-5

palace-6 9997/tcp Palace-6

palace-6 9997/udp Palace-6

# Douglas Crockford

distinct32 9998/tcp Distinct32

distinct32 9998/udp Distinct32

distinct 9999/tcp distinct

distinct 9999/udp distinct








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