在从主函数调用子函数时,可以将变量转换为int,然后调用。请参考以下代码:import sys

print("Welcome to Calculator\n")

print("Please find the options:\n" + "1. Addition\n" + "2. Subtraction\n" +

"3. Multiplication\n" + "4. Division\n" + "5. Exponential\n" + "6. Quit\n")

def calculator():

choice = input("Enter choice\n")

if int(choice) == 1:

a = input("Enter first number\n")

b = input("Enter second number\n")

add(int(a), int(b))

if int(choice) == 2:

a = input("Enter first number\n")

b = input("Enter second number\n")

diff(int(a), int(b))

if int(choice) == 3:

a = input("Enter first number\n")

b = input("Enter second number\n")

mult(int(a), int(b))

if int(choice) == 4:

a = input("Enter first number\n")

b = input("Enter second number\n")

div(float(a), float(b))

if int(choice) == 5:

a = input("Enter the base number\n")

b = input("Enter the exponential\n")

exp(int(a), int(b))

if int(choice) == 6:



def add(a, b):

c = a+b

print("Sum of {} and {} is {}".format(a, b, c))

def diff(a,b):

c = a-b

print("Difference between {} and {} is {}".format(a, b, c))

def mult(a, b):

c = a*b

print("The Product of {} and {} is {}".format(a, b, c))

def div(a, b):

c = a/b

print("The Quotient of {} and {} is {}".format(a, b, c))

def exp(a, b):

c = a**b

print("The result of {} to the power of {} is {}".format(a, b, c))



在您的情况下,可以这样更改:if choice == "0":

numberA = raw_input("Enter your first number: ")

numberB = raw_input("Enter your second number: ")

print "Your result is:"

print addition(int(numberA), int(numberB))


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