



  • 线程同步:线程同步是指线程之间所具有的一种制约关系,一个线程的执行依赖另一个线程的消息,当它没有得到另一个线程的消息时应等待,直到消息到达时才被唤醒。例如:两个线程A和B在运行过程中协同步调,按预定的先后次序运行,比如 A 任务的运行依赖于 B 任务产生的数据。
  • 线程互斥:线程互斥是指对于共享的操作系统资源,在各线程访问时具有排它性。当有若干个线程都要使用某一共享资源时,任何时刻最多只允许有限的线程去使用,其它要使用该资源的线程必须等待,直到占用资源者释放该资源。例如:两个线程A和B在运行过程中共享同一变量,但为了保持变量的一致性,如果A占有了该资源则B需要等待A释放才行,如果B占有了该资源需要等待B释放才行。


​ 由于现在操作系统支持多个线程运行,可能多个线程之间会共享同一资源。当多个线程去访问同一资源时,如果不加以干预,可能会引起冲突。例如,多个线程同时访问同一个全局变量,如果都是读取操作,则不会出现问题。如果一个线程负责改变此变量的值,而其他线程负责同时读取变量内容,则不能保证读取到的数据是经过写线程修改后的。为了确保读线程读取到的是经过修改的变量,就必须在向变量写入数据时禁止其他线程对其的任何访问,直至赋值过程结束后再解除对其他线程的访问限制。这种保证线程能了解其他线程任务处理结束后的处理结果而采取的保护措施即为线程同步。

​ 举个例子,现在你银行卡里有100元,然后一个线程去执行消费,一个线程去执行充值,如果不加以干预,则可能出现这样的情况:消费的线程读取到你的卡里有100元,然后由于线程切换保存了当前的状态就去执行充值线程,充值线程完成充值后你的卡里实际上应该是10000元,然后切换到消费进程,消费进程由于已经读取过卡里的钱所以会直接进行之后的操作,完成后计算得到卡里的钱应该改为50,这便会将你真实的卡里的钱改成50,这当然是我们不希望看到的!如果进行了线程同步操作,当消费线程进行时,由于这是对数据进行写的操作,那么其他充值线程都需要被阻塞直至消费进程结束占据资源,这样便不会导致数据的不一致。

​ 举个代码例子,两个线程对一个共享数据进行++操作并且输出出来,代码如下:

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <Windows.h>
using namespace std;
int share = 0;  //共享变量
void thread1()
{while(share<20){share++;cout << "this is thread1! share is " << share << endl;Sleep(100);}
void thread2()
{while (share < 20){share++;cout << "this is thread2! share is " << share << endl;Sleep(100);}
}int main()
{thread task1(thread1); thread task2(thread2); task1.join();task2.join();cout << "main thread!" << endl;


PS D:\vscode_c> ./test
this is thread1! share is 2
this is thread2! share is 2
this is thread1! share is 3
this is thread2! share is 4
this is thread1! share is this is thread2! share is 6
this is thread2! share is 8
this is thread1! share is 8
this is thread2! share is 9
this is thread1! share is 10
this is thread1! share is 12
this is thread2! share is 13
this is thread1! share is 14
this is thread2! share is 15
this is thread1! share is 16
this is thread2! share is this is thread1! share is 18
this is thread1! share is 20
this is thread2! share is 20
main thread!





  • 在访问共享资源的临界区前,将互斥锁锁住 lock
  • 在完成访问共享资源的操作后,将互斥锁unlock
  • 这期间,其他线程如果需要访问共享资源将调用lock,将自身挂起,直至该互斥锁被unlock才行


#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <Windows.h>
using namespace std;
mutex mut;
int share = 0;
void thread1()
{while(share<20){mut.lock();   //将互斥锁进行lockshare++;cout << "this is thread1! share is " << share << endl;Sleep(100);mut.unlock();  //unlock 解开互斥锁}
void thread2()
{while (share < 20){mut.lock();   //将互斥锁进行lockshare++;cout << "this is thread2! share is " << share << endl;Sleep(100);mut.unlock();  //unlock 解开互斥锁}
}int main()
{thread task1(thread1); thread task2(thread2); task1.join();task2.join();cout << "main thread!" << endl;


PS D:\vscode_c> ./test
this is thread1! share is 1
this is thread2! share is 2
this is thread1! share is 3
this is thread2! share is 4
this is thread2! share is 5
this is thread2! share is 6
this is thread2! share is 7
this is thread2! share is 8
this is thread2! share is 9
this is thread1! share is 10
this is thread2! share is 11
this is thread1! share is 12
this is thread1! share is 13
this is thread1! share is 14
this is thread2! share is 15
this is thread2! share is 16
this is thread2! share is 17
this is thread1! share is 18
this is thread1! share is 19
this is thread2! share is 20
main thread!




