react 渲染道具

Hey everybody! This time I’m going to tell you about this great superpower called “render props”.

大家好! 这次,我将向您介绍这个称为“渲染道具”的 超级大国

The term “render prop” refers to a technique for sharing code between React components using a prop whose value is a function.


The concept involved is also known as “children as a function” or “child as a function”. The components that implement this pattern can be called “render prop components”.

所涉及的概念也被称为“儿童作为功能”“儿童作为功能” 。 实现此模式的组件可以称为“渲染道具组件”

This is one of the advanced patterns in React that is a must to master in your daily life as a programmer.


So, I hope your JavaScript is in shape because this is an awesome, super cool pattern to implement!


Let’s get started:


What do we have here ?? Let’s decode!

我们有什么在这里 ?? 让我们解码!

We have a component that receives children as a prop (it destructures it from props) and returns it as a function, with arguments. Here, children are returned with the integer 30.

我们有一个接收子项作为道具的组件(它将子项从道具中解构),并将其作为带有参数的函数返回。 在此,子级返回整数30。

Just to make sure we are on the same page, the code above is the same as writing:


Or in a more elaborated class Component:


OK! Let’s get back to where we were coming from.

好! 让我们回到原来的位置。

To invoke this component we write a function as children:


Okay, let’s improve the code a bit.


I always use a little bit of bootstrap styling to make my examples simple, clean and a little bit polished.


Keep in mind that children are whatever exists inside the <Temperature> </Temperature> invocation.

请记住,子元素是<Temperature> </ Temperature>调用中存在的任何东西。

The Temperature component is totally transparent about what children are, it just renders them passing 30 as an integer.


So the result we have in the browser is this:


Let’s say something about the weather! ?

让我们说说天气吧! ?

Okay! Nice feature you say!

好的! 你说的不错的功能!

But why is this a nice feature? Let’s keep your brain cool! ?

但是,为什么这是一个不错的功能? 让我们保持头脑凉爽! ?

We have separated the controller from the view! Now we have a component called Temperature which is able to receive temperatures from an API “far far away” and render its children, whichever they are, passing the temp value into them.

我们从视图中分离了控制器! 现在,我们有了一个名为Temperature的组件,它能够从“遥远”的API接收温度并渲染其子元素(无论它们是什么),并将温度值传递给它们。

Make sure you understand this great benefit and superpower! The temperature Component doesn’t know its children in advance. It only knows that independent of the children it will render them and pass them the temperature value.

确保您了解这种巨大的好处和超能力! 温度组件不预先知道其子级。 它仅知道独立于子项将渲染它们并将其传递给温度值。

Of course we could make use of composition and encapsulate the children logic into another component, for example the ShowTemperature in Celsius.


Let’s do it.


And that’s it! Why is this kewl? Because now I’m going to reuse the same thingies and do a ShowTemperatureInFahrenheit!

就是这样! 为什么要绞呢? 因为现在我要重用相同的东西并执行ShowTemperatureInFahrenheit!

Yeah! That’s so nice! We’ve encapsulated the render stuff into components using composition. We could keep going making a new ShowTemperature component to be invoked inside ShowTemperatureInCelsius or ShowTemperatureInFahrenheit.

是的 太好了! 我们已经使用合成将渲染素材封装到组件中。 我们可以继续制作一个新的ShowTemperature组件,以在ShowTemperatureInCelsius或ShowTemperatureInFahrenheit内部调用。

But if we want to apply the render props pattern again to show different colors that we get from user preferences, for example?


Let’s try it.


Okay mates, this is a great tool but… “With great power comes great responsibility”.


If we do one or two more render prop components we’ll deep dive into a callback hell sooner than we might expect!

如果我们再增加一个或两个render prop组件,我们将比我们预期的更快地深入到回调地狱!

When we need to extract something or get some other props that come mixed in in the React cascade flow, we’re going to start to get confused and the code will become messy and not explicit or declarative anymore.


So…how can we avoid this?


Well… maybe you already thought of this. Render props is very similar in purpose to HOC (Higher Order Components).

好吧……也许您已经想到了这一点。 渲染道具的用途与HOC(高阶组件)非常相似。

Actually, we can use one or the other for almost the same purpose. A lot of ink has already been spent on that subject.

实际上,我们可以将一个或另一个用于几乎相同的目的。 在该主题上已经花费了大量墨水。

If you don’t know anything about HOCs, you can read my article about the container pattern here where I show you how to do a simple HOC.


I promise to write an article about HOCs in the nearly future, because it’s also a pattern that deserves some attention.


So, just as a test let’s evolve our Color abstraction to a HOC:


Nice! The same result! We’ve done a Javascript function that receives a Component and returns a class which renders the WrappedComponent with the desired prop we can get somewhere else!

真好! 结果一样! 我们已经完成了一个Javascript函数,该函数接收一个Component并返回一个类,该类使用所需的道具呈现WrappedComponent,我们可以在其他地方得到它!

This is kind of a silly example but I think it helps point out the difference between these two patterns.


So… when should you use the former or the latter?


Well, everything comes with a cost. I’d dare say that I find HOC to be much cleaner than render props.

好吧,一切都是有代价的。 我敢说我发现HOC比渲染道具要干净得多。

The problem is that HOCs cut the composition flow a little that makes React so great. Also in some circumstances they aren’t so performant and they tend to trigger more renders in your components — so beware of this caveat.

问题是HOC稍微减少了合成流程,这使React变得如此强大。 同样,在某些情况下,它们的性能也不那么好,它们往往会触发组件中的更多渲染-因此请注意这一警告。

As a rule of thumb, I usually try to use render props because it’s a win-win pattern that prioritises composition.


If you find that you’re falling into a callback hell, then switch to HOC as a second step.


If you know, for instance, React Router, you easily have the feeling why withRouter is an HOC and <Switch/> or <Router/> are render props components. It depends a lot in which context you’re working and how you want the code to be expressive and fluid.

例如,如果您知道React Router,您将很容易理解为什么withRouterHOC,<Switch />或<Router />是渲染道具组件。 这在很大程度上取决于您在哪种环境下工作以及如何使代码具有表现力和流畅性。

If you don’t know React Router, keep everything I told you in mind. Then, while you’re writing some code, try these patterns until you decide easily which is better according to the context or objective.

如果您不了解React Router,请牢记我告诉您的一切。 然后,在编写一些代码时,尝试使用这些模式,直到根据上下文或目标轻松决定哪个更好。

Last but not least, you can play a little bit around with the code in my GitHub repo here.


And that’s it everybody! ? ? I hope you’ve enjoyed this small introduction to render props. For more information please check the Bibliography below!

就是每个人! ? ? 希望您喜欢这个介绍道具的小介绍。 有关更多信息,请检查下面的参考书目!

参考书目 (Bibliography)

  1. React Documentation



Thank you very much!


evedes, Nov 2018



react 渲染道具

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