
Unit 1 Package Design

Lesson Planning

Background Information


Integrated Skills of English Book 4

高等教育出版社 邹为诚

Teaching contents

Unit 1 Package Design

Time allocated

6 periods



Teaching Methods

Teacher’s presentation, Ss’ discussion, communication

Teaching Strategies

TBL teaching; communicative teaching; Cooperative Learning teaching

Teaching Objectives

Language skills

a. Ss can describe the appearance of an object or a person.

b. Ss are able to express their opinions on appearance.

c. Ss can think independently and critically.

d. Ss can read for gist and for details.

e. Ss can appreciate expository writing.

Emotion and attitude

a. Ss can talk confidently and actively.

b. Ss can reflect on the topic and understand that what is more important for a product or a person.

Teaching Contents


1.appearance of objects, goods, animals or human beings

2.the advantages and disadvantages of package

Grammar points

wh-ever, what-clause

Vocabulary and sentences

Expressions about the appearance of objects, goods, animals or human beings: grab, seduce, artifice, motivate, connote, evoke, impact, standout, subliminal, garish, rub it in, aspire to, deck out, react to, not so much…as…, have the look of, no wonder, grow into

Teaching aids

blackboard, chalk, PPT, some real objects

Teaching procedure

Steps and Time




Discuss and explain the meanings of the categories and illustrative expressions of size, shapes, material, texture, appearance and some figurative languages.

Understand the power of similes and metaphors.

Why and when do people use similes and metaphors?

Lack of vocabulary C. Enlivening a topic

Drawing a picture with words D. Avoidance of clichés

Purposes: 1.Prepare vocabulary, phrases and expressions for the activities in

this unit.

2. Teach highlighted expressions for describing objects, people or animals.

3. Learn to underst


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