#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <Windows.h>
using namespace std;
mutex mut;
int share = 0;
void thread1()
{while(share<20){std::lock_guard<std::mutex> mtx_locker(mut);  //用lock_guard实现互斥锁if(share>=20)break;share++;cout << "this is thread1! share is " << share << endl;Sleep(100);}
void thread2()
{while (share < 20){std::lock_guard<std::mutex> mtx_locker(mut);  //用lock_guard实现互斥锁if (share >= 20)break;share++;cout << "this is thread2! share is " << share << endl;Sleep(100);}
}int main()
{thread task1(thread1); thread task2(thread2); task1.join();task2.join();cout << "main thread!" << endl;


PS D:\vscode_c> ./test
this is thread1! share is 1
this is thread2! share is 2
this is thread2! share is 3
this is thread2! share is 4
this is thread2! share is 5
this is thread2! share is 6
this is thread2! share is 7
this is thread2! share is 8
this is thread2! share is 9
this is thread2! share is 10
this is thread2! share is 11
this is thread1! share is 12
this is thread2! share is 13
this is thread2! share is 14
this is thread2! share is 15
this is thread2! share is 16
this is thread1! share is 17
this is thread2! share is 18
this is thread2! share is 19
this is thread1! share is 20
main thread!



临界区 (Critical Section) 是一段独占对某些共享资源访问的代码,在任意时刻只允许一个线程对共享资源进行访问。如果有多个线程试图同时访问临界区,那么在有一个线程进入后其他所有试图访问此临界区的线程将被挂起,并一直持续到进入临界区的线程离开。临界区在被释放后,其他线程可以继续抢占,并以此达到用原子方式操作共享资源的目的。

临界区在使用时以CRITICAL_SECTION结构对象保护共享资源,并分别用 EnterCriticalSection()和LeaveCriticalSection() 函数去标识和释放一个临界区。所用到的CRITICAL_SECTION结构对象必须经过InitializeCriticalSection() 的初始化后才能使用,而且必须确保所有线程中的任何试图访问此共享资源的代码都处在此临界区的保护之下。否则临界区将不会起到应有的作用,共享资源依然有被破坏的可能。



  • 调用InitializeCriticalSection函数对变量进行初始化,函数的作用是初始化临界区,唯一的参数是指向结构体CRITICAL_SECTION的指针变量

    VOID InitializeCriticalSection(LPCRITICAL_SECTION lpCriticalSection )
  • 为了将某段代码设置为临界区,在进入这段代码前调用EnterCriticalSection函数。该函数的作用是使调用该函数的线程进入已经初始化的临界区,并拥有该临界区的所有权。这是一个阻塞函数,如果线程获得临界区的所有权成功,则该函数将返回,调用线程继续执行,否则该函数将一直等待,这样会造成该函数的调用线程也一直等待。如果不想让调用线程等待(非阻塞),则应该使用TryEnterCriticalSection函数

    VOID WINAPI EnterCriticalSection(__inout LPCRITICAL_SECTION lpCriticalSection);
  • 在临界区代码后,需要调用LeaveCriticalSection函数。该函数的作用是使调用该函数的线程离开临界区并释放对该临界区的所有权,以便让其他线程也获得访问该共享资源的机会

    void WINAPI LeaveCriticalSection( _Inout_LPCRITICAL_SECTION lpCriticalSection);


  • 最后释放掉CRITICAL_SECTION结构指针,该函数的作用是删除程序中已经被初始化的临界区。如果函数调用成功,则程序会将内存中的临界区删除,防止出现内存错误。

    void WINAPI DeleteCriticalSection(_Inout_ LPCRITICAL_SECTION lpCriticalSection);



#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;
CRITICAL_SECTION Critical; //定义临界区句柄
int share = 0;
void thread1()
{while(share<20){EnterCriticalSection(&Critical);if(share>=20)break;share++;cout << "this is thread1! share is " << share << endl;Sleep(100);LeaveCriticalSection(&Critical);}
void thread2()
{while (share < 20){EnterCriticalSection(&Critical);if (share >= 20)break;share++;cout << "this is thread2! share is " << share << endl;Sleep(100);LeaveCriticalSection(&Critical);}
}int main()
{InitializeCriticalSection(&Critical); //初始化临界区对象thread task1(thread1); thread task2(thread2); task1.join();task2.join();cout << "main thread!" << endl;

写起来和mutex类似,主要注意 的是一定要先初始化临界区对象。


PS D:\vscode_c> ./test
this is thread1! share is 1
this is thread1! share is 2
this is thread1! share is 3
this is thread1! share is 4
this is thread1! share is 5
this is thread1! share is 6
this is thread2! share is 7
this is thread2! share is 8
this is thread2! share is 9
this is thread1! share is 10
this is thread1! share is 11
this is thread1! share is 12
this is thread1! share is 13
this is thread1! share is 14
this is thread1! share is 15
this is thread1! share is 16
this is thread1! share is 17
this is thread1! share is 18
this is thread1! share is 19
this is thread1! share is 20
main thread!

事件(Event)是WIN32提供的最灵活的线程间同步方式,事件可以处于激发状态或未激发状态。应用时,通过使用 CreateEvent 函数创建事件,然后使用信号控制线程运行。其中将事件变为有信号可使用 SetEvent 函数,将事件信号复位(变为无信号)可使用 ResetEvent 函数,信号可以配合 WaitForSingleObject 函数对线程的同步进行控制,当有信号时,此函数便会放行;无信号时,此函数会将阻塞。



函数名 函数说明
CreateEvent Creates or opens a named or unnamed event object.
CreateEventEx Creates or opens a named or unnamed event object and returns a handle to the object.
OpenEvent Opens an existing named event object.
PulseEvent Sets the specified event object to the signaled state and then resets it to the nonsignaled state after releasing the appropriate number of waiting threads.
ResetEvent Sets the specified event object to the nonsignaled state.
SetEvent Sets the specified event object to the signaled state.


HANDLE WINAPI CreateEvent(_In_opt_ LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpEventAttributes,_In_     BOOL                  bManualReset,_In_     BOOL                  bInitialState,  _In_opt_ LPCTSTR               lpName

着重强调一下第二个参数,CreateEvent的第二个参数 bManualReset 表示指定将事件对象创建成手动复原还是自动复原,如果是TRUE,那么必须用ResetEvent函数来手工将事件的状态复原到无信号状态。如果设置为FALSE,当事件被一个等待线程释放以后,系统将会自动将事件状态复原为无信号状态。第三个参数bInitialState 表示事件对象的初始状态。如果为true,则表示该事件对象初始时为有信号状态


#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;
HANDLE hEvent; //定义事件句柄
int share = 0;
void thread1()
{while(share<20){WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, INFINITE); //等待对象为有信号状态if(share>=20)break;share++;cout << "this is thread1! share is " << share << endl;Sleep(100);SetEvent(hEvent);  //将事件设置为有信号状态}
void thread2()
{while (share < 20){WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, INFINITE); //等待对象为有信号状态if (share >= 20)break;share++;cout << "this is thread2! share is " << share << endl;Sleep(100);SetEvent(hEvent);  //将事件设置为有信号状态}
}int main()
{hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, TRUE, "event");  //创建事件   是自动恢复状态thread task1(thread1); thread task2(thread2); task1.join();task2.join();cout << "main thread!" << endl;


PS D:\vscode_c> ./test
this is thread1! share is 1
this is thread2! share is 2
this is thread1! share is 3
this is thread2! share is 4
this is thread1! share is 5
this is thread2! share is 6
this is thread1! share is 7
this is thread2! share is 8
this is thread1! share is 9
this is thread2! share is 10
this is thread1! share is 11
this is thread2! share is 12
this is thread1! share is 13
this is thread2! share is 14
this is thread1! share is 15
this is thread2! share is 16
this is thread1! share is 17
this is thread2! share is 18
this is thread1! share is 19
this is thread2! share is 20
main thread!



  • 如果当前资源的数量大于0,则信号量有效
  • 如果当前资源数量是0,则信号量无效
  • 当前资源的数量不能够为负值
  • 当前资源数量一定小于等于最大资源数量


#include <windows.h>//创建信号量API
HANDLE WINAPI CreateSemaphore(_In_opt_ LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSemaphoreAttributes,//指向SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES的指针;_In_     LONG                  lInitialCount,          //信号量对象的初始值;_In_     LONG                  lMaximumCount,  //信号量对象的最大值,这个值必须大于0;_In_opt_ LPCTSTR               lpName                 //信号量对象的名称;
DWORD WINAPI WaitForSingleObject(_In_ HANDLE hHandle,          //信号量对象句柄_In_ DWORD  dwMilliseconds    //等待信号量时间,INFINET代表永久等待;
HANDLE OpenSemaphore (DWORD fdwAccess,      //accessBOOL bInherithandle,  //如果允许子进程继承句柄,则设为TRUEPCTSTR pszName  //指定要打开的对象的名字);//释放信号量句柄
BOOL WINAPI ReleaseSemaphore(_In_      HANDLE hSemaphore,         //信号量对象句柄;_In_      LONG   lReleaseCount,      //信号量释放的值,必须大于0;_Out_opt_ LPLONG lpPreviousCount     //前一次信号量值的指针,不需要可置为空;


#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;
HANDLE hSemaphore; //定义信号量句柄
int share = 0;
void thread1()
{while(share<20){WaitForSingleObject(hSemaphore, INFINITE); //等待信号量为有信号状态if(share>=20)break;share++;cout << "this is thread1! share is " << share << endl;Sleep(100);ReleaseSemaphore(hSemaphore, 1, nullptr);  //释放信号量}
void thread2()
{while (share < 20){WaitForSingleObject(hSemaphore, INFINITE); //等待信号量为有信号状态if (share >= 20)break;share++;cout << "this is thread2! share is " << share << endl;Sleep(100);ReleaseSemaphore(hSemaphore, 1, nullptr); //释放信号量}
}int main()
{hSemaphore = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 1, 20, "semaphore"); //创建信号量thread task1(thread1); thread task2(thread2); task1.join();task2.join();cout << "main thread!" << endl;


PS D:\vscode_c> ./test
this is thread1! share is 1
this is thread2! share is 2
this is thread1! share is 3
this is thread2! share is 4
this is thread1! share is 5
this is thread2! share is 6
this is thread1! share is 7
this is thread2! share is 8
this is thread1! share is 9
this is thread2! share is 10
this is thread1! share is 11
this is thread2! share is 12
this is thread1! share is 13
this is thread2! share is 14
this is thread1! share is 15
this is thread2! share is 16
this is thread1! share is 17
this is thread2! share is 18
this is thread1! share is 19
this is thread2! share is 20
main thread!

windows下提供有互斥对象机制。 只有拥有互斥对象的线程才有访问公共资源的权限,因为互斥对象只有一个,所以能保证公共资源不会同时被多个线程访问。互斥不仅能实现同一应用程序的公共资源安全共享,还能实现不同应用程序的公共资源安全共享。不过该互斥量和mutex基本一样,所以用移植性更好的mutex更好


HANDLE WINAPI CreateMutex(__in          LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpMutexAttributes,//互斥对象的安全属性__in          BOOL bInitialOwner,//互斥对象的初始状态;TRUE表示互斥对象的线程ID为当前调度线程的线程ID,当前创建互斥对象的线程具有他的拥有权,互斥对象的递归计数器为1__in          LPCTSTR lpName//互斥对象的名称,NULL表示创建一个匿名的互斥对象
BOOL WINAPI ReleaseMutex(__in          HANDLE hMutex
DWORD WINAPI WaitForSingleObject(__in          HANDLE hHandle,//等待内核对象句柄__in          DWORD dwMilliseconds//等待时间,INFINITE表示无限等待


#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;
HANDLE hMutex; //定义互斥对象句柄
int share = 0;
void thread1()
{while(share<20){WaitForSingleObject(hMutex, INFINITE);  //等待互斥量if(share>=20)break;share++;cout << "this is thread1! share is " << share << endl;Sleep(100);ReleaseMutex(hMutex);  //释放互斥量}
void thread2()
{while (share < 20){WaitForSingleObject(hMutex, INFINITE); //等待互斥量if (share >= 20)break;share++;cout << "this is thread2! share is " << share << endl;Sleep(100);ReleaseMutex(hMutex); //释放互斥量}
}int main()
{hMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, false, "mutex"); //创建互斥对象thread task1(thread1); thread task2(thread2); task1.join();task2.join();cout << "main thread!" << endl;


PS D:\vscode_c> ./test
this is thread1! share is 1
this is thread2! share is 2
this is thread1! share is 3
this is thread2! share is 4
this is thread1! share is 5
this is thread2! share is 6
this is thread1! share is 7
this is thread2! share is 8
this is thread1! share is 9
this is thread2! share is 10
this is thread1! share is 11
this is thread2! share is 12
this is thread1! share is 13
this is thread2! share is 14
this is thread1! share is 15
this is thread2! share is 16
this is thread1! share is 17
this is thread2! share is 18
this is thread1! share is 19
this is thread2! share is 20
main thread!


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    作者:来源于读者投稿 出品:Python数据之道 一文搞定pandas的数据合并 在实际处理数据业务需求中,我们经常会遇到这样的需求:将多个表连接起来再进行数据的处理和分析,类似SQL中的连接查询功能 ...


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